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Everything posted by IBOK

  1. Haven't been to the park in a few weeks. Went yesterday and found Some ride dispatchers are now explaining NJ law and penalties regarding phones and loose articles. Nitro announcements were loud and pretty obnoxious in my opinion. I get the idea behind it but found it rather annoying. Did this stem from the injury on El Toro a few weeks ago? Some here will be glad to hear that my wife and I were busted smoking an e cig along the river path next to El Toro outside the designated area. Security was polite but also explained NJ law and that the park will prosecute if caught again. He then hung out with us for a little while talking about the season. Was a nice experience. Lol.
  2. If the forecast is above 82 the week of 17th and 18th I really hope they opt in to open.
  3. Hope one day they make an exception for tall people. Looks fun from the ground.
  4. Frisbee would be great in free falls old spot. Then a modern Enterprise in its old spot, something cool in autobahns spot, a filler kiddie ride or 2 in between movie/OC somewhere, relaunch a show in the stunt arena and showcase, perhaps some games/ snack stops and then bam...old country is alive and well. Done deal! They should have hired me for president.
  5. That's impressive! About how many visits a year do you log? We're there any seasons that you were uninterested with and only got the pass because of of the consecutive run?
  6. How about a minor leak for us. Are you currently happy or sad about this news?
  7. I've got no complaints. I'm glad my home park is super cheap. Helps me save for visits to other parks that can give a diffent type of experience.
  8. Think I read that there used to be a trip out to an old house on the property where they dropped you off and you walked from there. Unless I'm mixing up my reading. I'm going with true.
  9. Come here kitty kitty. Got some fries for you.
  10. Macho Nacho express truck opening soon in HH. Hope it has dining plan with it.
  11. But the people mentioned is just about everybody in the park any given day during FF. I'd guess 70%.
  12. Yup. Very disappointed. Was looking forward to this one.
  13. 9.99 here too. Wonder what qualified the free one. Sure isn't quantity of passes. I've got 6. Probably wouldn't use the free anyway.
  14. Politics! Both party's. Election years stink. I still vote but I don't need to hear what my opinion ought to be every fricken day. Glad the park is united in trying to have a good time. Need to go this weekend.
  15. Not sure if this was already asked of you a million times but with all the information you have for GA, what stories, events, news, or whatever sticks out the most for you? Perhaps surprising fun facts, surprises, disappointments, and old secrets that isn't well known to the rest of us. Care to share?
  16. Take that back or I will never forgive you! The Enterprise was awesome! First Tango now this? We are going in the wrong direction.
  17. Last year really was a sensational time for HITP. I'm looking forward to FF but getting excited for HITP. In a weird way it made the holiday season fun in an otherwise stressful period of time. Also, really looking forward to next year. Got a feeling a lot is coming to OC/MT areas. Wonder how they will integrate that area in should it get revived. Hope the budget increases a bit.
  18. Completely forgot. Got one in front of me but quality is subpar. It's a copy of a purchased official photo. My mom has the original. Can take a better shot of that this weekend. Looking for my iPhone pics now. How do I upload on mobile?
  19. I'd agree, out of all the coasters Bizzaro makes the most sense to me. I'd even be happy to get it.
  20. I always wondered if there is anything exciting under the park like Beverly Hills cop 3.
  21. Another sighting of suits with clipboards near Bizarro by GAnerd in another thread.
  22. Post a date and time here of when you would like to preview your act for us to see. You could setup on Main St or we could trespass the pavilion behind Johnny Rockets. If we like it, Harry will tell you how to submit to the park. 5% comes to me if you make it big for helping you get started.
  23. I went to guest relations a few times this year to say how pleased we were with the magic show in the kids section and the animal show in golden kingdom. The magic was pretty low budget but we do like the animals. Just wanted to support the cause to encourage them to keep trying. I also always ask when they intend to add more and that it would be nice to see a show in showcase like HITP. Hope someone there is listening.
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