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Experiencing The Great Adventure

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By the sounds of some of those letters, they picked wrong times to go. It seemes as if they had to much traffic driving in from up North, And the one person complained that there was not enough places to get out of the Rain. If it's raining why did you go? The complaint's about the long lines were valid. During peak times of the Season now it's rough with the lines, when I was little I remember waiting forever for stuff.

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Before we visited for the first time in 1974 I remember my dad reading some reviews of the park to me and my sister. It mentioned the long lines, crowded paths, and extreme waits for food and restrooms. For some reason I can still hear him saying that it cost $1 for a Coke and that the park would never last. Even so, we went in 1974 and had a great time. My sister and I still kid him about that "it won't last" remark!





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After reading these complaints I wonder how many people enjoyed their stay, how many people wrote the newspaper complimenting the park, which the editor felt compelled not to publish. There are two sides to every story. The first side is what the media tells us happened and the other side is what really happened. I believe the unbiased media is extremely biased. Sorry for the rant.



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