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Posts posted by Railer

  1. I could of sworn there was beanbag chairs in there at some point. I even remember sitting on the floor when they were all taken. The early ninety's I wasn't at the park that much. I just turned 21 and was a beach bum for a few years. That is an era of the park that I missed. So I lost track of thing's around that time.So it's a good thing for me you guys are here, I can fill in all the spaces.

  2. Snuck off for another quick run in the park this morning. Not too crowded, parked in D1 as usual. Those history pics in the Main Street Market will have some caption's added to them in the near future. And I also found out where some of those pics came from.... All the water rides are open everyday now, not just weekends. There is a beaver (I think it's a beaver) by the Runaway Train, that is very friendly. He is usually hanging out right by where the lake wall starts if your coming from Plaza Del Carnival. I wouldn't touch it though he's got some big teeth. Everyone working was very nice as usual. El Toro was my first ride today and it was flying this morning. I even had my phone fly out of my insde pocket on the hill leading to the twister section, So it was off to lost and found for me. The park will actually call you if they find it, as long as you fill out the form. They are pretty good with finding your stuff if you lose it. I lost my keys on Nitro a couple of years back, and they had them the next day. As long as I get my chip I'll be happy. I put up some pics from today in my gallery. I almost forgot, They still do "Parent Pass" I don't know how many of you out there have kids but it is very convienent. What it is, you go to guest relations and ask for a parent pass. They take down your last name and write it on a parent pass. One person in your party waits in line for a ride and you give it to the ride attendant. After you exit the ride the other person in your party enters thru the exit and gives the last name on the pass, you get the pass back and your on the ride. It is very nice when only one of you has to wait while the other is with the kiddies.

  3. Thank's for digging that up. That was a must see every visit to the park for me back then. I always thought the theater's back was up against the lake. That would put it in Buccaneer's spot as it's exact location, correct? And I remember beanbag chairs in there, before the logs. What year did they remove the theater?

  4. I was wondering if anyone out there has any pics. of this old show. His stage was back by the old IMAX style theater. (same spot as Blackbeard's TT) Growing up as a kid I loved this show. I believe he heckled the crowd and was pretty funny, for back then anyway.

  5. Glad you guys got a laugh out of it. I had a pic of my grill that was "The Best Of The West" but Harry didn't put it in with the rest of em'. During Halloween we do an awsome display at my house, (last year we had about 200 kids come through) And the Fright Fest influence is very visible. So Backyard Fright Fest will be coming!!! :Batsmile:

  6. This is what it's all about for me. This is also what first brought me here as a guest when this site first came together. And i'm kind of rediscovering it again now, looking for my own old pics. I grew up in this park, i was here as a 4yr. old in July of 74, and just about every year since. Now I bring my 3 & 6yr. old's here all the time and I get to re-live alot of my childhood again. Alot has changed since those days in the world and the park, But when you walk through those gates, you do go, someplace else. And that will never change. Thank's for compileing all the stuff you guy's must have and sharing it with everyone, it should not be lost or forgotten. I hope the few things I have from that time help fill in a blank or two. Rich

  7. Since it is Memorial Day and a time of barbecue's and picnic's I had an idea looking around my yard. Backyard Six Flags, and a Photo Trip Report is below. I hope you get A laugh out of it, And feel free to add your own Backyard Six Flags. And just wait till' Backyard Frightfest!!! :rolllaf:


    Seaport PlayHouse:



    Cabana Rental:



    GA Road Race !!!



    Log Flume?



    Balin's Jungleland:



    Granny's House:



    Hurricane Harbor:






    Maintenance Garage:



    Ride Graveyard:




  8. I seem to be thinking more and more lately some time down the road, we will get a Tony Hawk coaster. Maybe not next year but by 2010. I think with our park being the biggest in the chain that we will have all the attraction's that are in more than one park. And we already have TDK, and the parade. I just think our park will represent what all other Six Flag's have to offer. And that also goes in line with the B&M Dive Machine going in two Six Flag's parks rumor. I think Tony Hawk is more likely though. I would love to see a Dive Machine using Chillers old building and the track in the picnic grove area. I think they will do something with that building cause' if they weren't they would of took it down. Look at what happend to Viper's station, who would of thought you could fit an El Toro in that spot.

  9. I wish I would of known they were doing a sneak preview last night, I would have rather seen it on a Fri. than being in the park on a Sat. because of the crowd's. I'm a park veteran, I should of known, it's not the first time they have done a sneak peek of something a day early. Thank's for the info. Yum Yum Palace is where I'll be tonite.

  10. The official website gives a description of this as follows: See if you can spot the giant, living, topiary creeping around Ft.Independence. Is this new? I might of missed it prior seasons, not sure though. Does anyone know more? It sounds pretty neat.

  11. I could not agree more 29yrs. Start off at the safari, be at the Harbor for opening, then head to the park around 4 or 5 for dinner at Best Of The West. Take in a show or two, then end it all with the Parade. If only Yum-Yum Palace was still Yum-Yum Palace. I can picture sitting on the patio area with a Sunday watching the parade go by. I quess i'll just have to go to Cold Stone then run over to the patio for the parade. And you know what, that will be just as good. :Mickeymorph:

  12. The observatory pic is right at the old exit for chiller. It is fenced off, but i'm right next to it. If the back gate is closed by Snowy's you just go in Freefall's old entrance and you can go right around it. The Autobahn sign pic is from the Cabana area, and the other one is from the brown fence at the entrance to the Picnic Grove. The only section of the Old Country that is really closed off is right in front of the Autobahn and Musik Express to the Cabana's and that's it. You can get to the Theater and Chiller's old que anytime.

  13. More crowded than yesterday,it was physics day. Alot of buses. They did an opening ceremony this morning. The rope was up before the fountain and Daffy held a flag while the anthem played. Other characters and Superhero's greeted the crowd, then they did a countdown from ten and dropped the rope. They must of ran out of green garbage cans because the put up posts in Movietown for the parade. The flume was up and running today. Those pics from the update yesterday are not going to be S.F.T.V they are new scrolling ad's. Across the top is a LED scroll and the whole sign scrolls up to reveal more ad's as well. If I think of anything else I will update this, and pics are in my gallery. I almost forgot, Congo Rapids is still dry.

  14. Two mechanics were working on the "parked" El Toro train when I went on it around 11:30. Hopefully they get it up and running for the weekend. I might go back to the park this morning at opening. My wife has not been on The Dark Knight yet, so today is her turn. Pics will be up this afternoon in my gallery.

  15. Nice day, Wed., and school is still in session. Now is the best time of the year to go during the week. First group of riders of the day on the Dark Knight, and a walk-on for Nitro and El Toro. A quick walk through the park and i'm home by lunch. I put up pics in my gallery. And Screamscape is right, Medusa opens at noon. There is a pic of the sign.

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