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Everything posted by gafreak

  1. the splash down at dorney is no joke, theres no chance of not getting wet on it!
  2. We ride this every time we go to the park!
  3. if you look in the trees close enough in the outer mall, you can still see strands of lights in the trees
  4. isnt the pic of the yum yum the same as it looks today minus the extensive paint job?
  5. ^ that sounds correct i used one in myrtle beach over the summer, but im not sure if GA had one...
  6. Wasn't it what they called those paper flowers they used to make in the 80s?
  7. Why do they only run one of the 4 ride programs and not vary it to make you want to ride again,BTW I am not a huge fan of this one but for some reason I keep plopping into the seat...
  8. It was from the block brakes, they were changing out one set early one morning before the park opened and they cut out the bolts and reinstalled new ones
  9. I have a lot of favorite pieces... but my #1 is probably my GASM bolt. It was given to me a year prior to closing and was told that it would be a collection piece very soon, I'm in the market for a keyhole key chain still and also looking for more poster maps, those 2 things haven't been easy to come across in last few years, the maps that had been for sale were going upwards of 50$ and that's a little steep. My collection keeps growing monthly and as soon as I buy my house I'm building a nice display case and insuring all of it just in case of another super storm..got lucky once, not taking a chance for next time
  10. Something we used to have, they are an easy addition that makes sense when its 24$ to park a car in a crappy unmaintained lot, if anything the trams would make the lot safer for pedestrian traffic
  11. Its pretty pathetic we don't have a holiday event at the biggest park in the east
  12. I like the sound of this and with the ludicrous parking fee it shouldn't have to be a wish...
  13. look what i saw parked outside the factory...... actually 2 no special paint scheme yet.....
  14. We need shows, we have several good venues that are empty, put them to use!
  15. park map as wrapping paper! those maps go for as much as 50$ for some on ebay,lol
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