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The Master

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Everything posted by The Master

  1. Cable channels keep showing the same five Christmas movies. There is a lot more than that.
  2. That is the paradox theme parks have with guests bringing in electronic devices. On one hand they are another source of revenue, however, they also pose a great liability and hazzard. Personally I don't want to be burdened with carrying a device all around a park and risk losing or damaging it.
  3. Damn it I renewed my pass over a month ago.
  4. Extreme cold zaps the fun out of a park for me.
  5. News came out that the original Small World in Disneyland flooded which is a shame.
  6. Those prices are crazy for what you get. Apparently the new Star Wars hotel is already booked solid despite the huge prices.
  7. I would like to see them in the park again as the midways are kind of bare with Halloween decorations anymore. In general holiday cutouts are not as common as they used to be and are hard to find in brick and mortar stores. The park also used to have lots of giant vinyl spiders and bats, similar to this. Many of the lamp posts and plant hangers would had bats on them. Bad thing about vinyl decorations is that they eventually rot away. I keep mine stored away from any UV light during the off season to extend their lives. The park had two sizes of bats, a medium size and large size. The larger ones seemed to me to just have been upscaled molds of the smaller ones. Another once common staple for FF in the park were "Blucky" blow mold skeletons. These also used to be all over the park in various tableaus. They used to place one in the old fighter jet outside of the Right Stuff which is currently in GL's queue and in the old hanger office inside the simulator building. Moreover, these skeletons have fragile tabs in their joints that can snap off easy or the holes easily enlarged so the tabs pop out. They still make them with some improvements such as more realistic skulls and hands.
  8. This was a topic I wanted to start last month but the site was unfortunately down for much of Oct. Better late than never. The early years of Fright Fest saw wide use of paper cutout decorations that used to be everywhere, in store windows, at the entrance gates, on operator booths, etc. Here are a few from the web that I remember the park once used. Many were classic Beistle paper diecut decorations. I have one of these. I remember they used to have jointed pumpkin men like the one above in the back of the old Musik Express. When I think of FF I always think back on these guys who used to be a stable of the event.
  9. Up to 141 with riding VelociCoaster back in late Sept.
  10. The Disney parks are textbook examples of inelastic demand. Tons of people will still flood the parks despite rising costs and declining value. Personally I am fed up with the Disney parks and not planning on visiting them anytime soon.
  11. Retheming to another DC villain is weak. I rather see the coaster returned to the original Medusa Mine theme. Hopefully, this is not a start of a nes trend of just retheming existing rides rather than adding new attraction ala Disney.
  12. A decent part of Scream Machine's queue was covered.
  13. People smoking outside the smoking areas in GADV. Last Thrusday night there was a woman smoking on the narrow exit steps for Kingda Ka. Everyond had to walk right past her and the cloud of smoke. I told security and they didn't do anything.
  14. I was hoping they would be open on weekends past Labor Day like last year but with the mega crowds causing issues.
  15. Not sure if I am remembering right but one I think was monsters and another may have been a magician scene. Some booths were broken down more often than others.
  16. I wish the swimming season up here was that long.
  17. Used to play with them a lot as a kid. One booth was a alien rock band, I remember the witch booth but can't remember the others.
  18. The morning dash to KK was horrible a few years ago. People getting in fights, everyone shoving and pushing each other, some people even trying to trip others over to get ahead, running over tables and walls, etc. One lone poor security guard trying to control the raging stamppede.
  19. According to Screamscape, GADV is reinstituting reservations for FF. They must have decided to go with that rather than reetrict SPs. I ended up renewing my SP, while I don't like not being able to go to other SF parks I have not been to other SF parks for a few years. As long as I can get to GADV more than once in the Fall and early Winter I am ok. Agreed that some of the people in those amusement fan organizations are odd to put it nicely.
  20. Both are kind of far from GADV. Closet next waterpark to HH NJ is probably Breakwater Beach in Seaside Heights.
  21. So with the 2022 season passes, you can only go once each to FF and HITP? That is how I understand Medusa42's post but can't find more info about it on Six Flag's website. Frankly, FF isn't worth being an upcharge event, even Dorney has far better mazes that aren't upcharges than GADV. Still I would not like being blacked out most of the fall from GADV.
  22. Just when I think SF can't go any lower they find a way to do so. This is an attempt to force SP stragglers to switch to memberships. Between this and Disney, the era of season passes is ending. The disturbing part is that it meshes with big economic push away from private ownership towards renting everything instead which is part of the Great Reset.
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