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Posts posted by KK456

  1. I can only imagine the potential consequences of the same accident happening in 1 week. Glad the ride was stopped. Seriously, did he not hear about what happened at CP? It was number 1 trending on FB for 2 days. Plus, i'm pretty sure your life isn't worth a $5 basketball

  2. The National Coaster Day ERT event today was great. In only 30 mins I managed to get in 4 rides on El Toro, and I could have gotten more but I wanted to move on, plus my thighs were aching from all of that glorious ejector airtime. I had a fantastic time, and I hope the park has more ERT events next year!

  3. ^Supposedly, Cedar Point's dive machine is going to be massive and still cost ~$15 million. Now, since those figures are speculation, don't take them seriously until the date of the announcement, but if it's true it's definitely within our price range. I'd love to see one, other than Kingda Ka with it's vertical drop it would be a new experience, plus it's more different to other B&M Coasters than a wingrider could be


    Also of CP got a dive coaster and we got one a few years after, people would whine and say "Gadv copied CP again" and it would be TTD vs KK all over again, and I pray that never happens because after 10 years of that, you can only take too much lol

  4. Have any of the Park's done any hint's other than Fiesta Texas? If we don't get any hint's at all for Great Adventure, it will be sort of a "tell" because of what's been posted and out there already. If we don't get any hint's in the next few week's, the lack of a hint, will be a hint.


    SFOG has posted a few pics on Facebook or Instagram a while ago, but that's it.

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  5. Right when Premier was replaced is when they finally started doing things right, unfortunately too late. I believe they had a 5 year plan to add sections like GK and PDC (two of the best themed sections of any SF park) , and I'm not sure if that included 3 more coasters, but imagine the level of theming we could have had if they had a little more time. And yes, I do miss being spoiled by Premier.

  6. That wingrider rumor started YEARS ago back in 2012 or 2013 when some guy said he got a survey about demolishing Bizarro, and with the ride rotation program sending it somewhere else, and replacing it with a wingrider. There was never any evidence at all, and the only thing that makes a wingrider possible is the fact that Six Flags trademarked/bought the rights (something like that) X-Flight's layout. I just don't see it happening.


    As for DC's 2 year deal with Intamin theory, I can see how that's possible because it's happened before, though in completely different circumstances. Multi-year deals happen more often than you think, and although it would be a slightly expensive concept, it wouldn't necessarily have to break the bank and go past $20 million. X Flight was $15 million dollars, and that's a B&M. Six Flags is pretty good at cutting costs so I wouldn't worry about that.


    Also Geuga Lake wasn't all CF's fault (though they "did the deed" , ending it for good), by the time they got their hands on the park SF had already destroyed all income sources. It's a really controversial story but in reality both companies are responsible for the downfall of that legendary park.


    EDIT: I'm stunned how quiet Gadv has been for this year, there's less than a month until the announcement and there hasn't been a single trustworthy leak, hint, or teaser at all.

  7. If we get a wingrider I hope it focuses more on ride experience than being photogenic like Gatekeeper at CP. It slowly goes through it's elements, but X-Flight looks like it has better pacing. I think if done right wingriders can be a great experience, but because of the exaggerated heartline the designers have to be very careful with the intended forces

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