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Everything posted by Mrpq

  1. happy wife, happy life... am I right lmao
  2. at the same time, if nothing ''exciting" is added why would people want to come back? its burning a candle at both ends. Have to keep people interested. A new flat ride might grab peoples attention for the short run but you aren't going to have people travel for a flat ride like people would travel for a coaster
  3. I find myself wanting to leave GA recently. If I am there at opening I can call it quits by 5, which sucks cus I like the night time atmosphere
  4. I am all for the Metro Park idea. I also love how the park added that bar by the big wheel a few years ago. Service was slow as all hell but it was nice to grab a beer and just hang out a bit
  5. If that ever happened, there are no words in any language that could be put together that would make it seem that I am in the least way remotely sorry for outcome of the situation that followed. A person that would do that deserves to fall out, sorry if that sounds mean but that's a situation that shouldn't be "babied" The only response to that situation should be "well, sorry your son/daughter was an idiot"
  6. it would be a shame if it got removed considering it was from the 1964 Worlds Fair in Queens NY. In my opinion if people fall out of it due to tampering, then they get what they got coming. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. I enjoy taking a ride on it after a day of walking back and forth all day
  7. Something with a super hero/ villain name is what I put my money on
  8. "larger roof" how much bigger can they possibly be? I thought the ones they have now on each car where obnoxious. Does anyone else feel that if the rides do run at the same time and lets say you drop as KK runs up the tower the vibration caused by KK train could interfere with the free fall? I bring this up because the last time I road DOD, we sat in the car and KK launched. The vibration felt in the seat was more than I expected and I couldn't imagine how that feels freefalling at over 90mph
  9. Dorney is a nice park, but I can see where you say it can get boring on the rides side. With a major new coaster lacking the past few years its deff not a park you need to keep going back to. I much rather, as you said, go to Hershey.
  10. Do parks keep track of how many miles each train has? or is it more of just how many rides are given. Id be interested in knowing how many miles some of the coaster trains have since they where new till this point in time.
  11. I wonder iof the ride will be true to the render and have the round style structures or the square like the ones already out. If round it might end up having a different light package
  12. its all fine and dandy as long as it kept running lol
  13. Instant vomit if I ride this ride lol
  14. Guess they are still having issues with the track on mine train
  15. Last time I even paid attention to DMP it was still at the big wheel and I vaguely remember it outside the Stunt arena
  16. Hershey Park? I am not surprised by that at all. Its not just a park, its a destination. You can spend a few days vacation there. You have the park, the factory, camping, cabins, the Hershey Hotel (from what I hear is not cheap). You also have Lancaster and Stasburg, which are other popular towns within 30 min drive from the park. What does Great Adventure have in comparison. I also think Hershey is a way nicer park as well
  17. Someone who is getting paid a lot more money than I am, that's who llmao
  18. One more thing I forgot to mention about Hershey Park. The security is sooo lax. When you walk in the only thing you do is check your bag, if you have one. If you don't you just walk right in. I found it nice but at the same time you head car run wild with thoughts of what can happen with how crazy people are in the world these days
  19. I feel like I was at Holiday in the park and it was deff colder than 40 out and all the coasters where open. My deal witht he triple drop at Hershey is its entire system is run off air and compressed air accumulates water, water freezes. But I guess they have the "air line anti freeze" type liquid in the lines that prevents this. I assume they use the same stuff in the air brake systems on the coasters. I know I was talking to a ride op at Hershey the other year and they said they will shut down the coasters once the temp his below 32
  20. That is depressing. So in other words we are damned to forever getting cookie cutter small scale coasters. There are so many options out there that would be great for are park as first in the are. -b&m wing coaster -b&m dive coaster -Maverick style Intamin Id kill for any of those in our home park
  21. El Toro isn't an RMC ride. It is known El toro is an Intamin prefab coaster and that Intamin worked with RMC designers so not sure where one company started and the other began. I was always told RMC was just there to do the install. My question is, how come there haven't been any more prefabs installed after El Toro I also like the fact El Toro is the way it is... no flips. its nice to ride a coaster that makes you go wow and your feet never went over you head
  22. I cant see why they would not have Justice League open
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