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2011--What's going to happen?


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^ We are off topic, but I would have to say the Villain at Geauga Lake.


I never have a problem hopping back on (or staying on) a coaster for another round, but this ride was just terrible. I felt like I came back into the station missing a kidney. I wasn't upset when I heard it was sold for scrap.


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The park has not gotten a roller coaster from another park since Shockwave (correct me if Im wrong) and that was 20 years ago. I dont think that a used roller coaster is the right thing for one of the biggest Six Flags parks to get.

Chang may be a good ride, I have never ridden it. It should not take the place of a great classic coaster like Scream Machine. Although if they removed another coaster other than Scream Machine, I would be upset too, but I really liked GASM.



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A used coaster is a smart move money wise as they are not laying down millions of dollars just for the coaster itself. All they need to do is pay for the painting, construction, and landscaping, saving lots and lots of money. This is the beauty of ride rotation (and clones) as all of the design stages are past and all they need to do is mark out the area for the ride and begin construction. Plus this leaves plenty of capital for new flats to come into the park as well.


It doesn't have to be new to be an awesome addition, that's my feeling. Sometimes relocated rides do much better in their new homes than in their old parks.

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i agree^, why spend 20 million when we can spend 5 and get alot more out of it, gasm is 21 years old, its a great ride yes, but common ive been to the park atleast 25 times this season and its a walk on coaster every time, people dont care to ride it, its not drawing anyone to the park anymore, the only people who havent rode it are little kids now. we have all ridden GASM no less then 100 times each. the time has come and GASM went!

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I forget who said it, but somebody said 2011 may be like 1999. !99 was Great Adventures 35th anniversary, 2011 is Six FLags' 50th, in 1999 we got a flat package, which we also hope to get in 2011, we got Medusa in1999, Chang in 2011, and in 1999 we got Houdini and we might get a 5-d theatre in 2011.


I know this entire topic has been devoted to Chang, but what about those flats! What do you think we'll get. I was thinking we'll probably get a drop tower, a discovery, swing ride, MACK splash battle, sky hawk, train ride and, what I really want, a ZAmperla Ballon Race with balloons themed to the original Big Balloon, and, perhaps, a monorail ride like at Morey's piers with pirate ships around the lake front.


One other thing, if people say 2011 is gonna be like 1999, then maybe 2012 will be like 2000. in 2000 we got the new gated park Hurican Harbor, i don't expect a new park to come, but maybe we could get a hotel?

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I'm actually happy if the whole 5D thing was canceled. That's all the park needed was a prototype (subject to technical problems and breakdowns) and I've heard it was goign to be an upcharge. No thanks!


I'd like to see something like "Rides are back with 7 in 2011!"


Add Chang along with a new swing ride and some kind of Scrambler or octopus style ride and another flat or two that we don't have. Also bring back bumper cars in the park and Tango, Jungleland Express. Seven rides to appeal to ALL ages and ride styles.

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Once again, does anyone know exactly what a "5D" is or if it even works? Since there aren't any I'd have to say great in theory but until someone builds one and proves it works right it's not worth the risks. Prototypes have a nasty habit of being EXPENSIVE problems that have more down time than up time (Chiller). Think of some of those "next big thing" attractions parks have built that have come and gone because they never delivered in their promises. S&S has a whole catalog of them...

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Oddly enough, you STAND on the 5D over in Australia. The rumored one for Gadv was FlyBoard technology which isn't all that creative seeing as though it's similar to most flats with the moving floors. (see MaelStorm at Morey's for Example) It don't think it would suffer from extensive downtime however.



If we did get Chang, I hope they would paint it so, like someone said, it doesn't blend with Nitro. We have enough yellow Beemers. A Raptor color scheme would be nice at the front of the park if we had to go with green. I think we should take a tip from Cedar Fair and use the McDonald color scheme with yellow supports and red track. That would actually pretty stunning on a B&M.

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Still, I want Six FLags to be like a Busch park were people want to go on rides that ARENT roller coasters. Sure coasters are fun, but thats pretty much all people ride at our park if your not under 54". We need a dar ride, 5-d ride, or interesting flats to get thye public riding non coaster rides and giving GADV the reputation of a "real" theme park!




Okay first we thought we were going to get a 5d theatre, then we thought we were gonna get flats, then we thought we were gonna get Chang, now we dont really know what will happen. So, just curious, what do YOU want to happen in 2011?

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I want everything we have heard. The flats, 5d, Chang and what you guys have seem to forgotten, the Congo Upgrades which are much needed. Chang would,IMO, hurt and help our collection. It helps because it's a great ride and something unique in the notheast, aka it's icing on an already big cake. But one thing that most parks have and is essential to this "cake" is a sitdown looper with a floor. Guess what we lose with chang? Our sitdown looper with a floor. Maybe putting Chang in the side of the park with the worlds tallest and current fastest, along with the worlds best wooden coaster and one of the best floorless coasters and a flying coaster isn't a good idea. Maybe putting it in the side with 6 coasters, including 4 kiddie/family coaster is a better idea.

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Honestly, there's no point in re-opening Old Country. It would be smarter to redevelop the area in a smarter way. Open the backstage path between Mama Flora's and the bowling thing and make it connect to the Old Country Picnic Grove gate creating a complete loop in Movietown and eliminating that dead end. Build new bumper cars backing up to TDK and add another flat ride on the other side.


Honestly there are enough existing pads in the current park area that can be filled without reopening a path that was pretty dead when it was open. If they just put a flat in the old Pirate Flight pad, another on the old Swings pad and another where Teepee was, that's 3 spots that could really use SOMETHING. I'd also love to see something added out net to the bridge between Bizzaro and El Toro as well to bring some life out there. Something small, but something to bring some life to another dead spot. Maybe even relocate Tango out there...


Or maybe something like this:


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Paddle Boats or Swan Boats would bring a little traffic near the bridge. I think that area needs work too. No area in an amusement park should be dead. I walk back there at night and get chills because it's so dark and no one is there. There is a little bit of space to the right of Toro's lift that they could squeeze something. I like that flat that GAcoaster posted. Looks like it would get a line.

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Honestly, there's no point in re-opening Old Country. It would be smarter to redevelop the area in a smarter way. Open the backstage path between Mama Flora's and the bowling thing and make it connect to the Old Country Picnic Grove gate creating a complete loop in Movietown and eliminating that dead end. Build new bumper cars backing up to TDK and add another flat ride on the other side.


Honestly there are enough existing pads in the current park area that can be filled without reopening a path that was pretty dead when it was open. If they just put a flat in the old Pirate Flight pad, another on the old Swings pad and another where Teepee was, that's 3 spots that could really use SOMETHING. I'd also love to see something added out net to the bridge between Bizzaro and El Toro as well to bring some life out there. Something small, but something to bring some life to another dead spot. Maybe even relocate Tango out there...


Or maybe something like this:


Well, heres how I put it-

1.Build a new swing ride and call it, what else, but the Flying Wave and put it in , where else, but Flying Wave's old spot. This ride would be a Zamperla Family Swinger that, unlike Flying Wave, is cheap and easy to maintain and get parts for.\

2.Add a Zamperla Balloon Race with balloons themed to the design of the original Great Adventure Big Balloon. Put it in the spot of the old Pirate's Flight.

3.Add a Zamperla SkyHawk. One thing our park REALLY lacks in is adult/teen flat rides. Whatever flats we have are family orientated so this is well needed and popular addition. Put it in Looping Starships old spot, theres already the pit! If Chang replaces GASM, skyhaek would be a nice contrast. Also, theme it to the High Striker so it fits in with the whole Boardwalk theme.

4. In Teepee's old spot, add a Zamperla Discovery. Like the Sky Hawk our park need teen oriented flats and it could be themed to the wild west or Buffalo Bill and fit in with Fronteir adventures and in Teepees old spot.

5.Add an S&S double drop Tower. It doesnt need theming, but put it in Movie Town and Name it Stuntman's revenge. Demolish Chiller's Satation and use it's quenue for it.

6.Add a Huss Kong ride to Golden Kingdom. Name it Gorilla Attack and put it in what is now the backstage area/safari tour bus entrance.

7.Add a Zamperla Sombrero ride to Plaza Del Carnival like shown in GACOASTER's comment and reopen Tango

8. Reopen Old COuntry and add a Zamperla Flying bikes to SpinMEister's old spot and call it DaVinci's flying Machine or Gladiator's Gauntlet or something

9.Add a Zamperla KiteFLyer to Evolutions old spot and just colorfully htme it to fit in which Fantasy Forest

10Add the 5-d theatre and chang to boardwalk

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