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NJ veteran says SF denied him admission


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Personally I just don't find the shirt offensive, I kind of like it really. Also I feel context should not really matter either, it should not matter if he is a vet of Joe smo who never served. Saddly this does somewhat concern gun rights since the chain is promoting the idea that guns are bad. The park should not be promoting what they think is good or bad, period. Perhaps they don't mean to push an ideology but that is what they are doing. Screamscape has weighed on this and I agree with their view. http://screamscape.com/html/six_flags_great_adventure.htm


The park is only saying "guns are not appropriate in a theme park" not that they are good or bad. That has been their message since they installed the metal detectors in 1987, which is also when they began banning shirts with images of guns.


Once again, this was not anything "anti-gun" it was anti violence. When they used to get people who were thugs wearing shirts advocating shooting the police and other things, they put a ban on shirts with weapons (guns, knives, brass knuckles, etc.). That has to be enforced for EVERY guest, not just those who appear to be gang members. You cannot selectively enforce a rule like that and say "no shirts with guns unless you're a veteran or are somehow showing support for veterans" because then you are profiling and discriminating.

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The park is only saying "guns are not appropriate in a theme park" not that they are good or bad. That has been their message since they installed the metal detectors in 1987, which is also when they began banning shirts with images of guns.


Once again, this was not anything "anti-gun" it was anti violence. When they used to get people who were thugs wearing shirts advocating shooting the police and other things, they put a ban on shirts with weapons (guns, knives, brass knuckles, etc.). That has to be enforced for EVERY guest, not just those who appear to be gang members. You cannot selectively enforce a rule like that and say "no shirts with guns unless you're a veteran or are somehow showing support for veterans" because then you are profiling and discriminating.


Exactly GAcoaster. People are taking this story completely out of context. Those medical detectors are there not just to prevent weapons from entering the park. They also present the appearance of a secure and safe environment (even if they can be circumvented). It's a shame people are taking this as an affront on their values.
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I dodnt know how to post a picture, but my friend took this picture today at the park and its on his website. A gun isn't family friendly, but a grenade is. Its very sad to see how SF treats military.


I hate when restaurants refuse to admit me when I lack a jacket. Others there aren't wearing one. Sure, I was offered an option to get one, but why should I? Private enterprises should accommodate my wishes. How dare they!


Seriously, I am starting to believe this is as much about your personal ideology, as it is this person being denied admission. Six Flags should apply their standards evenly, without question. Even if they did 100%, I would wager you still found fault with this particular instance. Six Flags Fiesta Texas has also denied admission to patrons based on t-shirts. It has been documented in the news. Where is your outrage for that? While I would have provided a free t-shirt to Mr. Alejandro had I been park manager, was it so awful for him to simply change it? Sounds like someone making a mountain out of a mole hill to me.

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^ Well if you're going to go there, then I'd say that promoting action heroes is a more accepted form of "violence" than possibly promoting open gun fire, since the shirt can be taken that way even if it isn't meant to be. It's really a matter of opinion, I admit I'd feel a bit off-put if I saw someone with a shirt like that but others would think nothing of it.


To be fair, his shirt was promoting defending oneself, to keep calm and return fire, there is nothing wrong about defending oneself from a violent attack hence why I don't see why its offensive. Open gunfire is acceptable when defending yourself or another person from harm by a violent attacker. Sadly some people think it is more acceptable to just lay down and die rather than to stop an attacker, I find that line of thinking to be offensive. That an innocent person's life has less value than a scumbag attacker's life is asinine. However the vet's shirt is different from let's say, kill all cops which is an act of aggression and is offensive. Don't confuse denfense with offense. The vet's shirt is clearly denfense to stop an attacker, much like the superheros who use their powers or weapons to stop the villan's attacks only with a gun instead of silly superpowers or ninja weapons which are still designed to kill. Many superheros are really vigilantes who go out looking for trouble to fight. A gun or any other weapon doesn't go out looking for or to cause trouble by itself.

Edited by The Master
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So Six Flags gave him and his familty VIP passes and invited him back which is fine but now how many other people will try and wear somewhat offensive shirts to get media attention?


I had no problem with that shirt... I have seem worse in the park... I just have a problem with people (both parties) and their poor attitudes.

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