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Updated Locker Policy For 2011


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So tonight I got some clarification on the locker policy for 2011. As of right now, the locker policy is the same as last year with one major exception.


Now the only thing that will be allowed (which was not allowed previously) are sports bottles. There will be a rack for them in the stations, but bags and other things will still have to be left with non riders or in lockers.


Also, the ride entrances with that policy will now be staffed by Security rather than ride attendants.

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That's a little disappointing to hear since some of the other SF parks supposedly went back to the old policy of allowing loose articles to be left in the station so I was expecting the same for Great Adventure

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With several of our rides it's just not possible to leave loose articles in the station.


El Toro doesn't have the room.

Log Flume doesn't have a place because of the rotating platform.

Dark Knight doesn't have the room.

Kingda Ka may not have the train returning to the same place it left from this season (and no loose articles is CRITICAL on KK)

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Other than the rides listed above, putting bags on the platforms will not take up any more time than someone putting their drink bottle on the rack. I'm guessing the park invested too much money into the lockers, and they make money too, now they dont want to remove them

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You have to be an idiot to use the Lockers. I have two little Girls, and we ride everything we can that they can go on, and have never used a locker. Just have to know how to "travel light" in the park. Save all the shopping and "prize winning" till' the end of your time at the park.

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This is still ridiculous. Honestly. The rides that have rooms for cubbies SHOULD have them, and the ones that don't should have free lockers. Superman, Nitro, and Batman just to name a few have plenty of room for cubbies, and Green Lantern should be built with room. The park can pretend its a liability issue, but we all know it's mainly about making that extra money -- I mean, if it wasn't, they'd let the lockers last longer.

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Nitro's free lockers for the one year they had them and El Toro's cubbies worked great until they took them out. Hershey park just has a sign at every station saying not responsible for lost or stolen items left here.

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I would never leave anything valuable in the station like a camera anyway. Also, Hershey is able to get by with letting people leave things in the station. I am glad that we can leave the drinks in station now, that was the main thing that prevented me from riding rides sometimes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

sweet! now i can finally buy a souvenir bottle! i would never buy one because of the lockers! it's such a great deal! and i dont mind paying for the lockers, it's only $1. It was the hassle of getting one that bothered me the most. RAILER is right though, travel light!! it's good that security will be placed at the entrances because soo many people got up to the station just to get turned back to put something in a locker.

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One thing about Hershey on this discussion, you don't have to worry about having stuff stolen as much there. I haven't been to Hershey in year's, but ALOT of my friend's only go there, they will not go to Great Adventure. From what they tell me, no "metal detector's" and you can leave your stuff sitting out, and not have to worry about it as much. They love that fact about it, and that there are not as many diffrent "languages" there. And yes, always "travel light" in a park. Not only do you not have to get locker's, but I just hate "luggin" stuff all over the park.

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I also travel light into a park, only things I bring in are my car keys, at most a jacket and a disposable camera. I could never understand why some people bring in backpacks and all kinds of crap into a park. As for Hershey, they get more well behaved crowds there. It's mostly people from PA and alot less rude New Yorkers, even most people from Philly aren't quite as rude as New York. GADV caters alot more to New York than the other local parks like Hershey, Dorney, Moreys, etc which is one reason GADV tends to have rougher crowds. Dorney is getting alot more New Yorkers than they used to in the height of summer, which is part of the reason that park has gone downhill. SFA is still rougher than GADV, it's the only place someone tried to break into my car. D.C. people can be really nasty.

Edited by The Master
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  • 3 weeks later...

Here are the rules for the new station racks they have posted in the park. You can only put the souvenir bottles in the racks. Anything else the employees will throw out, that includes drinks in paper cups or disposable 20 oz bottles. <_<

Edited by The Master
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  • 3 weeks later...

Noticed a few things today. It seems like the employees did allow people to put 20oz bottles on the floor by the sports bottle racks. Also alot of people fought with station employees today, almost every train load had a fight which really slowed down dispatches and backed up the lines, so this locker system does have flaws.

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I have seen that happen a lot over the past few years. People aren't stopped from bringing stuff in line and then the restraints have to be unlocked for the person to get the item and either take it with them on the ride or exit the ride and put in the locker and then they have to check the train.

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I know alot of people who are pro locker claim that they help speed up dispatches, but it only takes one person to counteract this and cause a bad backup anyway. On a day like today, free bins would have been faster.

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