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Everything posted by BuddyChrist

  1. If it's on every park's survey, it's not really much of a "secret addition" Screamscape has always been a "rumors" site. They listed us as getting a Dive Machine for literally YEARS, and guess what, no Dive Machine. Capacity is also not a good reason to dismiss a ride. El Diablo, Zumanjaro, and Skyscreamer are not the best capacity wise but we still got them. I just want to see Six Flags invest in a MAJOR addition to the park, the way they did with Kingda Ka and Batman. Don't just plop down a ride, create a whole land for it to exist in. Put the theme back in theme park...
  2. Upsetting to see the Parallax figure gone from Green Lantern. This is why if we get a dark ride that I'm afraid within 5 years that half of the effects will be broken, just look at TDK...
  3. Eh, I take no issue with the Looney Tunes, but the commercials and music videos grind on me after a while.
  4. They should've built a movie theater, place would do phenomenal when it rains
  5. The park needs to put money into atmosphere and shows. We're set in the coaster department for now I'd say. We're in desperate need of a new water ride if anything, ever since they took out the Hydro Flume and Water Effect, those hot days are god awful and Congo and log flume get such huge wait times (not to mention the disappointing lack of waterfalls and other effects on Congo to begin with.) I'm sad at the amount of unique theming that has been ripped out to have licensed characters and superheroes shoved down my throat. I works when it's contained in one area (Marvel Island at IOA is the prime example of this) but having Bizarro in Frontier Adventures and two Supeheroes in the boardwalk is just mind boggling at times. But what do I know
  6. It's a winged looper with a water splash section
  7. That's a big chunk of land that is just sitting there. They may just want to axe the whole animal in the park concept. With Rolling Thunder gone there is even more expansion potential for the Golden Kingdom. I would hope they try to add another coaster or ride package in line with the GK theme (even though I'm still more in favor of redeveloping Old Country first)
  8. Great update as always Harry! It was packed to the gills. I thought since it was so early for Fright Fest, the crowds would be light. My friend pointed out to me that there was a Bring a Friend Free PLUS a Free Terror Trail coupon in effect this weekend. I'm hoping next week will be much lighter...
  9. I just love a good lawn ornament
  10. A hotel is the final piece of the puzzle in making it into a resort type destination. I don't see why Six Flags would object, this is someone else fronting all of the money for the development and construction of it and they stand to only benefit from it with minimal to no investment. The reason the original hotel idea was scrapped was from Red Zone's giant cost cutting across the board. Now that someone else is going to oversee and do it, why stop them?
  11. Removing RT for the sole reason of making a pathway to Ka's tower doesn't seem to make sense to me (but then again, what does). It's a hike to get all the way to the tower and the turnarounds for RT, basically you're walking from the park to the old Exlporation Station of the Safari. Unless there was some huge Golden Kingdom/PDC expansion lined up, they're leaving a large strip of land cleared for either something big later on or just more dead space...
  12. Sponsorships don't save rides. Scream Machine was plastered in ads right up until it was scrapped. While I'll be pretty bummed if they take out RT as it was one of the roller coasters I loved as a kid, I'll be interested to sede what they put in its place. My only issue is that amount of blank space we already have in the park from other removals that have still yet to be filled. Hopefully SOMETHING is on tap for them at the very least. That and some new entertainment offerings in our 3 empty show venues.
  13. Yeah, sparse year for rumors around the circuit. Will SFA ever get a NEW coaster? I'm glad they're finally getting something on the ride side of the park but again it's a used coaster. I'm unsure of the status of any Iron Horse projects are for wooden coasters after the accident on Giant... I totally meant Giant.
  14. When I started doing tours in 2008, they had an executive chef at Best of the West, I think his name was Alex. He was a lifesaver when it came to rattling off all the menu options (before we had the printed ones made!) Too bad he wasn't there the following seasons.
  15. It's a concept I've thought about called "Haunted Harbor" where the whole park is just one massive terror trail with actors everywhere in the park and no safe zones. It would take a whole lot of organization and funds to pull off, but if it was done just right, it could be amazing.
  16. Just a few thoughts: -STOP CHARGING FOR THE TRAILS. At Dorney I paid $40 for an all you can eat buffet, an entire day at the park, and all of the trails/attractions included with the gate price. That was 10 very high caliber trails, not the 3 meh trails that our park has. -Bring back the hayride somewhere in the park, I know it wasn't the best in its final years, but with an expanded budget it can be the star attraction of the whole event. -More actors roaming the park! I felt like I only saw 3 actors in the scare zones this past year. -Bring back some of the small shows that used be throughout the park like Bad Bob the Bone Butcher or Cavalcade of the Odd. They were fun and great for families during the day. -More decorations beyond webbing. There used to be a lot of decorations in the 90s that seemed to have disappeared in the last 10 years. Bring back the hearses on main street, those really used to set the tone. -Look into creating a year round building to house a maze or trail. Do what Dorney does and empty out an arcade for use as a maze (Studio 28 comes to mind) -More fog. MORE FOG. Don't let me see the scare actors before I get to them, pump some more fog into areas to give them a chance to pop out. -Everyone is fair game in the park after 6pm. If you don't want to get scared, get out before 6. -Move DMP into the Stunt Arena. That way everyone has a good view, you don't block a main thoroughfare of the park, and you can use the sound system to your advantage. I know it doesn't hold as many people, but it deserves its own show venue. And this is a far fetched idea that I know will never happen: Turn Hurricane Harbor into a screampark. I know the logistics of trying to operate two parks with the crowds is very tricky, but you could take a large piece of unused attraction space and turn it into something truly magnificent.
  17. I'm glad to see that he finally realizes that there is very few rides and attractions for families with kids in the 7-10 demographic. I hope that in the next few seasons as well that they don't just focus on one big ride but on adding a few attractions each season that will cater to all age groups. The next thing I want to see focused on is entertainment. We still have 3 show venues sitting vacant (save for weekly fireworks, if that is brought back) and all 3 can hold unique shows that will bring in the families (Old and Young.)
  18. It seems so illogical to put it on Kingda Ka, the support structure is nowhere near as robust as the one on S:EFK. As was stated a bove too, that's a huge maintenance area and anytime that Ka had to get a major repair you can bet that any ride integrated into Ka would probably have to be closed for the duration of the repair. The only locations I could see a huge drop tower going in would be the old Tee-Pee site, somewhere in Movietown (there are plenty of locations in there, too many to list.) or even where Balin's Jungleland used to be (if the Safari Discoveries expansion doesn't work out.)
  19. Simulators are too past their prime to be a viable addition anymore. Anybody can go to a movie theater now and experience the 3D movies that were once exclusive only to theme parks. Sitting through a movie with moving seats is not exciting for audiences anymore, they want to be involved and immersed into a ride. Dark rides and interactive dark rides are what the public really wants nowadays, they'd be wise to seriously consider one of those.
  20. ^Agreed, the drop boxes seemed to be a quick and easy solution for a "new" attraction for the park. I'm really happy to see that they are adding a big new attraction to the park. This is the first time since 2001 that both the theme park and water park are receiving new attractions (unless I'm mistaken)
  21. The park does have buyouts from time to time and the lighting around the towers and pools are all more than adequate, the problem is that the path lights are very weak and they require bringing in light towers to keep someareas safely illuminated. If they put in better path lights around the park, they could definitely be open later and have special night events.
  22. It'd be nice for them to refurb those trains so they aren't screeching around the final turn all the time, oy
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