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Everything posted by Railer

  1. I heard it from someone that has always seemed pretty knowlegeable about what is going in the Park, and i trust what he says. But no, of course' it's not "offical", but he has not given me any reason to not believe him. And like i said quite a few times now, and will again, that the large Archway Roof Pieces for the Building are further back from where all the other Steel is being stored. If it was just for an addition, they wouldn't need those huge pieces, and they most likely would have all that Steel stored in the Parking Lot by the Boardwalk, or in the big area behind "Twister". But i am letting Corporate know how i feel, and reminding them how much Money the Park is going to lose by not putting a new "anything" in at the end of the Games, when they have the perfect opportunity to put one in the Sim Building. And reminding Corporate that along the walk from the entrance to "Chiller's Spot there are NO option's for Guest Spending what so ever along the Pathway that gets to the new Attraction. From my MANY Year's in big Companies, and Corporation's, the one way to get their attention, is to tell them they are losing Money or missing an opportunity to make more Money. And that is exactly what i am doing, from quite a few diff E-Mail's add's. And if it is true that they wanted it in the Sim Building, hopefully they will listen.
  2. My opinion is that a "JL" will be Great in our Park, fill's a big void that has never been filled. The only Dark Ride that i know of that we ever even came close to having was the "Wizard Of Oz" one, and the other's in the original concept. It's just the location that really is going to screw thing's up for the future, and no matter how you look at it, they are "leaving Money on the Table" by not putting it in the Games Section. Unless there is some unknown reason why it couldn't go into our Sim Building, i can not understand the logic of where it look's to be going. And i bet after a year or two Fitzgerald is gone from GA as Park President for this move if it is true that Corporate wanted in the Sim Building, and he didn't because we don't have many "large Building's in the Park's infastructure.
  3. First i found this https://purecoaster.com/2015/04/12/3-reasons-to-be-excited-for-justice-league-battle-for-metropolis/ and wrote the Post/ But then i found this http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1588554 Neither of them are "official", and a little conflicting. I know those Building's cost nothing to a Theme Park's usual attraction Cost's. Steel Buildings like that cost between $16-$20 a sq Ft. If it is a 20,000 sq ft they have, it cost between $320,000 to $400,000 for the Building. Depending on what the Ride System Cost, the Projector's and Screen's, and all themeing. 7 to 10mil don't sound that far off for what it is. Only two Animatronics and and the biggest any Screen's are on a "JL" are the two 30ft curved ones at the end.
  4. They figure a single "Justice League" cost's about in the 6-7mil range. The Vehicle's cost $500,000 a piece, and the production of the first 2 installation's on "Justice League" cost $12mil split between the 2 Park's that recieved them. Now after a few year's of them Producing them, i'm sure they got the process a little cheaper. So were talking it's another 7mil investment just like "The Joker" was if you factor in the surrounding area's freshing up that it will recieve.
  5. .....and i love the sound of "The Justice League Jump Tower". A total missed opportunity to bring new life into that also. New Chutes with each Hero's symbol on them.
  6. There is a specific Law on the Book's about tampering with a restraint on Roller Coaster to cause harn to someone in NJ. Morey's has it posted.
  7. There is no law on the Book's in NJ about talking a Camera or Phone out on a Roller Coaster. Six Flags will try to get a Trespassing Charge to stick, but since they let you on the Property, it will not stick in Court. No matter what the Park says, that is the reality. But your still going to Court, and prob needing a Lawyer.
  8. I was told that from "Nitro's" Lift, and that is the only place to get a pic of them, you can see the large Archway Pieces for the Roof section's of the big Hangar looking Building. They are not with all the other Metal pieces, but further behind all the other stuff. Still have not seen a pic, but no one can post pics on Social Media from Lift Hill's at all the GA Fansites If i got a hold of a shot of them, i would post it no prob though if anyone has one.
  9. I also forgot to mention, since i said it in quite a few Post's a little ways back, about Local 87 having Work at the Park at the end of the Year, that added to my thinking it was indeed a Coaster that is coming. But unfourtunately Local 87 also makes Big Steel Buildings, that's what their involvment will be. I don't know what Company with Union Member's has the Job though. I usually never hear that part of it.
  10. Ya never know, but it's only a "sliver" i'm holding on too lol. With all they do to get us on the Boardwalk, i don't get why they are giving up all that earning potential. Unless it's part of a plan that will make sense in a year or two, but even that is pretty limited being "landlocked" the way we are. It would of been perfect with a small Coaster at Chiller/Musik, even one of the "like a Freespin Cheap" Tempestro Premier Launcher's would do. A new Gotham Sign at the Gate by the Fountain, and a Catwoman's whip new Enterprise in the existing "re-furbished" Pad from the old one.That would be a huge draw over there, and prob be cheaper than what they are doing. Then next year do a "JL", and "The Justice League Jump Tower" and make a ton of Money along with it on "The Boardwalk", and make the invesment back in a Season from the Games. That's a good plan if i ever heard one, and i'm writing a letter to Corporate with it. Knock some damm sense into them lol.
  11. Hey, everyone else always tell's me "until it's confirmed by the Park" when i say something is coming, i can have a little hope lol. I don't think it will be some kind of huge new Coaster Station, but they could really stick anything in a big building. I did hear rumbling's a ways back back about a giant new retail Shop somewhere in the Park. But it just don't make sence. Either now the Sim Building will sit for another decade until the next Six Flag's Dark Ride Idea comes along, of it will be leveled for something that will prob fit the area (theming and size), but not as good as "JL" Dark Ride would have for the space available, and being next to "Superman" and "Green Lantern" Coaster's that are decently Themed You can't deny that a Park Layout like i described is a very well balanced Park, with Guest's distributed evenly thoughout the park. With how big we are, and how many Guest's we have, we need that now, and for the future. And i never bashed "El Diablo", i was at the Media Day, shared pics, and was one of the first rider's, and the last of that morning. The next cycle after mine during the event it shut down for the morning due to the restraint's malfunctioning. and never said i wasn't getting Passes that year. I just said this year i wasn't, and didn't. And that next year prob won't now. But that is really up to my Kids anyway now lol.
  12. It's just that it all could of been alot better planned. Replacing a couple type's of Coaster's that we lost over the year's, with one Coaster that would of brought back a whole section with it, and a very cheap re-theme to "Gotham". All they really would have to do is change the "Movietown" letter's with "Gotham" basically, most of the Themeing is already there. And not even a "T-Rex" but any mid/large sized Coaster would do that is something different than we have. Even a "Dare Devil Dive" styled Coaster would fit in that spot along with Musik's pad, and be a great addition to the Park. 100ft Verticle lift/drop, innversion's, themed to another Villian. Then instead of leaving a building to rot, it would of breathed new life into it the following year, and been great marketing after another year of a "Villian" invading the Park, bringing the "Justice League" in to even thing's up, in a great central location in the Park for ride that has no other like it in the Park, and made them ALOT of money with it being in the Games section. The Games would basically be the Rides Exit Giftshop, and/or change up the Shop on Superman's exit to a "JL" shop. If half the Guest's leaving a "JL" on the Boardwalk, did the Games for a Souvineir, insted of walking over to the "JL" Giftshop on Superman's exit, it would make a ton more money than just a Giftshop on "JL's" exit. They wouldn't even need to make a new Shop and save money by it. Then with all that new traffic on the Boardwalk, they could open up the old Kingdom Pathway again, and end alot of the new Guest confusion by finally connecting the 2 Kingdom's again, and give the long time Guest's more time on Rides, and less time walking taking the long way around to get anywhere on that side of the Park. Then even after a couple years they could close the Gates off again when Traffic dies down some. And you could say that the Park putting one in the "Boardwalk" is actually the greedy thing to do with how much Money it would make the Park with all those "impulse" play's it would generate. And i'm sure they had to have thought of putting in Sim Building one time or another, and had to have thought about the Money it would of made there, but by them putting it in Movietown, it says they don't care to fix some of the problem's the Park has now, and are content with forcing us to spend, instead of striving to make us want to spend by good planning with good attraction's like a "JL" in the Sim Building would do. I can even picture the Park Map with the Central DC Superhero Section, a new Coaster on the Map in "Gotham City", and the Villian's in the back of the Park. That is a well planned Park, with the newest attraction's each pulling into their respected section's, spead out throught the Park. That image of a Park Map to me look's alot better than one with a "JL" in Movietown, that will be the giant Lunchbox Section of the Park now. But who know's, all we have seen so far is what are most likely Part's of a Building, maybe they can still surprise us and it's something else in that big Box that's coming. I mean they still have only done 2 installation's a Year, and MM and SFOG both are very strong contender's, and both have shown that sign's that a "JL" may be coming. So until we get some more pics, or info, i'm holding on to a little hope.
  13. I really wish it was for something else, but from what i was told, the large Archway pieces can be seen from Nitro's lift, that are not in any of the Pics. It is a huge building, bigger than any Station would be.
  14. It is a time proven way to get Guest's to spend, and it has worked going all the way back to the "Switchback Rodeo" in Fortune Festival. And i have no problem with that, Park's are in Buisness to make money, that's what it's all about. But when a Park would rather inconvienece their own Guest's, by making them take a long walk to get them thru a Games Section to get to the ride that still is the biggest draw in the Park, instead of adding a new attraction in that Games section to lure Guest's, especially when there is a building that's already there, in a perfect spot between two DC Superhero Coaster's that has been converted into the same ride in another Park. It just show's their line of thinking, and Guest happiness is secondary to Profit's. They better go back to the "Deep Discounting" on passes. If they end that, while still adding the same crap they have the last few year's, they are losing that 10% gain real quick.
  15. "JL's" are decent rides, and is a good fit for us, but no way in hell where they are putting it. It is a flat out a stupid move that just show's "greed", and that they don't really care about their Guest's, only the Money they have on them. Instead of putting a new attraction in to "lure" Guest's into a Games section, they would rather inconvienience their Guest's by forcing them into the Games Section by closing all the other Path's to navigate to the "Tallest Coaster On Earth", knowing it is still the Park's biggest draw. Oh, and by the way, it look's like me posting that it is indeed a "JL" for 2017 on FB, this morning Kristen "liked" Insider Updates. I will do post pointing out my feeling's on a "JL", and anyone else that feel's the same way, chime in on the comment's. Let them know how we feel.
  16. I don't mind Har, all in fun. I'm not losing anything by them not getting one, they are. It's just a shame with our really great past, and what Great Adventure has done over the Year's by always being the Innovator, and a leader in "Cutting Edge" Coaster's and Rides. From all the way back to the only "Supersidewinder" ever made, to the the 1st Interlocking Loop's on "Lightning Loop's", and then, at the time they were added, the top Coaster's of the year's when they debuted with our "Big 3" Ka, Nitro, and Toro. Yeah, a "JL" is newer, but they are even what, 4-5 year's old now? You know in a year or two they will let it go to crap and half the stuff won't work anymore. I mean they think new themeing on a Dark Ride is a cheap light effect you can buy at Spencer's to add to the break run of the TDK, when the ride used to have really awesome 3-D Hologram Effects. And oh, yeah, now there will be 2 Subway "jump scares" on rides right next to each other. But nah, that won't seem repetative at all, and take all "the scare" out of em'. And now it will be two "Hall Of Justices" seperated by a Box in a section that should be a "Gotham City" more than anything. And now a big ugly mostly empty Building will continue to rot on The Boardwalk for prob another decade while they make us look at it by taking a long walk thru the Games to get to around the Park, while they miss the opportunity of all the revinue a "new" anything over there would of made. They would rather inconvienice Guest's, than make Money in a Games section like how in the past the Park always did, and should, and is proven to be successful. It's a stupid move for many different valid reason's.
  17. Thought i said this already, but yeah. I doubt my Girls will want Passes next year, they didn't this year with the "Joker", and prob won't again next year with a "JL". Hershey gets all our Money again, and the Park loses all the Money they would of made with more Guest's playing them after riding a new "JL" on the Boardwalk. All those Family's won't be walking thru the Games, they'll get to walk down a long, and probably "dead" Path to look at two big grey Boxes next to each other. And from what i was told this morning by someone that seem's to know what they are talking about, it's all Fitzgerald's fault. Corporate wanted it in the Simulator Building, but Fitzgerald wanted a new Building, because they don't have many large Building's within the Infastructure of the Park.
  18. Yeah, it is. I don't think my kids will want Passes next year for that. No $$$ from me, Hershey gets it again next year. But i heard that the "archway" pieces that are not really seen in the pics are the giveaway that it's a "JL" Building. EDIT : Also just heard that the "Archway" Pieces can only be seen from "Nitro's" lift, and not from the Station. They are way in the back area. Someone will have to break the rules and pull out a Phone going up it to grab a shot.
  19. Someone today i'm sure will get some decent shot's of whatever it is out there, it's all over FB now. All i know is that while we all have diff opinions of what they could or could not be, one thing is for sure. Trying to figure it all out is just pretty damm fun ain't it? Make that was fun. I'll be the first to admit if i'm wrong, and this year, i think i just might be. Found this shot of SFGA and when the land was just being cleared. I think i might owe that Jim Robert guy from FB $10. And i really don't like the idea of 2 giant grey boxes next to each other, and i can't believe they are leaving all the $$$ on the table not putting it in "The Boardwalk". That goes against everything i have heard about Fitzgerald. But today either way hopefully some decent pics will come down, and we'll know for sure.
  20. Same here, but i don't think they are the big Steel "JL" Barn Pieces either.
  21. It don't look like anything i have really seen before on anything. It don't look like T-Rex's monster pieces. But we never have really seen what the Station Pieces look like on a T-Rex. I really don't see RMC making a Coaster that's purpose is to save money, using all that Steel on pieces that don't need all that much support. For all we know it could be T-Rex Transfer/Station/Break Run Track.
  22. Just got word on FB. They look to be painted a dark Maroon/Brown Color, it is not Rust. And one of the pieces on the left of the shot does indeed have a slight curve to it, the end closest to the Camera is off the ground.
  23. Your right, all of Vekoma Motorbike Track does have a Spine, even the Station. But i knew i saw one once without a Spine, and it's the Zamperella Motorbike Coaster that does not. And these can be built indoor's also. Looking over the pics of "Steeplechase" at Coney Island, if it is this that it is, it would have to be indoor's for us. It's not much of a Coaster really. And the Survey last year did have a Vekoma Animation.
  24. If it's used for Construction, or it is indeed Track, that's what it tell's. And i just got a reply from someone in the Construction Buisiness, Bricklayer's Union, he made some of the Hangar's at McGuire AFB. And he has nothing at all to do Theme Park's of any kind, an neutral source of info that hasn't been to GA in 20yrs. He has never seen anything like them, and after i just really gave them a good look over, they do look like Track Pieces. Go google Vekoma Motorbike Coaster's. The Batman "Street Chase" was also in the survey last year, and fits in with it's different that anything we have.
  25. If you tried a fake out, or "reverse psycology" even by showing what it actually is, the Park would be pissed no matter what the reason you posted it. We have all been at this too long now, year after tear. Patterns have emerged over time. I am trying to find out right now if it is Rust, or rust colored. At the moment that fact alone will tell everything.
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