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I think you're right (his "real" home was in Georgia, near the Alabama border)


I believe (though I'm not positive) that that was just a swath of land they took fill from for building the Safari road. All along the GSP there are similar areas where they would just take the fill dirt from adjoining property, and like that spot the sand remains clear to this day (decades later) with only a few scrub pines able to grow there in the time since then.


The other possibility (which I haven't been able to prove or disprove yet) is that may have been where they started clearing to build Wild Country. The area next to that also looks like it was partially cleared for camp sites (it looks like you can see "roads" through the trees when there are leaves on them).

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NOTE TO READERS: The Switlick Mansion and those other houses are on a private road on park property with "No Trespassing" signs clearly posted. DO NOT enter any non-public area of park property!


Whoa, I only meant I wanted to see a picture of it. I'm not going there! The people design parachutes, gosh only knows what kind of booby traps the land is rigged with. B) Hit a secret trip wire, it sets the Lions loose after ya.

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It was just a general warning...not directed to anyone in particular. Some people on other sites in the past have been a little over-enthusiastic about exploring and filmed themselves trespassing with BAD results. It's our obligation to let everyone know they should not do anything illegal.

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Yeah last thing this site needs is the accusation they sent someone over there or planted the idea that it would be a good thing. Everyone likes to blame others for their mistakes when they get in trouble. Weird NJ has had to give warnings like these for a few years now seeing as their readers like to get onto private property, and the warning is usually good enough to absolve them from trouble as well.

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I think Larry Cochran has a train named after him at SFOT.

I can't find any pictures of it, but yes, the Green Train is supposed to have been named after him (the only pictures I found show it as the "Sam Houston").


ANSWER: The Bird Factory was the sand art concession, and it was originally located between the Four Tents approximately where the Tattoo stand is now (1984) and then for 1985 was moved to the location between the Carousel and Goodtime Alley.




The stand later became the sign stand:




Then it was moved to its current location next to the Mini Golf building.




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