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Everything posted by pashacar

  1. Weird, when I contacted the park about it last week they said they didn't have those codes yet. Out of curiosity, what's the ridiculous processing fee that they make you pay this year?
  2. I would hope that that isn't what SF is using their miniscule amount of funds on, but I wouldn't put it past them. Anyway, I can't tell exactly where these markers are. Is between the Speed Slides and the Tube Slides correct?
  3. Just out of curiosity, how far was the exit gate from the entrance gate, and what was the logic behind having them separate?
  4. No stupid hair gel ads covering the train?
  5. Thanks Harry!! Also, why is nobody discussing the mysterious reappearance of Houdini's ride information signs?? That would be a welcome Fright Fest surprise!
  6. Do you have a copy of that scanned anywhere on the site out of curiosity?
  7. SFNE has a great one that's larger and much grander than the one above. Ever since they switched the main parking lot to the back one, though, that small sign is the main one that people see. I think SF America's is my favorite of the ones here, which is ironic, since it is supposed to be far and away the worst park. Ours is certainly one of the best, but it's still sorely in need of an update. The look of the tiles and the silver letters is dated, the fountains no longer work, and the Safari and Hurricane Harbor add-ons look cheap and tacky (not to mention that the logo it sports hasn't been used in over a decade). Hopefully one of these seasons they'll build a whole new sign that stays true to the theme of each of the property's attractions while bringing in a fresh, new look to the entrance. I really love the update they gave to the parking lot toll plaza a few years back, so maybe an update to this sign in a similar style is not too far behind. The one thing I think they should maintain from this sign is the size--I LOVE how huge and grand it is, and I wouldn't want any less to welcome guests to their big, exciting Great Adventure.
  8. What?? I'm a FB fan and I totally would have gone. Where did they announce this?
  9. How many of these did they cancel? Both of the shows I tried to see were cancelled and I REALLY wanted to see it. It sounds like they may cancel tomorrow's as well, and I'm not sure I can make the Labor Day weekend show, which is really too bad. I wonder if there's any hope of extra shows being added.
  10. When were you there? Unfortunately the store looks completely empty.
  11. I was actually thinking about this today! I'm going to say no. It doesn't seem like an animal they'd get rid of if they had it at some point.
  12. I have lots good to say, but that doesn't mean that they don't also do a lot wrong. They've been improving a lot (which I acknowleged in my original post), and that's awesome, but they still have a long way to go and I don't think anyone can really dispute that. In this case, these obnoxious Dorney policies sound similar to many stupid things you see at SF parks. A great example of this is how they put like 50 tubes in the lazy river at SFHH when hundreds of people are trying to use them at a given time. I haven't encountered policies like this at Cedar Fair peoperties, which generally have more guest-friendly operations in my opinion.
  13. Sounds very Six Flags, what a shame to see that kind of management spread rather than go away like it is, to some extent, at SF parks.
  14. That's just stupid; it looks so unprofessional and is a great example of management's not taking the guest experience into account. Why can't they park in the lot like the rest of the employees?
  15. They should change it back unless they get some jungle theming going, which is obviously unlikely. Of course that would mean paying for a new sign, so it probably isn't too likely either. I still think that a makeover with some kind of characters would be fun. Maybe you're going on a rafting adventure with Bugs looking for some lost treasure in the Congo or something. At least that would be an excuse to add some fun water effects.
  16. I did know that it was one of the first models, and I understand why that limits what the park can do with it, but the thing that gets me is that they can still add a thousand different things that the ride's age would have no effect on. Waterfalls, geysers, mist, music, a tunnel, or even just some landscaping would have no effect on the ride itself, and all would improve the experience immensely. Riding past the rock facade right now and seeing a dry waterfall just gives the impression that the park doesn't care at all.
  17. I noticed this on Saturday as well, and I think it's a GREAT idea, but so poorly executed. The only way to see the offerings is by happening to walk by this sign, and it doesn't even tell you where the locations are. Why not include a guide like this in the park map? They could put it right next to an expanded version of the "Sis Flags Great Adventure offers a variety of healthy meal options" note, whcih is equally well-intentioned but even more poorly executed, as it gives absolutely no indication of where to go for these healthy foods. I'm very glad that they're working to cater to different tastes like these, but I hope they can do it in a way that everyone who is interested will see, not just in a sign the people may or may not run into.
  18. I rode the rapids recently for the first time in a while. As happy as I was to see both sides of the platform being used to load, in my opinion the ride itself was nothing short of humiliating for the park. None of the water effects worked, and the ride was just plain boring. I think geysers and waterfalls would be a great help, especially since there are only two small segments of rapids in the whole ride. I found myself floating calmly for a huge majority of the experience, waiting for something to happen, but then the ride ended before anything did. I also think that the landscaping around the ride needs a huge amount of work. The faux rocks are all faded and could use some touching up, and more importantly, the area surrounding the water trough is mostly gross dirt, which adds a depressing feel to the experience. Planting shrubs, grass, or, even better, flowers would be an enormous help to this ride and a very welcome addition; the park has showed us how well than can do with a jungle theme in the Golden Kingdom, so why not add some details to this ride to make it feel a little more like the Congo? I was also upset to see that the ride takes guests past some dirty backstage areas, without any attempt to hide them. You can see trailers and machinery from the ride at multiple points, which not only detracts from the Congo River theme, but also further advances the dirty, neglected feel of the ride experience. Again, some strategically-placed shrubs would make a huge difference here, or even adding a big rock facade with a cascading waterfall. I understand that the park doesn't like to put much money into rides that aren't directly going to bring guests into the park, but in my opinion they've let Congo Rapids fall so far below what should be an acceptable ride experience. I think it should be next in line for "plussing" as it needs it even more than LTSP (although maybe they'll improve both in a pachage deal for next season!). I could see a Looney Tunes theme being added, like on the flume ride at SFFT. Ridership this season has seemed very low (during my visits, it's had 10 minute waits when the Log Flume's have been 90), so hopefully that will serve as a wake-up call and encourage management to find some funds to fix the ride up. I do seem to be in the minority here, but I think the ride really needs it.
  19. It's one thing to rent tubes for the wave pool, but to have nearly none available for the lazy river without paying is absolutely absurd. I went to SFNE this weekend and they had an attendant at the bottom of every tower dedicated to managing the lines for tubes. Plus they had a queue set up in their lazy river, as well as a fair amount of tubes, so people could actually ride and there wasn't a ridiculous bum rush for tubes.
  20. I agree, the backstage areas at HH are highly visible and shameful. On the walk to the stairs on the family raft rides, there's disgusting mud all over, and an area where they apparently let employees park, right in the middle of the woods. Weird, and certainly not too classy. I wish the park would pay attention to small details like these; they really take little effort to fix and they seriously add up.
  21. pashacar

    Mon. 7/13

    Plus it's the absolute PERFECT location for a Thomas Town, with the train riding through the woods and all. Most parks have them bordering their parking lots, with shabby fences as the only barrier, so this would be an awesome chance to do it right. Not to mention that they could take out rides in the section and still have more than more other Thomas Towns do.
  22. In the Christmas Village during Winter Lights?
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