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Blue Tag (Admin-Retired)
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Everything posted by Up_Up_and_Away

  1. To scare the lactose intolerant.
  2. I'm so sick of Dead Man's Party... and not just because it shuts down a major family ride.
  3. He was doing 'Magical History Tours' for ACErs yesterday at the annual 'Running of the Bulls' event.
  4. Well said, and you summed up my thoughts pretty well... especially regarding Marvel.
  5. People who punctuate every tweet, status update and/or post with 'haha.'
  6. From this point forward, all responses should pertain to the spotlight at hand, The Royal Elephants, as it exists at this time. Thank you.
  7. Not to be mean, but did you mean meager?
  8. You mean like gafreak said? Please read before you post...
  9. Interesting; on the Fright Fest page (under 'Spine-Chilling Adventures') it says:
  10. Hey, if they can put Bizarro in the old west, I don't trust them with ANYTHING.
  11. Until I see it with my own eyes, I'm preparing for the worst: a "Joker's Jukebox" scrambler and a bumper-car building full of Gotham City taxi cabs...
  12. As far as I'm concerned, the Lakefront died when when they stopped playing hornpipe sea chanteys there... but back to the new attractions for 2012, shall we?
  13. I would imagine so, but their license fee would most likely be considerably less as they aren't as hot a commodity...
  14. True, but we're also in an era where parks are cannibalizing monorail trains for parts to maintain the remaining fleet as its not cost-effective to fabricate new parts...
  15. His comment addresses GA as well; please leave moderation to the moderators.
  16. We are all entitled to our opinions, but voicing them must be done without being nasty...
  17. It refers to the theming, not actual music... It may be "Shake, Rattle & Roll" from SFOG.
  18. For those who haven't seen GA's facebook page, here is what Rich is referring to:
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