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Posts posted by Railer

  1. Poor little fella. I know from the amount or times I've been on the Elephants this year (I have kids) that a couple of the arms did not go up, But this looks like a car problem. And that most likely means a cracked fiberglass problem.

  2. Well, it's obviously for a show that was at night. So i'm not sure but I will quess The Quest For Camelot Show. I think that was the show with the "water wall" movie screen. Although I have seen a patriotic themed show with the "water wall" movie screen also.

  3. Went to the park today after work, so here we go. First of all we now have Hawk Girl. She was at Justice League Headquarters. Flying Elephants looks like it will be closed for a while, since they put a fence up around it. Captain Feathersword and Wags showed up at the Play Ship in Wiggles World and just hung out and played with the kids for a good 20mins. It was a nice move and all the kids had alot of fun (including mine) I hope they do this more often it was a really nice thing to do, and they were great with all the kids. My daughter actually asked him if they could sail to Florida on the ship, and said no cause' Mickey Mouse won't let them (in a funny way) So they sailed to the Bahamas instead. It looks like the trim's are all the way off on the first loop of Scream Machine, you didn't hear them at all and it was flying into the 2nd. and 3rd. loops. The crew running Nitro was eating the line with 3 train's running. They would dispatch when the previous car was just on the second hill. We were at the 30min. sign and it took about a 10min. wait to board a train. I never noticed this before, but the cement at the TeePee spot has little Seahorses and shells imprinted in it. Wonder why? As always, pics in my gallery. *R*

  4. One of my favorite FrightFest attraction's was Alice Coopers Brutal Planet. The entrance was behind the Super Teepee and ran around and through the building that is boarded up now, I beleive it was once a Shooting Gallery. It was pretty scary and had a "White Out" room . It was a room had all white walls and was heavily fogged. It was pretty surreal looking and you had no perception of anything. I'm not sure what year it was at the park, but I'm pretty sure it ran for only one year, and was never seen again.

  5. Being a parent they really need a Water Play Structure in The Looney Toons Seaport area. The one in the Golden Kingdom is great for the kids on 100 degree days, and National Park also has the Water Tower. The other end of the park needs one for the little ones, they heat up a lot faster than we do. And since i'm a parent, I can go in them too (with my kids) That was why with the addition of Wiggles World I was surprised they didn't do something with Koala Kanyon, not keep it open, but put a new water play area in the same spot. I know on hot days we can't keep them on that side of the park too long before they start to overheat. *R*

  6. I just saw a T.V. commercial and I believe it said, buy one get one free with a can of coke, but the price was only 24.99. That is only 12.50 per person if you split the price. I'm pretty sure that is what was advertised. If so, that is the lowest iv'e seen an admission in a long time. I havent seen a price that low since it cost 14.00 for a daily ticket and 39.99 for a Season Pass. Yes, I do remember that low of a price, I'm that old.

  7. First of all, i'd like to thank the Academy (Just Kidding) I do want to say thank you to Harry and Tom and the rest of the staff at GAHistory for giving the members of this site the opportunity to do something like this. It was pretty fun, and it did get me to notice a few thing's around the park I haven't noticed before. Thing's like the contests on this site are what set's this place quite a few bars above the rest of the park sites out there, and not just GA sites either. I wasn't a member yet for the first contest and I missed it, so I was really looking forward to this one. Thank's again guy's and I can't wait till' Fall for the next one, We have something other than Frightfest to look forward to this year. :clap: Rich P.

  8. I ended up with 41 of them (As long as they are all right) Anyone got me beat? And if any one from the GAHistory team read's this, Can you post the location of them all after you announce the winner? I would love to know where the one's I didn't get were. *R*

  9. I grabbed the Coaster one, I have to get the tube one. I saw it on the way out but we didn't get it then, we were ready to go, and didn't want to wait in line. It's one of those thing's you get and keep for twenty years and see how rare it becomes.

  10. Just got back from the park, and it was a wild night of weather. First of all, you can now hop between parks with your Season Pass without a hand stamp. We were at Hurricane Habor this morning and we went to the park tonite and our passes were scanned twice in one day, with no problems at all. The parade had it's first cancellation due to severe thunderstorms that rolled thru around 9:15. They announced it on the PA system around 9:00. They stopped putting up the chains for the route at the fountain and started taking them down at that point. It looks like Boyz II Men has been added to the concert lineup on July 27th. The Batman Stunt Show Arena had a gate open tonite so I grabbed a couple of shot's of it, and the Dockside Barber Shop door was wide open as well. We didn't get to make it through much of the park before they shut most of the rides down because of the storm, and I had my family with me so we had to make a run for the exit. Pics are in my gallery from this morning and tonite. *R*

  11. We just returned from a morning visit to the water park and it was not as crowded this weekend. We arrived around 10:00 and just like the theme park, they let you in, but you can not get to any attractions until 10:30. They have all the bridges roped off so you are only on the "island" until opening. In the morning the entire Discovery Bay section was closed. I spoke to two of the maintence workers who told me the story of what's up with it this year. First week of the season they had a pressure drop in the pumps for the front section of Discovery Bay. They could not find the source of it until water started coming up in the mulch across the path from that section of Discovery Bay. They repaired the section of pipe, refilled the pool and still had a small drop in pressure. They then re-checked the section they repaired and it was fine. So they still have a leak somewhere in the system. Baisically they can not open it until they find the leak, and since most of the lines are underground, it will be a major project. From what he said unless it is something simple they overlooked, that front section won't be open this season. The rest of Discovery Bay opened at around noon, it just needed a good cleaning. Also from what I understand they fixed the hand stamp issue for those who go between parks. You can now be scanned once a day at both parks. We are going for the parade tonite (if the weather is good) so I will let you know if it is true. Other than that it was a nice morning, all attractions were running (except Discovery Bay) and the park was the tropical oasis that it always is. Pics In My Gallery *R*

  12. Just got home a little while ago from a Fri. night visit with my daughter. Park looked good as usual these days. The sign for Branches is now at the portal of the Golden Kingdom coming from the Boardwalk. Jolly Roger was running so Wed. must of been a staffing issue. Johnny Rocket's by the fountain has it's own garbage cans with their logo on it, that I think are new. The parade route at the Boardwalk has a "wheelchair parking area" between the stands for disabled quest's, so they have a good spot to watch along the route. And I still can't find those limited edition Kingda Ka picture frames that are numberd, so i'm glad I picked one up.The only rides we went on were The Runaway Train (3 times) Bucanneer (3 times) Jolly Roger (2 times) Blackbeard (2 times) and we ended with the Teacups. My daughter also went on just about everything in Bugs Bunny National Park. We are going to Hurricane Harbor at opening tommorrow, so I will let you all know what's going on there tommorrow afternoon. Pics as usual are in my gallery. *R*

  13. Now alot of acts are on their way up or down when they play the Arena. Years ago it was not the case. I saw Ted Nugent there when he was still a big draw in the mid 80's. Molly Hatchet was still big when I saw them there also. Golden Earring played there when Twilight Zone was still on the chart's and I saw Bow Wow Wow when "I want Candy" was in the top ten.

  14. I have been riding Runaway Train alot this year. My 6yr. old loves it and it is her first "big" coaster.( it was mine also ) The trim's before the drop by the creek are not slowing the train at all this year. How long has it been this way? I remember riding a few year's ago and they slowed the train a little. This year they don't slow you at all, not that i'm complaing but I was just curious.

  15. You had one hell of a weekend didn't you. I've also never been in Clementon (except for work P.S.E.&G.) I will try to make it there this summer to ride Tsunami, I mean J2 oh' I mean Hellcat. I hear they trimmed it up pretty bad though. Clementon is about the same distance for me that GA is 18mi. maybe a little more. So I really have no excuse, Except that you can fit the whole park in GA's parking lot. But I think the pricing reflects that though. This Fall my area also will have an indoor water park in Mt. Laurel, N.J. that is under construction now. Gotta' Love New Jersey, we do have some Amusment Parks.

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