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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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Sitting on Zumanjaro while a Kingda Ka train goes by, you really feel the shaking at ground level. I can only imagine how it feels up top. I think its more of an issue of something falling off Kingda Ka then the vibration. Great Adventure should've found out before they built the ride. Hopefully they will fix this off season so Kingda Ka can return to full capacity. I see no impact on Zumanjaro either way. By the time they load and unload Zumanjaro, two Ka trains go by.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lets just slap things to Ka's tower till everything works as planned seems legit. Something still seems funny. NJ felt no need to mention this issue during the planning of this ride? Its not like "hey here is the ride idea" "ok seems good" ride goes up "oh wait its attached to Ka?!?! we cant have this"

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I think the problem is that the state really doesn't see anything about the ride until it's built. As far as I know, they only have to submit plans to the local building departments for approvals and permits, then the state comes to inspect once the ride is ready. Once again (just my guess) they only realized it was a "problem" when they got on site. If I was in charge at Six Flags, I would have specifically asked the state inspectors for feedback on the design before construction, especially knowing how tough New Jersey is about ride safety.


If it's true that they are making modifications again in the off season so the two can run together, I would suspect that's why the park is getting a pretty small, off the shelf ride that was decided on at the last minute, with more money having to be spent on ZDD rather than a bigger, better new attraction.

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My guess would be that they need to do it in the off season because they need to bring in a crane to build a "catcher" structure under Ka's track at the top.



That was my suggestion a ways back. A metal "grate" under the "Top Hat" (like the nets under Nitro's lift) that would catch, or deflect any objects that may fall. I would assume that's also one of the reason's were getting only "Looping Dragon" next season. Were still paying for Zumanjaro.

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Well if this is true then I feel much better about Looping Dragon. Allowing Ka and Zumanjaro to run at the same time would do wonders for both rides.


For the drop ride wars it would be funny if they continued it so they could have a "the empire strikes back" episode poking at the last minute state policy. :P

Edited by RC98
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Running both rides at once wouldn't do much for Zumanjaro actually. By the time Zumanjaro completes one "circuit", Kingda Ka has already launched 2 trains, like it was when they couldn't run independently. It would have a HUGE effect on Kingda Ka though, and should bring the amount of launches-per-hour back to the 50's rather than the 30's, and lines will move MUCH faster

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A few reports just came in from people who said they were ontop of Zumanjaro while Ka launched. One report claims they did a good job syncing but reached the bottom before Ka. Could it be running differently for the event tonight or have things officially changed?


Edit...A person just said they were testing Ka while zumanjaro was going, so I'm not sure if it was on purpose(or even normal) or a mistake.

Edited by jdc12192
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Zumanjaro was running whenever it was loaded. 2 or 3 Kingda Ka trains would launch in between. They were running 3 trains with the 1 station on Kingda Ka. It definitely hurt Kingda Ka's capacity. I really noticed the wonders that having 4 restraint checkers has on Kingda Ka. All rides need that kind of staffing and not just Kingda Ka and Green Lantern. If some sort of safety cover was added at the top of the tower, it would do wonders for Kingda Ka. All they need is some kind of metal grate just above Zumanjaro kind of like the retractable roofs at the bottom. That would allow them to run Zumanjaro and Kingda Ka independently of each other and increase Kingda Ka's capacity drastically.

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When I was at ROTB on sat, and during the Kingda Ka, Zumanjaro, and Medusa tour, John the SF tour guide, did mention that they are still working with the state, and goal is to have them running at the same time for next season. I guess we will see come opening day 2015 if they get it done.

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I had my first experience with Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom this past Saturday at Riding of the Bull Seis. I really enjoyed this ride and did it twice, even in the nick of time. I did this ride around 9:30-10:00 and right after, the skies opened up and the storm rolled in Saturday night. Even though my day ended 2 hours earlier than expected, it was a great way to close out ROTB this year. I really hope that Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro run at the same time next year, that would be so neat and cool.

Edited by bgr861509
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And that's why they are supposed to be installing nets under the track over the off season.


It's true, no one should have anything that can fall out, but they do, and frequently do drop things. Knowing some of the guests that GA gets, there is probably a fear of objects even being INTENTIONALLY dropped like what happened with Duelling Dragons at IoA and why it no longer duels. It kind of surprised me that SFMM is planning to have sections of the new Colossus pass over one another with a train upside down over one right side up. It won't last long or they will add nets I'm sure. Of course all that may change now with the fire...

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I would assume that they want to protect the station from falling debris. What about things falling from Zumanjaro? Maybe have a net for Kingda Ka, and keep the mechanical thingy for Zumanjaro. Does Lex Luther have anything to protect the station?

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Lex Luthor doesn't operate directly underneath Superman, so objects can't fall from it. Zumanjaro does. As for NJ being overly strict, although I love Action Park, it is almost entirely their fault that NJ is overly strict. Their injuries is why NJ has become the nanny state that it is for ride safety.

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