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Everything posted by Medusa42

  1. Do you have any plans to clean up the redirect malware that is in some of your forum databases? You have to delete your browser history to see this issue with the site. Then do a google search so that a link to the forums comes up in the search results. I searched for: greatadventurehistory bizarro relocated. Click on one of the links to a topic in your forums and you will encounter the redirect malware which will redirect traffic to http://url4short.info/e8b34e26 , which is a malware site. It appears your forums may have suffered a php code injection that is a pain to remove. More info can be found here: http://peter.upfold.org.uk/blog/2013/01/15/cleaning-up-the-ip-board-url4short-mess/
  2. That would be nice. My expensive idea to eliminate a dead end is to build a path connecting Justice League to Superman with an elevated covered bridge going over the park entrance path.
  3. I wouldn't mind seeing this S&S Twisted Looper concept on the empty space by the lakefront. It's sort of a Sky Rocket II merged with a wing coaster and seats 32 riders. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSHiubQ8_CA
  4. ^^I see that too. They might be able to combine that area with the empty land along the lakefront and put in a custom wood GCI family coaster.
  5. No, based on the negative responses from coaster enthusiasts on social media, the ride at Great Adventure was redesigned to be more violent and no longer features the Justice League. Instead, you are part of a rebel group fighting along side Cookie Monster in an epic battle against Somali warlords that have taken control of the world's cookie supply. As a result of the redesign, Total Mayhem will open July 2017.
  6. What's the rush? You won't be able to ride it any sooner. Last year, the construction schedule for Justice League was staggered so that the one at SFM was about a month or so ahead of the one at SFGam. It appears that SFOG is first this year and it is unclear if we are going to be second or last. Once the building is completed, the site is turned over to Sally Corp to complete the ride build out. From the SFGam twitter: Nov 16, 2015 Dec 3, 2015 Jan 12, 2016 Jan 27, 2016 Feb 10, 2016
  7. Turning off waterfalls and other water features appears to be some sort of cost cutting move across Six Flags parks. At SFGam, the waterfalls on the rapids ride and on Demon have been shut off for years. The misters/fog on X-Flight was shut off after the first season.
  8. Meeting Minutes are up: http://www.jacksontwpnj.net/documents/minutes/planning_board/index.php?dir=2016/&file=07-18-16.pdf
  9. Do you mean the Jurassic World people? Maybe a new water show and safari addition next to Hurricane Harbor.
  10. Actually, they have stated the current business plan is to raise prices a little each year, probably by 3-5% each year. From the Q4 2015 Results Six Flags Earnings Call on 02/18/2016 "Our second area of growth comes from the success of our ticket pricing and seasoned pass penetration strategy. Implementing moderate price increases each year and upselling guests to our highest priced tickets have been and will continue to be fundamental to our success. Our data shows that we have been successful in both areas. Seasoned pass holders and members are our most loyal and profitable guests and our active pass base was up an incredible 26% at the end of 2015, which bodes very well for the 2016 season. The number of members who have stayed with us after their initial 12-month commitment is increasing nicely creating a growing, stable stream of monthly revenue. In addition, the number of unique visitors to our parks continues to grow with an increase both our prior year and over the last six years. Guests continue to view Six Flags as a great value offering even with our year-over-year price increases and our value for the ratings improved once again in 2015 for the sixth year in a row." http://seekingalpha.com/article/3908196-six-flags-entertainment-six-james-w-p-reid-anderson-q4-2015-results-earnings-call-transcript?part=single (Login is required to read the transcript.)
  11. The good news is that we have plenty of room for future additions despite what some people are saying. I added 3 coasters, 2 flats, and moved the go karts just to show the space available in the below image. All images were taken at the same scale.
  12. Not my video, but it gives a good view of Justice League at SFGam. https://youtu.be/1v9pPbBxNxg?t=48s It is a nice looking building and should fit the area well. Add a flat package in 2018 and this area of the park will be in good shape.
  13. ^Off road go karts in Chiller's gravel and dirt lot. New massive billboard attached to the back of Dark Knight facing the new track.
  14. I wouldn't rule out a RMC Goliath clone for the old Chiller spot. It's cheap, proven, fills most of the space, and SFGam saw an attendance jump two years in a row even though they only reinstalled three kids rides in 2015. Maybe they could just rename this section of the park Great America like the Dubai park is doing. Based on the interviews Ed Hart has been giving, I am thinking Kentucky Kingdom will be the prototype park for a RMC TREX track coaster in 2018. This would allow RMC to test out the concept with a smaller layout and smaller market park before building something bigger. At first I thought Kentucky Kingdom might get a Raptor track coaster, but that seems redundant with Lightning Run already at the park. Edit: Added sources for Kentucky Kingdom RMC 2018 project. https://youtu.be/oYTKwweGfPU?t=5m25s https://www.facebook.com/AmericanCoasterEnthusiasts/photos/pcb.10154010353713145/10154010353573145/?type=3&theater
  15. I doubt the layout in the below image would ever happen but it seems the only limiting factor is budget right now. The park has plenty of space for new rides in Movietown.
  16. Google Earth now shows the test piece of Trex track outside.
  17. Yep, Flashback will relocate and become Two Face in 2017. SF America will get the new RMC TREX coaster, and Bizarro will be relocated to SF St. Louis. V2 from SFGam will then move to Flashback's old spot at SFNE and SFGam will get a new Superloop. It's new coasters for all in 2017.
  18. Nearmap updated their imagery from March 30th, 2016. http://us.nearmap.com Here are a couple of screenshots:
  19. The park wanted to paint the Batman tables black but DC Comics said they had to be yellow.
  20. Clearly, we are getting Justice League Picnic Grove: Battle for Lunch in Chiller's old spot. The piles of gravel, all of my sources, and everything else that has happened to the park since 2010 point to it. I am positive the word "rustic" will be used on the construction tour on Sunday. Imagine the below picture with brightly painted picnic tables (theming).
  21. The animation of the Raptor track coaster with 8 person trains is accurate and it has a projected capacity of 410-600 people per hour depending on the number of trains. The TREX track coasters will be high capacity and will have custom layouts. The Rapter track coasters were designed to be cloned to cut design costs and will be available in a couple of compact layouts (Double Out has a footprint of 50 ft x 400 ft, Triple Out has a footprint of 75 ft by 250 ft). Here is a link to the Raptor marketing video with all of the above info. https://vimeo.com/155035864 We might see some Raptor track coasters pop up in 2017 since it is now available for sale. I haven't seen any marketing info for TRex track yet and assume it won't be available until 2018.
  22. Maybe SFGam could send us V2 to finish off the lakefront. It is highly unlikely they would send V2 here, but the operational costs would be much lower compared to SFGam once the solar farm is installed.
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