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A Special Announcement


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It is with a very heavy heart that I have to announce the loss of our co-founder, and my friend Harry Applegate.
Harry was the heart and soul of Great Adventure History and the park's biggest fan.
At this time I'm not sure of what will become of the website and all of our work, but I know that Harry's devotion to Six Flags Great Adventure and the park's past, present, and future will be greatly missed by everyone, me most of all.
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I am so very sorry for your loss. Harry has contributed so much to my, and I'm sure many others, continued interest in the history of Great Adventure and I've learned so much about this park from Great Adventure History. He will be dearly missed.

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I'm heartbroken at this announcement. It is thanks to you and him that I was able to learn more about my favorite theme park. I'm glad I got to meet him once at the Great Adventure History Museum. 


Thank you both for all you've done!! Rest in Peace, Harry.

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I am so sorry for your loss, I'm at an absolute loss of words I saw the Facebook post last night and couldn't believe that it was true. I've been here since pretty early on and this site sparked my interest in the theme park industry. While I haven't been actively posting much these days I still check in pretty much daily. Every time I met and talked to Harry it was great to talk about the park and the industry, I will miss his trip reports greatly and all the effort put into Spotlights. May he rest in peace and his legacy and devotion to the park live on forever.


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I am so sorry, Tom. I can't thank both of you enough for this wonderful website that I've enjoyed for so many years.

 I'm heartbroken by this news and regret that I never got the opportunity to thoroughly express my gratitude to Harry in person.


Harry's work was always done with utmost care and his posts/spotlights were (and still are) such a joy to read. His dedication to the the park and GAH were unparalleled, and the impact he made as a historian will be felt well into the future. He'll continue to serve as an inspiration to the many members of this forum and those who knew him.


Blessings to you and Harry's family. May the wonderful memories you made together carry you through this difficult time.

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Harry’s work on this site was spectacular in so many ways.


I still find myself going back to read the decade old forum threads, trip reports and spotlights over and over again.  I grew up on this website, and it launched one of my favorite passions.  

Had the pleasure of meeting him, and you could immediately see his absolute expertise and knowledge of the park.  The amount of lives Harry and his work have touched is uncountable, and that number will only continue rise as time goes on.


Rest in Peace







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  • 2 weeks later...

I barely check out the forums for a bit and this was a late post, but as soon as I read news of Harry's passing, I felt like my heart sank. Harry's knowledge about Great Adventure seriously cannot be outdone! I remember going on GAH as a long-time lurker since the park's 40th back in 2014 learning about how rides and costumed entertainers have changed over the course of its history. Even when I went to lurk at the forums, I see former employees posting their past experiences! Alas, his adventure will continue onward with spirit (meaning us) and he will be missed by many.

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I've been visiting this website since its inception in 2007, which is when I started visiting the park regularly. I'm heartbroken to hear about Harry's passing. I have both of his books and I wish I could have met him IRL to tell him how much his contributions have helped fuel my love of Great Adventure and roller coasters/theme parks in general. I wish he could have made it to July 4, 2024 for the parks big 5-0.


He will be missed dearly. RIP


Edit: Also, I don't have a Facebook account. Is there any other way to see the posts on the FB page?

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I am hoping to send out an email to everyone on the mailing list announcing the next steps, along with posting it on Facebook. It looks like the Forums and Galleries here will still be functional into March, so we have a few weeks left here as well. 

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I haven't posted here for almost 15 years (wow time flies), but in that time I'd still frequently find myself browsing the Spotlights, reading up on park history and getting lost in old pictures. Harry made something special here, and his legacy will live on for a long time.

RIP Harry

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I myself haven't been very active on the site recently, but just wanted to share how much this GAH community has meant to me! GAH has gotten me through a ton of difficult times, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. It's all thanks to Harry and his dedication to the park, and I think there's something that we can all learn from the way he brought us all together. We'll miss you Harry, and thank you for giving us all a place to share our love for Great Adventure!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I just heard the unfortunate news about our good friend, Harry Applegate.  I would always see him at the park's Media Days and my heart indeed sank when I saw the notice on the Great Adventure History website.  I was actually thinking of writing him this Spring to ask if the park still holds these Media Days for their newest attractions, but I was too late...


So sorry for your loss, Tom...I sure hope you can keep Harry's legacy alive by continuing to run and host the website !!!

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Yes, they'll still be holding media days, and the site should still receive invitations to them. I'm 1000 miles away so I may not be able to attend, but I'm hoping I can send someone to cover them for the website if I can't be there. 

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  • 3 months later...

An incredibly special addition was made to the Blue Tent on Dream Street last week:







Harry C. Applegate IV


Great Adventure Historian


At 7 years old, Harry Applegate developed a fascination for Great Adventure that would last a lifetime. The afternoon before Great Adventure opened in 1974, Harry's father read him a newspaper article describing all of the exciting attractions at the park. Harry carefully listened to every word wishing he could visit on the opening day. As a teenager, Harry worked the Parachuter's Perch - a ride he would always consider his own.


Harry carefully researched each attraction. As a computer scientist, Harry co-developed GreatAdventureHistory.com as a hobby; the website would later grow to include attractions, the Safari, and Hurricane Harbor along with a spotlight on "This day in Great Adventure History." In 2014, Harry organized a history exhibit along Dream Street that featured memorabilia, antiques, and photographs from 1974 through the mid-2000s. In addition, Harry co-authored two books with Tom Benton detailing the park's unique history.


Harry always enjoyed the opportunity to speak with Great Adventure's developers, planners, ride operators, and fellow park enthusiasts who appreciated a place he considered to be a home away from home. Fifty years later, Harry felt the same excitement to celebrate Six Flags Great Adventure's 50th anniversary as he did the park's opening in 1974. While Harry will be missed by the Six Flags Great Adventure community, he will always be remembered as a caring man with a passion for sharing the park's legacy.





I'm sure Harry would have been absolutely thrilled to be featured right alongside Warner LeRoy on a display honoring Great Adventure's icons.



Edited by Great Adventurer
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