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Photo Trip Report: September 19th, 2015 - Fright Fest Begins


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I was there last night. Blood Shed was absolutely horrible. There were very little scare actors in there...and it was basically the same walk-thru as Crop Circles (from what i heard...i didn't go through that one last year).. Voodoo Island was quite horrible as well (it was so much better last year). The group that I walked through with and I all counted 10 scare actors..and they didn't even scare us. It was just lame. Manor was pretty good. Big Top Terror was pretty good (that was my favorite). The Awakening just wasn't the same without the Ghoulmaster and I just didn't enjoy it as much as previous years. Dead Man's Party was pretty good as always (with new cast members too... a few of the girls were the same from last year..and two of the guys from last year were there).. I would've enjoyed DMP even more if I wasn't getting constantly pushed and shoved and hit in the kidney spot by little kids who were trying to get up front. I constantly told them to stop shoving and to stop hitting me and they should've been here real earlier if they wanted a good spot. I legit got punched in the back because I wouldn't move for them. Not fun. Otherwise, it was an enjoyable evening.. Left around 9:40

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^^ We did all the trails and here are some notes:


Big Top Terror - By far the best. The black light props were really good and plentiful. If the walking path was replaced with a track, this would make a nice funhouse dark ride!


Blood Shed - I was expecting a redo of the original Manor walk thru which occupied this space but was surprised to see most of the plywood hallways were replaced with cornstalks (like JerseyGirl said, similar to last year's Crop Circles). The trail's first scene which resembles an old barn/chop shop is really impressive but the rest of the trail is rather dull in comparison. I would almost suggest reversing the direction of the maze and making the first scene the last as a finale.


Total Darkness - Not much to see here, but if you hate the dark this is can be pretty scary.


The Manor - Same as in years past and rather short.


Wasteland - One of the more lengthy trails, the natural wooded outdoor setting make this one scary given the darkness and remote location. Add in the fog and the lurking ghouls and this one can be scary. The first half in the trees is better than the more post apocalyptic second half.


Asylum - Not much has changed from past years. I am amazed how the actors can last all night with the screaming and physical distortions they perform. The last one-third of this maze is a big let down because it is simply a fenced walkway to get you back into the park.


Voodoo Island - The biggest problem with this trail is that they left the Log Flume lights on which illuminated the entire path killing any chance for suspense or surprise. In past seasons the trail was dark - let's hope someone flips the switch on those Flume lights.

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Did a quick trip today...Big Top Terror > Ghoul Master...

You may have to do this several time to catch some of the stuff. Loved the floating foot prints!


And why were they having people wait in line at the ticket booths to trade in their free pass for yet another ticket?

Come on six flags! They said it was so they could count the number thrown away. Really? Makes no sense to me.

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Hah, used mine on Blood Shed Sunday and have to agree it was very weak. The actors were trying, but it's just not a good setup. Glad I'm going back to try all of the trails in October, although it sounds like Big Top Terror is the only one where I have much to look forward to.


Also, the reason they were making you turn the green tickets into the sales booth was so that they could have a chance to upsell you. Every cashier at the booth was giving the same spiel, almost to the word: "This pass is normally $35, but if you trade these tickets in, I can sell it to you for $25" yada yada yada. Clever, certainly.

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We used our green tickets for Big Top Terror and did not have to exchange them. We read the ticket and it said to present it at any attraction so we did.


Even though Big Top Terror looked good inside, it was not scary at all. More like a fun house. What is the scariest attraction?

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Welcome to Fright Fest Saturdays! :D

I know, it's usually crowded on Saturdays, but because it was FF, I was not expecting the crowds until at least 5pm. What I meant was the Family Day event that made it crowded when I went around noon.

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