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Posts posted by Railer

  1. I think they know they need a new swing ride in the park. They are staples of an amusement park, just like a Carousel and a Ferris Wheel. Especially with the park's new emphasis on family attraction's. I don't think we'll wont have to wait long for a new one, the even left up the post for the sign. Does anyone think they will restore the original if possible? That would be the classier move in my book. *R*

  2. Villians? I knew we had the costumes from the parade. This is the first time I have seen them or even heard that they were out in the park. I will definetly have to search them out on my next visit. And i'm also glad you guys missed the puddle. :Mickeymorph: *R*

  3. Sounds interesting. I thought the employee party was supposed to be from 10-12...anyway. It should be interesting. The employee party is on that side of the park. I know a couple of people who are bummed that Nitro will be down for the party, but at least they have TDK. We'll all see how it does tomorrow :Ninja:


    I heard the Buccaneer ops. talking about the party. That's the times they said. You might know more than they do from the looks of those two though. :Mickeymorph:

  4. I did not mention that I got my hand stamped this morning, well I did. Since i opened the park today, I figured I would close it as well. Those names on the Dark Knight scroll under the screen in the preshow room are Al Rubiano and Guy something, I forget his last name. Al was out there high fiveing guest's at the end of the night, that's how I remember it. A very nice guy, talked with him a few minutes just so I could compliment him and the staff for another great night at the park. There is an employee party at the park tonight from 11 to 1 in the morning. That sounds like alot of fun to me. They are still working on Nitro, the crane is still up. They were still up there when we left the park at closing, the lift hill is all lit up so they can work thru the night. SFTV is on in TDK que. It's not bad, there is a top ten Six Flags coaster countdown on it. Superman TROS is #1 and Kinga Ka is #2 El Toro is in the top ten also. They are doing work in Picnic Grove getting ready for the party tonight or the Celebration tommorrow. I only took a couple of shot's, I was with my daughter at the park, so I was a little busy, Going on every ride she likes three times in a row. *R*

  5. Yeah, I do have to go back on Mon. Beleive me, I'm not happy about it... But i usually get done between 1:30 and 2:00, So it doesent have to end yet. Once school's get done for the year I usually scale it back to like once a week, I don't do long lines. The longest iv'e waited for a ride this year was today, about 40min's for the Dark Knight, and Iv'e been on everything more than once. I even had my first walk-on in the front row for Kngda Ka this year (I got lucky,I was a single rider) There are times we bring the kids and we won't go on anything for us, just their rides in the 4 kid sections. So we kind of go double, one time for us when we get a sitter,and then the times we bring them. We have three park passes this year too, so once that water warms up a little we will be there alot too. And don't let me fool you, every day i'm figuring out about about five light's in the park, so I do have a motive... With Skull Mountain I haven't seen the strobes yet this year that was new to me today, everything else I already saw earlier in the season. *R*

  6. Just came back home from day 3 at the park. Skull Mountain has been given a theming upgrade!!! Strobes are back and the giant pumpkin and skull man have lighting on them. Creepy music is playing in the cavern que and the thrash music is still on during the ride. That's the good news, bad news is Nitro is still down. Crane is still there and Iron Workers were up there all morning. It will be closed all day today again and no word about tommorrow. Those cool Joker cards from the "sector 2" monitor in the que of the Dark Knight have been removed (or stolen). And in the scroll under the Pre Show screen there are a couple of names that go buy that I think are park employees. Not sure though, but they sounded familiar. It was very crowded early so I only went on Dark Knight and Skull Mountain, Took a few shots and headed out. If the weather for tommorrow is correct alot of you will be going on Skull Mountain. When your in the cavern que watch out after the left turn in there, the drains are clogged and it's flooded. I wish somebody told me before I went in there. Pics from today in my gallery. *R*

  7. If they are going to do a fireworks show, to find out I would keep an eye on the condition of the Great Lake Bandstand. I'm sure they would open it for seating, so if they start moving the Jump Ramps and all the other stuff that's in the water in front of the seats. I think we'll have us a Fireworks show. I hope they do, that area is one of the nicest in the park and I hate the fact no shows are down there anymore. *R*

  8. Thank's alot. I've been going to the park like this for a while now. I'm usually there at least twice a week. (I live 20min.from the park) This is the first and only GA site that I post on, and the only one I probably ever will. The stuff Harry and Tom have compiled over the years is truly remarkable. I know how they feel, cause I do too. Whenever i go to another park I always compare it GA and I haven't been to one yet that I like more than GA. And I most likely never will. I"m going to the park again tommorrow morning and most likely Sat. as well. I've had a couple of weeks off from work recovering from a knee injury (I go back to work Mon.) So I figured I would enjoy it. I'll look for everybody Sat. maybe alot of us can meet up and hit up some rides together. I did not get a ticket for celebration and now I'm starting to regret it. Not for the rides, (I have had walk on's every morning this week, so ERT dosen't mean to much to me) but just to be a part of it. See you all there. *R*

  9. Nice morning at the park as usual. Bad news folks, Nitro is down. There is a 200ft. plus crane at the top of the lift hill. The security guard working the entrance way to the ride said, definetly closed all day today, most likely all day tommorrow, and hopefully will be open for Coaster Celebration. Sat. is the day they are trying to get it open for. He did not know what the problem is with the ride but it looked like they were working on the track just below the stairs at the top of the lift hill. The spot was below the lift hill stairs on the first drop, hence the need for the giant crane. I took a few pics. of some stuff at the park, with a few crane shots in there. And no sign of my phone. I also got a parent pass to show you all. I almost forgot, Not only does Armitron have that clock by the fountain, but they are changing the "Wait From This Point Is" signs in the park's que's to ones with Armitron on them. So I quess Armitron is now the official sponsor of "TIME" in the park. What's next, the SUN today is brought to you by SUNKIST? Pics from today are in my gallery. *R*

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