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Zumanjaro: Drop of Doom - NOW OPEN!


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I went on saturday morning. Zumanjaro was the first ride we went on. It was my cousin's first time. We were the first group and as it was going up, it stopped after the brakes. we sat ther a few minutes and they lowered us. They ran some tests and then the first car wasn't attaching to the lift. since the other 2 were connecting, they had to raise them, then drop them individually. After that, they tested it and it was fine. We got back on and it got stucka again! same spot! At this point I couldn't hold my bladder anymore so we left the ride. Went on El toro. I figured I could watch Zumanjaro from there. El Toro was down! Went on Bizarro then back to El Toro and noticed Zumanjaro was runnning one car. Went back and was stopped at the entrance. They opened it, by the time i got to the ride, it broke again!! Finally got on it and it worked! WOW! It was unusually busy for a rainy day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I rode Zumanjaro yesterday for the first time and it was awesome! But they are still not running it at the same time as Kingda Ka. That would be terrifying as the gondola kinda sways in the wind when going up the tower, and when Kingda Ka goes up the tophat the entire station for Zumanjaro shakes!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...

Any details surrounding the rumor that they are trying to hava Ka and ZuJ run independently for 2015?



My guess would be that they need to do it in the off season because they need to bring in a crane to build a "catcher" structure under Ka's track at the top.


I was wondering if there is anything new regarding this issue. The park opens in just 44 days and I haven't heard anything that this is being worked on.

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I was wondering that also. If it does happen, i think they will both be closed well into the season, and i think they are doing it. Would explain the name, and entrance location change for El Diablo a little also. The Golden Kingdom will be closed most of the Spring.

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I think that if Zumanjaro was built on the side or back of the tower (granted that if the tower was straight and didn't slant towards the top) then we might have been able to see both running together. One thing to keep in mind about Lex Luther; besides California's regulations is that LL is attached to the side of Superman's tower. What I'm wondering is did the state approve both rides running together when the park submitted approval to the planning board and later changed their minds perhaps? One positive thing on the parks behalf is that they probably save some money on KK hydraulics now that the launches aren't as often as they were.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Both my son and I saw Kingda Ka and Zumanjaro going at the same time this past Saturday. As far as I could tell it only happened once. I thought the State wouldn't let them operate together. Did the policy change? Maybe they were testing one or the other so rider safety was not a concern?

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DrDFresh, Just FYI merged your separate topic into this one since running the two has been brought up a few times here and there.


If only one day they could make it happen for real.


I still am extremely bummed that I didn't get to ride Zum with Ka running over it when i had the chance. Heard it was pretty crazy. Hopefully we can all experience it in the future.

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We had the opportunity doing it the opposite way. We were on Zumanjaro and when we were at the top. KK went over our heads (empty) and we were dropped the same time KK was going back down.

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We were at the top and it seemed that it took longer for it to drop... Before it dropped we did feel it shake (not as much as we thought it would) and noticed KK coming up and around us. We were kind of "shocked" at that time and then it dropped at the same time KK was going down. The dropped surprised us because our minds were off the drop and instead watching KK going over us. So the drop felt more intense between the "unanticipated" drop and watching KK going down next to as we would going down.

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could it be they are doing tests to see how they can sink the two rides together?

They can run both as long as one is empty. With both in full operation the computer system will not allow them to and if eventually they do run together, the system would have to be modified.

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I know what you meant but i was just explaining it won't be possible unless they change the system which would take some time. Hence the delay in opening and extra costs because of the roof. If it does change i see it being done during an off season or during some type of break where the park is closed for a decent about of time.

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