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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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We realize you do not care, but a lot of people do. Not caring is what is wrong with the park.


If it doesn't matter, why theme it at all? Why take the time, energy, and money to give it a theme that does not fit? Just call it "Drop Tower", and call all the roller coasters "coaster 1, coaster 2, etc." The point is it does matter.


The company and the park have serious problems. Just playing ignorant and being glad for whatever they do is not going to solve them. Those of us who do care want the park to be as great as it could, and should, be. No, it is not "good enough".


They're talking about building a hotel and entertainment complex next to the park. Making it a "destination" as people like to call it. Whatever you call it, people are not going to come to Jackson, NJ and stay at a generic hotel to go to a generic amusement park that only caters to teenagers. Teenagers cannot afford hotels. If they want to do better, they have to offer better.


Yes, I remember when the park first opened, how magical and beautiful it was. Everyone loved it; children, teenagers, and adults. That is what it takes to have a successful park. It's depressing and frustrating to see what Six Flags has done to it. It is also frustrating to see the park fall into the same hole over and over, never learning from their mistakes.Thrill rides alone will not sustain them. Making thrill rides fit into the theme also makes them more fun for the people that ride them as well as interesting to the people who do not. Believe me, if you knew better you would care.

^Truth. Edited by DiveMachine
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Okay, this is all getting a little blown out of proportion here. The park has added TONS of non thrill rides in the past few years... look at all the children's sections, take a look at the new family friendly flat rides they added... Along with this, they seem to be removing less of the family friendly sections. They need to cater to ALL groups of the parks visitors, that includes extreme thrill seekers! It is not like they are adding ONLY coasters / thrill rides... the past few seasons has seen the addition of a nice handful of family friendly rides as well! (Elephants, Scrambler, Bumper Cars, even Sky Screamer is family friendly) I think everyone is blowing this way up.


If Rolling Thunder had not been involved with this new drop tower, I think everyone would be praising and bowing to it. But the removal of Thunder certainly won't take away the magic and family-friendlyness of the park. All of that is still there, although in my opinion, the ads everywhere is what is ruining it most.

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the ads everywhere is what is ruining it most.

Not all the ads are bad. Call me crazy, but I actually like the ad wraps on the El Toro train, but that it just my opinion. But if that is how they want to make some money, than let them, even if it looks bad. I don't wanna get off topic, but Cedar Point (actually I think cedar fair itself) doesn't have any ads on their coasters, just though I would point that out

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Six Flags is the only chain I know of that would stoop to the point of wrapping their coaster trains in ads to create rolling advertisements. It certainly is probably the single most tackiest thing I can recall the park ever doing. I really hope the advertisers pay them a lot of money to do that.

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Okay, this is all getting a little blown out of proportion here. The park has added TONS of non thrill rides in the past few years... look at all the children's sections, take a look at the new family friendly flat rides they added... Along with this, they seem to be removing less of the family friendly sections. They need to cater to ALL groups of the parks visitors, that includes extreme thrill seekers! It is not like they are adding ONLY coasters / thrill rides... the past few seasons has seen the addition of a nice handful of family friendly rides as well! (Elephants, Scrambler, Bumper Cars, even Sky Screamer is family friendly) I think everyone is blowing this way up.


If Rolling Thunder had not been involved with this new drop tower, I think everyone would be praising and bowing to it. But the removal of Thunder certainly won't take away the magic and family-friendlyness of the park. All of that is still there, although in my opinion, the ads everywhere is what is ruining it most.


Personally I am not that upset about Rolling Thunder. It is a little sad, but it is an outdated ride that hardly anyone rides anymore. I will also be glad to see something removed from that overcrowded area.


My problem with Zumanjaro is that they are giving it an African theme and there is no African section in the park (yet). This led to several people claiming that theming does not matter as long as we keep getting thrill rides because that is all people come to the park for and as long as we keep adding thrill rides people will flock to the park. This is the philosophy that has led to most of the park's problems and has failed over and over again.


Yes, there have been children's rides added to the park. However parents do not want to bring children to the park because the parents do not like the park and have nothing to do themselves. The rowdy teenagers also make the atmosphere inappropriate for children and unpleasant for adults.


Theming and atmosphere are very important to adults and it is not blowing anything out of proportion to point out how poor the theming and atmosphere is at GA. The unpleasant atmosphere costs the park a great deal of business and the idea that the atmosphere is unimportant as long as we keep adding thrill rides is going to keep chasing people away and continue adding to the bad reputation of the park.


The people that come to the park next year to ride the new thrill ride would be coming to the park anyway for the most part. The park is full of thrill rides and teenagers will come to ride them, even without a new one next year. Teenagers are not the demographic the park needs to work on attracting. They need to attract adults and yes, the poor atmosphere is hurting their chances of doing this.

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I'm excited about Zumanjaro. The view from up there is going to be spectacular. What troubles me is the direction the park seems to be heading. They seem to be trying the old tricks that failed in the past - add a cheap new thrill ride every year, market the hell out of it, and people will flock to the park in droves. It never works. They do not need to attract thrill-seekers. These are people they already have as loyal customers. The park is cram packed with thrill rides. Adding this ride will not bring anyone to the park that was not already going to come. Thrill-seekers are not the park's problem, adults are. Adults bring children and teens to the park and adults have the money to spend. Adults hate Six Flags because they are tacky, ugly, loud, and have nothing for them to do.


The Safari addition to the park was a huge step toward making the park adult-friendly, however it is not enough to make the park attractive to adults. Adults spend most of their time enjoying the atmosphere, watching shows, and dining. The atmosphere at GA is very unpleasant to adults, there are very few shows, and dining consists of restaurant chains that they can go to at home.


The park needs theming. It needs to be an atmosphere that makes you forget about the outside world, not constantly reminding you of it. The food needs to fit this atmosphere to enhance the whole experience.


I have a funny feeling there is something we have not yet been told. I have a strange feeling Frontier Adventures is being changed to a Safari Village. This would make sense, which makes me think I might be wrong. It would explain replacing the Conestoga Wagon with a Safari station and the African theming of Zumanjaro ( if the entrance is near the Safari ).


My only concern with this is that Frontier Adventures and The Golden Kingdom were the only well-themed areas in the park. They are the only areas that did not need retheming. However, the atmosphere of Golden Kingdom has been watered down and Frontier Adventures has been destroyed. On the other hand, they could just be doing the usual dropping of inappropriately-themed rides around the park with no intention of changing any theming. I'll guess we'll have to wait and see.


I look forward to riding Zumajaro, however I do not believe they are gaining any advantage by adding it, and I believe they are heading down the same path of destruction they have traveled so many times before.

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From all the rumors that have been floating around regarding Rolling Thunder, my money is that the ride needed much more then just retracking and new trains. As Sad and disappointing as it is, it's time to move on. Keep in mind that the ride wasn't built by a major coaster company like Intaman, in fact I'm certain that the designer of Rolling Thunder hasn't made to many coasters nor is still designing any.


Unfortunately corporte is all about business and how to make the best out of any investment. In their eyes they see it as, instead of fixing up rolling thunder lets just move the bamboons into the park and well use the money on a nice new Monster or a family section with a family coaster and some flats.


With the loss as a family ride (once considered thrill), I just hope they invest in a nice family thrill coaster with flats and revamp a section.

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Yes, there have been children's rides added to the park. However parents do not want to bring children to the park because the parents do not like the park and have nothing to do themselves. The rowdy teenagers also make the atmosphere inappropriate for children and unpleasant for adults.


yes people are a little annoying at the park (annoying imature, but sometimes funny kids) but that shouldnt stop them from going

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Once again, I am amazed at how little so many fans of this park know about its history. Rolling Thunder was designed by Don Rosser and Bill Cobb (deceased) and built by Frontier Constructuon, A wholly owned Six Flags construction company that built their wooden coasters back then. For years after its construction, Frontier Construction maintained offices at the park and a fleet of Chevrolet El Caminos for servicing the ride with signage on the sides that read "Frontier Construction - Builders of the World Famous Screamin' Eagle."


So you are right that they are not building new coasters because the designer (Cobb was know for not just thrilling wooden coasters, but for the beauty of his designs and how they utilized the natural beauty of their surroundings) is long dead and Frontier Construction, like Six Flags, Inc. Show Productions (another wholly owned company responsible for Broadway Style Productions in each park), has been disbanded. We will never see the likes of coasters like SFOGs Great American Scream Machine, SFStLs Screamin' Eagle, SFOTs Judge Roy Scream, and, YES, SFGAds Rolling Thunder, Cobb's only double track, figure eight coaster, being two separate rides. With the exception of The Judge Roy Scream (1980), all of the other Frontier Construction coasters are older than our Rolling Thunder and all continue to operate. It's pathetic that this is happening.

Edited by Daved Thomson
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^ It is most unfortunate to look at it that way. That's why I'm saying the biggest upset to me is this ride is irreplaceable- every park worth a mention has it's classic woodie that's been there for ages and ages; and now, we will be without ours. A very unique one at that.

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Ok lets wrap this up. And this time Ill be totally up front. Do I think Great Advneture is great no! It was until 92 then it turned into amusment park period. Ive slowly watched Six Flags take away all the elements that made it a totally enjoyable day for a whole family. They removed a lot of 100 year old oaks for concrete and steel. Removed shows and iconic landmarks. Super Teepee, Conastoga Wagon. Reworked quick snake stands into fast food counter service. Slapped neon all over the place. Given us evey comic book hero you can think of. And not in a Themed area all over the park. And OMG piped in music..so loud you cant hear yourself think. Ok Im an old timer but that said Ill ride with the best of them. But is all the progress really needed. Well yes..But remember theres so much land and space..Spread it out! Spend the cash...which is like cow pies aint no good unless you spread it around. And this comes after a visit there on Aug. 29th, 2013...I walked in the gate and ask what happened here. And the I remember oh yea Mr. LeRoy sold his last interest in the park in 92...Up until then the park was billed as Great Adventure presented by Six Flags...Thus the beginning of the end of what was truly a great adventure for the whole family.......

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Believe it or not, Warner LeRoy NEVER had a dime of his own in Great Adventure. All of the financing for the park came initially from Hardwicke Companies, Inc. and, at the end of the first season, Hardwicke sold 95% of its interest in the park to the Pritzker Family (of Hyatt Hotels fame) and the First National Bank of Chicago in order to secure additional financing for the park so that it could open again for the 1975 season. This is also the reason that Warner LeRoy was quickly removed as President of Great Adventure following the first season, with his second season title being nothing more than Creater and Designer. Discovering that he now had little power and influence by the end of the second season, he left Great Adventure, Inc. the company. Reality is that it was now Randall Duell and Associates that would handle park design for the 1976 season and beyond.


When Six Flags (actually, The Pennsylvania Company) purchased the park from the Pritzker Family and First National Bank of Chicago, they purchased 100% of the park for $30 million and assumed the mortgage balance owed by Hardwicke (5%) and The Pritzker Family Trust (95%) to First National of Chicago.

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Believe it or not, Warner LeRoy NEVER had a dime of his own in Great Adventure. All of the financing for the park came initially from Hardwicke Companies, Inc. and, at the end of the first season, Hardwicke sold 95% of its interest in the park to the Pritzker Family (of Hyatt Hotels fame) and the First National Bank of Chicago in order to secure additional financing for the park so that it could open again for the 1975 season. This is also the reason that Warner LeRoy was quickly removed as President of Great Adventure following the first season, with his second season title being nothing more than Creater and Designer. Discovering that he now had little power and influence by the end of the second season, he left Great Adventure, Inc. the company. Reality is that it was now Randall Duell and Associates that would handle park design for the 1976 season and beyond.


When Six Flags (actually, The Pennsylvania Company) purchased the park from the Pritzker Family and First National Bank of Chicago, they purchased 100% of the park for $30 million and assumed the mortgage balance owed by Hardwicke (5%) and The Pritzker Family Trust (95%) to First National of Chicago.

Actually according to his Obit in the NY times he sold his interest to TIme Warner in 1993...

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He actually referred to Great Adventure as "my theme park" in a good number of interviews and articles I have seen literally up until his death. He may have thought of it as his (in the context of "his creation"), but he never actually owned any of it (unless he purchased stock in Time-Warner after they acquired Six Flags and then sold that stock back to them). His obituary also said he owned Tavern on the Green and we all now know that he did not, he simply had a management contract to operate it.

Edited by Daved Thomson
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Zumanjaro looks like it will be a thrilling ride, no question. However it also looks like a capacity nightmare with only being able to handle 24 people at once max. Also the ride will be pretty short, only 40 seconds long? I won't give a judgement until I ride it.

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Once again, I am amazed at how little so many fans of this park know about its history. Rolling Thunder was designed by Don Rosser and Bill Cobb (deceased) and built by Frontier Constructuon, A wholly owned Six Flags construction company that built their wooden coasters back then. For years after its construction, Frontier Construction maintained offices at the park and a fleet of Chevrolet El Caminos for servicing the ride with signage on the sides that read "Frontier Construction - Builders of the World Famous Screamin' Eagle."


So you are right that they are not building new coasters because the designer (Cobb was know for not just thrilling wooden coasters, but for the beauty of his designs and how they utilized the natural beauty of their surroundings) is long dead and Frontier Construction, like Six Flags, Inc. Show Productions (another wholly owned company responsible for Broadway Style Productions in each park), has been disbanded. We will never see the likes of coasters like SFOGs Great American Scream Machine, SFStLs Screamin' Eagle, SFOTs Judge Roy Scream, and, YES, SFGAds Rolling Thunder, Cobb's only double track, figure eight coaster, being two separate rides. With the exception of The Judge Roy Scream (1980), all of the other Frontier Construction coasters are older than our Rolling Thunder and all continue to operate. It's pathetic that this is happening.


That really makes Rolling Thunder's removal all the more tragic.

Edited by The Master
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It is kind of strange being able to talk about Zumanjaro after being "in" on the secret for quite some time.


While I am not surprised to hear of the disappointment around Rolling Thunder's removal, I am that it has consumed so much of this topic. Anyone who is familiar with the history of the park knows that rides and attractions are constantly added and removed from Great Adventure. Only six rides have had a longer run than Rolling Thunder's 35 years at the park and with the average coaster staying for only 12 years, Thunder had a pretty long life. As a Great Adventure history nut, I hate to see things removed from the park. If it were possible I wish we would still have every ride since 1974, but obviously that isn't realistic. Time marches on.


The decision to remove Rolling Thunder was not a random idea but instead a well thought out part of a multi-year plan for Great Adventure's future. I have known about its planned removal for over a year. Since 2011 the park has been putting in attractions that have filled voids in its ride line-up based upon feedback from its current visitors and the public who have complained that the park lacked certain attractions that lessened their chances of visiting or returning. For those that can recall not too long ago when the park was almost exclusively roller coasters and kiddie rides with numerous flat and family rides removed and not replaced, the park has come a long way in a short time to address those missings. We have seen a family oriented package of flat rides in 2012, an outstanding Safari experience in 2013, and now a world record setting thrill ride for 2014. Year after year they have listened to what people have wanted and their future plans will continue to enhance the park's offerings while appealing to a broader demographic.


Don't think of Rolling Thunder's removal as a simple swap out for another ride but as a key step in planning and building a better Great Adventure. We will get over Rolling Thunder's demolition just as we did with Lightnin' Loops, Scream Machine, and so many other rides. In the mean time we will just have to settle with our 415 foot drop tower. Poor us!

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