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I agree. I have mid-terms this week, and I still feel like the semester just started!


I also want to mention I absolutely hate my school, and I don't advice anyone to go to New York City College of Technologoy. It sounds so prestigious, but let me tell you....it SUCKS!!



My dad went to Penn in Philly but he didn't like because the whole collage is surround by slums, which is why I went with distance learning.

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Same with Temple, right off campus is a horrible area. Besides that Temple is horrible. I had so many problems there if I listed them all I'd be typing for the next few hours. Crazy stuff like them not accepting credits from other schools when they said they would despite the courses being almost identical, professors saying a 90% is a C+ because he wanted to motivate us to work harder (yes I complained and they didn't care until the end of the semester where he added 20 - 30 points on to everyone's grade because almost entire class was failing)


Or professors that can't teach literally, I mean they don't know the subject at all and when I complained I was told basically they know he is horrible but can't fire him because of tenure so he only teaches the intro course. Yeah that made sense, I never learned the basics so struggled in all the courses after that.


Or the professor that enjoyed seeing people fail and said in her class, a D is good.


Everytime they send some mailer out asking for alumni donations I trash it. I have no school spirit for that horrible place.

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I was watching the apprentice and a commercial comes on from NBC10 and it said that they can cure peanut allergies..

all i have to say is W00T!!

if i eat anything that has peanuts in it... i stop breathing and all that stuff.. it is really critical for me!

now i am going to stay up and wait on how to cure this...



Next, i want them to learn how to cure HIV AIDS, and Cancer.

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NBC's News that is on right now is doing a piece on "Fame". It look's like it will be a new reality competition show, a'la American Idol. Tryout's in the Six Flags Theme Park's seems logical to me as the tie-in with the Park's. If the show catches on it could be a MAJOR draw for them.

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