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Everything posted by joeyc98

  1. They were using the finger scanners at hurricane harbor this morning. Lots of people were in line to enter the park but the finger scanner was working relatively quickly and the lines kept moving. Maybe they have to work out the kinks? I dont know, but the scanners never worked that fast at Great Adventure thats for sure.
  2. The time of the year Great Adventure opens almost always depends on when schools let out. That's where they get most of their workers. When they opened up earlier in the year last year, it was not very busy, which while all of us here may enjoy, its most probable the park did not make much revenue that early in the season.
  3. I feel it will get the I-box treatment, mainly because the closing of Colossus has major hype and signs about it, as did Texas Giant and Rattler when they closed. Rolling Thunder had very little acknowledgment at the park that it was closing and it makes sense that it will most likely become a hybrid.
  4. I'm very glad the water wheel now works again. It's good to see management does pay attention to these smalls things for the park's 40th.
  5. With all the aquatic animals in the lake (go by Best of the West and you'll see tons of turtles and fish), I highly doubt a roller coaster on the lake is going to happen or go through with the state of New Jersey.
  6. New management hasn't created many dead ends. Remember six flags was and still is in debt. The park has gotten much better over the years....^
  7. Really?^ it seems each year it stays as smooth as it was the year before. I can still marathon it without any headbanging except right before the midcourse brake run.
  8. Even when there was stacking, the audio did stop and would not keep going^ I felt that when the speakers worked to their full potential, that was when i enjoyed it. I miss the bizarro theme song at the end too ;P
  9. Well looks like its more or less official that Zumanjaro isnt opening Memorial Day weekend.
  10. The park is still only open on weekends remember..
  11. I have to disagree with the lake area of the park. The peacefulness and how secluded it is makes me sometimes forget i'm in a noisy Theme park. If anything in that area, just add more landscaping similar to the small waterfall near BUgs Bunny National Park. Also, i would love to see a lake show added again but if anything, leave that area untouched unless a small, quiet, family flat were added.
  12. My friends sent me some pictures. Around 6 Nitro's station was empty.
  13. Off topic a bit but streetview is outdated.. Conestoga Wagon is still there lol
  14. The turkey leg is also available at Best of the west^
  15. I find it interesting that The Manor Trail and Total Darkness are listed on there..
  16. Me and my friends all have this saturday planned out. First ride Nitro at opening and will re-ride until we cant xD
  17. joeyc98

    Musik Express

    Ok i just wasnt sure if they were using ours as an example or they were actually using some parts lol.
  18. joeyc98

    Musik Express

    http://www.oceancountysignal.com/2014/03/26/three-new-rides-coming-to-seaside-heights-in-2014/ Is this where the rest of our Musik Express is going?
  19. I'm excited that it will include the Garden State Grill, as last year they did not include any of the Asian restaurants, which normally have healthier food options. But now im sure to eat there!
  20. Also, if the tower faced the opposite way, i feel like it would be obstructing. The only way to get good views of the tower and the launch would be to walk to the station.
  21. A Bonfire** you mean? I doubt it, they scrapped the ride. they don't usually gather around a campfire with the parts.
  22. I have so many things to say whats wrong with this but i'll leave it at the fact that you do not have much common knowledge about the park, seeming as though New England already has a coaster VERY similar to the Dark Knight, this is just bologna.
  23. I'm happy about this mainly because The Cheeseteaks were not the best and the fact that i love turkey burgers :3
  24. Im curious as to the two private event days the park is closed on April 25 and May 1.
  25. Does anyone have any updates? Because i would honestly be let down if this plan doesnt go through, too..
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