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Everything posted by gafreak

  1. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

  2. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

  3. gafreak

    Deja Vu

    its nice to have some classics back in our park!
  4. wasnt expecting this so soon, AWESOME!
  5. I hear it almost makes you want to sell some duplicate stuff. lol
  6. The real news is a 400 ft tall skyscreamer, thats just insanity!
  7. i left the park at 10 15ish, i wanted to beat traffic getting out of there because i know it was going to be a mad house
  8. As a former demo person, along with as an aircraft maintenance person in the usmc, the tower will most likely drop straight down or they will drop it in the group of trees to the left in the pic. It's all in the placement of the charges. I would think that it would be a series of charges from bottom to top in the places of the rings area so it falls on top of itself as it falls, similar to when they do high rise buildings. They may use zip cord, which is used to cut through steel as it burns to do this also.
  9. common sense would let you think any part worth keeping was removed, but ya never know....
  10. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

    electric adventure 10-6-12
  11. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

    electric adventure 10-6-12
  12. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

    electric adventure 10-6-12
  13. gafreak


    From the album: ga freak

    electric adventure 10-6-12
  14. Getting season passes this year was cheaper for me to buy 4, than 3 last year so I bought them a few weeks ago.
  15. During a backstage tour of Ka I asked about the cost of the ride. At time of completion the ride was around 48 mil, to date they have spent almost 100 mill on maintaining the ride. During the start of full time operation of the park, Kingda Ka is never fully shut down. The ride has 3 crews that monitor and maintain it 24 hours a day. Those costs never get recouped.
  16. Electric Adventure event was awesome- packed and fun. I'll need to upload some pics and a small movie clip of DADA LIFE during their set. I'm already looking forward to next year so i can get there earlier!
  17. kingda ka is a great ride, it is the tallest, technically its fastest in 6 continents,and was worth every penny, initially it was an estimated 25 million dollar project but after all was said and done actually cost almost 110 million dollars. it may seem like alot of money but who ever said breaking records was cheap. wise investment on the park, world renowned recognition and publicity is never cheap...
  18. i wonder if the park has an idea of how many cars actually go through each year? also, on 9-30-12, for the first time ever i had the privilege of seeing a car ejected from the property for feeding the animals Doritos, the safari warden stopped them, took there plate # and radioed to security and to the theme park entry so they could not enter, it was nice to see it actually happen , even if it was the last day.
  19. I hope that the new Safari Discovery area is in the center of the trip, and is a well themed structure. I'd like to see it be something that makes you want to go do.
  20. After seeing both the new and old DMP tonight, I gotta say that the new one doesn't compare. IMO they should stick with the old one for every show- it's dialed in ,everyone knows the songs and the sound levels are perfect. The new shows dancing is good, however, music isn't upbeat enough, and doesn't sound good, pyro was weak, and is overall boring. GMG- lose the story line, go with more music and dancing, lose all the talking, and the sound in there quite honestly sucks. Go back to the old format of the show, add some pyro and upgrade the sound and you got a great show! Add more zombies- all night I think I saw maybe 25 total.
  21. if you think the Simpsons are still funny, you must smoke weed before watching it.....as Jhon Hein would say, The Simpsons jumped the shark....
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