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...how Coney Island Cyclone should be replaced by a Wing Rider...


Sorry for going a bit off topic, but if that ever happened, I would make it a priority to NEVER set foot on Coney Island for the rest of my life, even if it's a B&M coaster.


Back to the topic, when it comes to the petition's effectiveness, we should quote the NY Lottery's slogan:


"Hey. You never know!"

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sorry but rolling thunder kinda has to go, it is old and umpopular. I bet if this petition gets passed, everyone will ride it alot the rest of the season but when 2014 comes around, noone will care about it.

I bet if they run the cars backwards again you would ride it, have you experienced that before?

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i didnt know they ever ran the car backwards. I was hoping they would do that this year to rolling thunder because these rumors were going around a long timeago. i was hoping it would go out of the park with good memories not its norma self. that make sense?

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theres more to it leaving it was old and not all that safe

It wouldn't be open if it wasn't safe, there has not been an incident on the ride since 1981, it really isn't even that rough of a ride.


I disagree with the park saying low ridership, because it does get a lot of riders.

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How was it ever unsafe? If it was unsafe it wouldn't be running. The park hasn't invested in Rolling Thunder in years. The park has created this problem. It's stil running skid brakes, while every other coaster out there has been upgraded. SFGAdv never wanted to properly invest. I love drop rides, but I absolutely hate what is happening to SFGAdv.

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A good friend of mine (and former supervisor when I worked in Marketing Research at GA) posted the following on my Facebook page in response to Rolling Thunder's closing. When she left GA, she was the park's Manager of Promotions...


"Yes, David. GA was my first marketing job in the theme park business. I was 26 and Rolling Thunder was the first coaster I dared to go on because I was dragged there to be a "seat filler" for the commercial. After about 10 rides in a row, I finally got over the fear. Going backwards was also a weird felling. But after working for other theme park companies through the years, the Six flags parks (unfortunately) became known in the industry as the dirty, non-family oriented, non-themed theme parks. Just hitting hard in getting revenue and not investing in the infrastructure (non-revenue aspects) of the parks....a real shame."


She is spot on now and was spot on then. In both cases, as she says, a real shame.

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Much like the Chiller, I think it is a matter of it COULD be fixed and be safe, but that involves money to be spent... money that, in the park's eyes, could be better spent elsewhere.


I would agree based on what I've heard that the right side at the moment is not safe; however, with the correct maintenance done, it certainly could be again. It's a real shame our park can't maintain even a dual tracked wooden coaster. "Getting parts" I feel shouldn't be an issue.... wood and simple metal for retracking is obviously not hard to require; and any company out there would be willing to fabricate new trains for the coaster. It's a miracle to me they keep Kingda Ka running so well because after the Chiller I never had faith they'd be able to maintain anything very complicated, or that requires a lot of attention. These fears are re-enforced by the state they've let RT deteriorate to.

Edited by IgetAround
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Dear Friends of ROLLING THUNDER,

I am writing to thank you all for your support in signing our petition to keep Rolling Thunder rolling. Unfortunately it seems that we have lost the fight. While 500+ signatures is something I am very proud of, it really isn’t enough to convince Six Flags to change their mind about their crappy decision. If only we had more time…nonetheless I am happy that we tried.

I tried to make phone contact with Six Flags all week—every time I mentioned the words “Rolling Thunder” I was either put on hold indefinitely, transferred to a generic voicemail or hung up on completely. I tried calling Great Adventure and also both corporate offices: in NY and TX and got similar responses. Finally a woman named Margaret in the Six Flags Great Adventure guest relations was chosen to return my inquiries—a very bad choice on their part. Speaking with Margaret was a revelation. Some of the things she said which will stay with me were "I can't imagine how anyone could get sentimental about a roller coaster" and also "Six Flags is only in business to make money.” She was very patronizing to me and told me that ALL businesses feel this way, which I absolutely refuse to accept. Margaret would not let me speak with anyone higher up (her superiors were all conveniently on vacation or sick leave) and eventually hung up on me. Apparently, Great Adventure’s old slogan “We care about you” no longer applies. She also said that their minds are made up and there is nothing that can be done—that they are eagerly waiting to knock Rolling Thunder down Monday morning. This is very disappointing for me to see the true colors of Six Flag Great Adventure and its unwillingness to listen to opinions of their long-time customers. How sad.

I was interviewed by the Asbury Park Press today so check in—there could be a story about us and our efforts in their publication. www.app.com

So again, thank you all for everything you all have done. If you can, get out there today and make your last wonderful memories on Rolling Thunder before it is gone forever—bring the tissues and have a good cleansing cry. I will continue to enjoy visiting this wonderful website to remember Rolling Thunder, the old Great Adventure, as it slowly seems to be disappearing. Keep all the good memories in your heart! God bless everyone and “enjoy your ride”.



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Dear Friends of ROLLING THUNDER,
I am writing to thank you all for your support in signing our petition to keep Rolling Thunder rolling. Unfortunately it seems that we have lost the fight. While 500+ signatures is something I am very proud of, it really isn’t enough to convince Six Flags to change their mind about their crappy decision. If only we had more time…nonetheless I am happy that we tried.
I tried to make phone contact with Six Flags all week—every time I mentioned the words “Rolling Thunder” I was either put on hold indefinitely, transferred to a generic voicemail or hung up on completely. I tried calling Great Adventure and also both corporate offices: in NY and TX and got similar responses. Finally a woman named Margaret in the Six Flags Great Adventure guest relations was chosen to return my inquiries—a very bad choice on their part. Speaking with Margaret was a revelation. Some of the things she said which will stay with me were "I can't imagine how anyone could get sentimental about a roller coaster" and also "Six Flags is only in business to make money.” She was very patronizing to me and told me that ALL businesses feel this way, which I absolutely refuse to accept. Margaret would not let me speak with anyone higher up (her superiors were all conveniently on vacation or sick leave) and eventually hung up on me. Apparently, Great Adventure’s old slogan “We care about you” no longer applies. She also said that their minds are made up and there is nothing that can be done—that they are eagerly waiting to knock Rolling Thunder down Monday morning. This is very disappointing for me to see the true colors of Six Flag Great Adventure and its unwillingness to listen to opinions of their long-time customers. How sad.
I was interviewed by the Asbury Park Press today so check in—there could be a story about us and our efforts in their publication. www.app.com
So again, thank you all for everything you all have done. If you can, get out there today and make your last wonderful memories on Rolling Thunder before it is gone forever—bring the tissues and have a good cleansing cry. I will continue to enjoy visiting this wonderful website to remember Rolling Thunder, the old Great Adventure, as it slowly seems to be disappearing. Keep all the good memories in your heart! God bless everyone and “enjoy your ride”.


i cant belive how much of a bitch Margret was. (excuse my language, nothing else to call her) and i think it wasnt the entire management team that felt this way. I think Kristin is very nice and is a trueGreat Adventure person. John on the other hand, not so sure. But i think the Six Flags company is not making Great Adventure worse. In fact its making it better! i love the our parkis art of the six flags chain! anyways Margret is rude and should get fired.

Edited by sixflagsdude101
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