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Everything posted by acq10uaz

  1. No it wasn't. It was, "We're shooting on top of the story of the century here!" and "Didn't you're dad ever teach you to walk! Before! You! Leap!" instead of what mariosonic posted.
  2. It was a year ago. It wasn't even a coaster special, it just had a segment on SFNE's Bizarro and Shipwreck Falls. BMax its not even a preview that was pretty much the whole segement they had on it. Here are more clips from the episode. http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/time-warp-...cars-cups-cans/ For some reason Shipwreck Falls is under water coaster. So if you're looking for it to air, its the Time Warp episode named Coasters, Cars, Cups because they went to SFNE, did car stunts, and did cup stacking.
  3. Well business is doing good I take it. If I remember correctly, they are just liscensing their name anyways. http://coastercuts.com/news.html As long as money is made then they should keep them. EDIT: After posting this, I noticed that if you go to Book Appointment, it says the location in Blue Back Square is Offline. Now does this mean its closed or they just aren't doing online bookings. The King of Prussia location, however, you can still book an appointment. http://coastercuts.com/book_appointment.html
  4. I love shwarma's! Wow, GAdv has some REALLY diverse food choices. Its great to see that. Just wish the food prices weren't that high.
  5. I'm sure it will get SFTV, or maybe that was just a Shapiro-era thing.
  6. ^Isn't that how the queue was at Kentucky Kingdom also? It looks pretty similar.
  7. Weber is just saving money for 2011. Like GAcoaster said it will be a fresh start. You shouldn't be worried.
  8. Chang? Why does it say new coaster I wonder? Anyways, there is a chance that we could find out the name then, but its a slim slim chance. The meeting is 8/2. Anyone plan on going? http://www.jacksontwpnj.net/Townhall/Plann...da_08-02-10.pdf
  9. I guess thats what you get when you add big coaster after big coaster right? Its a decent ride but its certainly no Kingda Ka. I don't see why people call it false advertising? They're not advertising anything. Oh the GP.
  10. He could have had his Wii because they were on vacation and it was in a suitcase... They had to check out of they're hotel that day so they had to leave the bags in the car, or they just got there and couldn't check into the hotel. Think about it... Just putting that out there. Edit: Never mind. This guy is clearly clueless. I take back what I said, I'm sorry.
  11. I would have thought they would fight for Deluge to come to SFGAm, I guess not. Thunderbolt, since you put it in perspective like that it does sound better now. But I would have expected more than just Chang but they lucked out with Chang. Yoshi, I agree, they should have fought to send it to SFA. Didn't they buy it for SFKK?
  12. Doesn't it say their removing Road Runner Express too? edit: Never mind: Ed Hard is moving it to one of his other parks. It kind of seems like Six Flags got the short end of the stick.
  13. I heard that it was an even bigger flop than TDK at Great America...
  14. Exactly what I was thinking. That kind of tells us that Viper will be next.
  15. The trains are being sold, must mean its definitely getting scrapped. http://www.irmpri.com/product.htm
  16. ^6 flats are rumored to be coming. Weber knows what he's doing.
  17. Doesn't it say More Coasters. More Fun! ?
  18. I believe THIS the commercial you are talking about.
  19. I actually like El Toro's ads, it looks like it fits Plaza de Carnivale
  20. Most people think nothing of the ads, the people who come to these sites aren't like most people so our opinion doesn't matter. When the GP starts complaining then I think you may see a difference. BUt when I go to the parks I never see anyone complain about the ads.
  21. Or by downsizing its meant by downsizing the amount of attractions meaning selling off parks.
  22. I'm pretty sure he never said that they were going to do more Bizarro-like makeovers. If I remember correctly he said no more Bizarro-like makeovers. How was Bizarro a bad move though? I know for SFNE it brought in a lot of people and I know for GADV it did to. Both lines were filled every day. You think that they're attracting teenagers? They are not continuing the trend of attracting teenagers. They've been trying to bring in the families, which as far as I know they have been bringing in more and more families. Anyways it doesn't matter anymore. Shapiro is out.
  23. Dude, they're just coming out of bankruptcy. Obviously you weren't in the fan call. he said they are going to focus more on theming. Not at all. No one thinks that except for you I think. No parks are the same. Not one ride has the same exact theming. Sure they have the same name but so what? What do you expect though? I don't think your being reasonable at all. Their just coming out of bankruptcy. Give it some time and let them get back on their feet. Your comment about all the DC stuff. So what? Its profitable and gets them money. People go see the movie and hear there is a ride they will go ride it. Plus Warner Bros comes to SF asking them to make the ride. Now about Bizarro, I can tell you that it was last minute to make it another Bizarro. It was scheduled to have a repaint and possible a rename but wouldn't you rather have the buildings, the shields, the auger, the audio, and fire? Yeah I thought so. SF is being succesful. I don't know how you can think they aren't. The parks have been jam packed as far as I know and this is just before summer. imagine all summer? Also Mr. Shapiro didn't just see theirs a tiger and dolphin show, I know I said this but you obviously were not in that fan call. My little rant is over.
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