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Everything posted by JetsDevs4Lyf

  1. Houdini being one of my park favorites was a big loss for me
  2. The word bankruptcy just keeps getting larger in my head.
  3. Wow that would really get to me as well. I obviously don't have kids or anything, and to be honest I'm not overly fond of them, but I find myself when in the park picking up on it when I happen to notice one seems to be wandering with no parents or anyone else in sight of them. It just really bothers me when I noticed that. I think for some reason it kind of scares me more then aggravates me in all honesty.
  4. I so miss this ride. It was one of my absolute favorites at the park since I began going again steadily, and usually made at least one ride per visit for me. Not having it open this year was rather disappointing to say the least, and I really did hold out hope through a good portion of the season something would suddenly change and it would be able to go, though in the back of my mind I knew this wasn't going to be the case at all. I do hope that I get the chance to ride it again next season somehow, but if not then I will just have to find another non-coaster favorite for myself while I am there. I think Kristi enjoyed its down time this year, as I always made her ride it when we visited, and I know she absolutely hated the thing lol.
  5. Ooh goody. Be sure to invite me when you guys decide to dispense the refreshments
  6. I tell you what, we made way more trips this season to the park than I think we ever have before. By the end we were probably up to the mid teens in terms of visits. I had a pretty good laugh when we arrived for our first FF trip this year and a guy was taking down some visit information on a pda. When we told him our number of visits he seemed slightly surprised at first and then proceeded to tell us about a guy he interviewed who had visited the park 80 times to that point of the season. The only regret I can say I have is not venturing into the safari park after about July when we got caught up in a huge storm while driving through it. I am definitely one of those who loves the safari and the animals and wishes more people would take it in, so to not get back into it myself kinda sucked.
  7. I have to say that is pretty funny. CC is certainly the last place I would think of to go to check out the Elvira sim. Too bad that don't have it at my local Dave and Busters or something because that would really quench my yearly need for it more easily.
  8. Thankfully we arrived after that so we got to miss the obligatory Rafferty breakdown and had a lovely day
  9. This will undoubtedly become a popular topic over the next few months. With the park closing just last night we now move on to those boring months in between seasons once again.
  10. Looks like a lot of fun. How were the crowds as a whole tonight in the park. And for that price I may still gather up a 2008 souvenir bottle on Sunday if they are still around. That's a great deal
  11. Does this mean that it is closed for the season at this point?
  12. With the Ferris Wheel sitting like that, it kind of reminds me of the famous one standing still in Pripyat, Ukraine today. Now while that was a result of the man-made accident at Chernobyl, this still can be eye opening with just how desolate and forgotten places can be when no people are around an area for a while. Just eerie I suppose wold be the best word.
  13. What browser are you using. I use a few different ones and it seems to work fine but maybe I can help if its something I use as well.
  14. You know I didn't even pick up on that until you said it in there. With that being built in a similar area if that name is attached to the building I can see some confusion amongst visitors thinking it might in some way be associated with the park. Can't wait to see if that does develop into anything.
  15. I suppose it is that time of year again for us to egin hoping and praying for those new things we would like to see. I have a feeling this is going to be a good off season for that kinda stuff. I think the thing that amazes me is that the HITP is being sponsored by a company whose industry is right smack in the middle of the mess we find ourselves in today. Not saying Chase is a bad sponsor by any means, but with the current financial climate it is just ironic to me.
  16. You know I remember seeing commercials for it on tv, and thinking it was pretty cool. I also remember in 1999 listening to Z100 up here who had Greg T take a ride on the thing on the day it opened for the media I believe. I sat in the car on my way somewhere and listened as he broadcast over his cell phone to the radio about how the ride was going, what he felt like, and everything else and that is what made me want to get on the thing. Sad part of it is that I did not actually get on Medusa until my first trip back to the park with a season pass in 2001 and then not again until 2005. Man how time flies.
  17. You know I fooled myself knowing I had seen that sign before. Lol was this the trick-or-treat version of our mystery game for the week.
  18. Well that really isn't much fun in terms of missing out on that last operating day. Enjoy your trip though wherever you are off to. Something tells me that when you return there will be large numbers of trip reports and pictures from that weekend to check out
  19. Wow the work that has been done so far really seems like a complete blunder. I have to laugh though because apparently the parking lot is manufacturing 208 cars in that period based on the data
  20. ^I like the idea. If people are into it I'm all for a group ride.
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