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Everything posted by KK456

  1. It's kinda early to speculate, but I think 2016 will certainly be a coaster year. A. The last NEW coaster we got was El Toro, 10 YEARS ago. B. They went with a low cost attraction this year. C. They have the space to do it, why not?
  2. ^Im also surprised. We better get namtaB! ^^^Yes, Skyrush's restraints were painful, but I feel they are getting closer to perfecting it. I went recently after they changed the padding to make it more comfortable, and it was a lot better. Still a little painful, but a lot better. It feels a lot like the B&M hyper restraints IMO. It didn't really take away from the experience for me. I wish we got one like I-305, but with even higher Skyrush intensity! Wouldn't that be awesome?! But unfortunately, just about every amusement park company has given them the cold shoulder except Hershey park, and since they got a lot more than they bargained for with Skyrush, they might not go to them as much. Lately a lot of people have been going to Mack, as they are the closest thing to Intamin. Not nearly as intense or exhilarating, but still ridiculously fun, a little more reliable, and they even have Intamin's signature track style! But i'd much rather see an Intamin.
  3. ^EDIT: Misread your post, sorry. A launch coaster would be awesome, especially a blitz! A Wicked Cyclone type coaster would be cool though, only bigger, faster, and steeper!
  4. ^Yeah Ive been on I-305 too. I-305 makes you fear it by stealing your vision, Skyrush makes you fear it by making you beg for your life!
  5. You know what else would be cool? An intamin blitz similar to desert race, but longer, faster, and bigger, and going through the forest. That launch would be awesome at night! And plus, Six flags would have 2 launched coasters!
  6. ^According to most people, the airtime hills on MF don't heally have that much airtime. Also, those were intamin noob mega coasters. They have gotten better at making them over time. this is proven by Bizarro at sfne a year later. B&M, on the other hand did a great job with it's first hyper coasters, and is consistent in making them. Intamin has caught up, and even surpassed them, (in my opinion) by building Skyrush, which I can tell you is more intense than 10 B&M hypers put together. Also, the newer B&M hypers are a lot better than the older models (excluding nitro, which continues to defy time). All coaster manufactures evolve and the Darien Lake and SFA superman coasters were just the beginning. Honestly though, that ride has WAY too many long, forceless helices, (Proof can be found in the fact that intamin used only 2 rails on the helixes, which is typically reserved for less stressful sections) along with the pointless straightways, and not enough airtime!
  7. ^True because El Toro is one of their main attractions. Superman is just popular because of its location. Although it hurts because now there is nothing to keep people away from other lines
  8. I don't believe Lex Luthor does. But Cali is much less strict than NJ so...
  9. Yes. Yes. And yes. Better layout than batman, far more forceful than superman, and a million times more comfortable than Green Lantern. I also agree with everything else you said.
  10. I was talking about before they installed Zumanjaro. Way back when they were originally planning DubaiLand. Again, if they relocate Bizarro, even though it's a good ride it's not that much of a people bringer- you won't come from all over just to ride a floorless. In Dubai, you need something HUGE to draw in crowds, and relocating KK would work for both Gadv and Dubailand, but thankfully they scrapped those plans (Don't touch my Kingda Ka! ) EDIT: In my opinion, world's tallest drop ride wouldn't make up for it! Gadv's skyline would look so different without Ka dominating it. Nitro is all the way in the back corner so...
  11. This just got good! I hope Six Flags is seeing these ideas!
  12. ^Agreed. With all the opposites, and the distortions, and even that derpy horse on the wall, it makes sense.
  13. It does make a lot more sense to contact intamin now that they've learned their lesson (hopefully) about pushing the envelope too far. A bigger, faster version, I would completley be ok with actually. As long as they don't take away our Ka! Also, since we're speaking about Kingda Ka right now, why is Kingda Ka's launch so rocky compared to TTD's? I mean, it's only an 8 mph difference. I heard somewhere it has something to do with the wheel replacement plan... Can someone elaborate on this? Also, believe it or not doing all that to move KK would actually cost less than maintaining 2 intamin strata coasters depending on how reliable the new one would be. KK might have cost Six Flags over 50 million for all we know by now XD
  14. ^well Six Flags doesn't exactly cater to people who would, you know, respect the property and all that. The people I see at Six Flags sometimes are ridiculous. People from NY and Philly are already rude, and sometimes make a real big deal of trying to ruin everyone's day- graffiti, line cutting, trying to touch supports, you name it. I think within 1 year, that resort would be trashed. Six flags might wanna raise ticket prices a little and enforce the rules a bit more, as more as making the park more family friendly- THEN add a resort, and make it Six Flags's Cedar Point!
  15. True. As a guest it is indeed annoying having to walk all the way back just to go on Kingda Ka. I hope they open it. And if Zumanjaro really does get to run with Kingda Ka next season, and we're looking at the possibility of a big ride in 2016, In my opinion its worth it.
  16. This is likely RMC's fault because A. They use cutting torches to take off the old wood. and B. Something similar happened on Goliath I think
  17. ^YES. ^^AND YES. That would be amazing at night. It never even occurred to me. I disagree with the red rails though. Too common. Maybe a deep violet would be nice, or even green.
  18. They can't possibly name another coaster "Goliath" It's gotten to the point where if you ask someone if they have ridden "Goliath", the first thing they ask is, "which one?"
  19. ^As long as it's not a prototype.Every time a prototype is built, a bigger and much better one comes out the next year. I would say wait until the concept is developed a little until installing one. This is the perfect time to install a wingrider, as it is new, but has nearly reached its peak. Plus, we could one-up cedar fair in the process
  20. ^That actually will probably be the slogan XD. They even have a B&M giga planned called "The Dubai Giant". I'm not kidding. As well as a dive machine called "Screamin Eagles", and A REALLY amazing Intamin Prefab Woodie called "Colossos". In the designs it says it's an improved version of El Toro, but a huge sign will be on it and the toll plaza will go THROUGH the coaster!
  21. ^Well we can just say that the Golden Kingdom is Asian Themed. It's not a bad fit theme-wise, but location is not good. Also, in the original plans for DubaiLand, Kingda Ka was to be relocated there as A. It would be the heck of a people-bringer vs Ferarri World (against Formula Rossa), and B. SFGA would finally be free of the burden Ka was on them. They were not ready for a ride of that magnitude management-wise, and it seems they just tamed it, as it breaks down a lot less these days. They also bought a dual-loading and dual-unloading station, just to have it wasted. Look at it like this. It takes, on average, about 2 years to plan a coaster. TTD came out in 2003. KK came out in 2005. See the time span? Im telling you, Six Flags just wanted the height and speed record and got a lot more than they bargained. Seeing it go to Dubai would be good for them because then they would have something to bring people to Dubailand rather than Ferarri World because KK has the height and speed, and it doesn't have ridiculous trims on the launch that cut it back to 60. Don't get me wrong, I would hate to see it go, but it seems far more likely than Bizarro, because things in Dubai have to be BIG. Sorry for the long post!
  22. Ive rode one of the many "Drop Tower" drop towers at Cedar Fair parks and it was 230 feet and it was terrifying. I hadn't rode Zumanjaro yet even though I had the chance to because it was late and I had just waited 2 hours for Kingda Ka. But the concept of a 415 foot drop tower is crazy. I hope I get to ride it soon
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