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What is you most prized souvenir, publication, map, postcard from Great Adventure?


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The last day of this season I bought a wooden lion's head sculpture that closely resembled the park's original lion sign once found on Rt.537. It wasn't meant to be that but it was the closest thing I've seen at teh park. I'll have to take a picture of it.


Here is a photo of the lion that I mentioned several months back.



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On the left is my dog tag made by the wood carvers who had a stand in the Fort under the Runaway Train. It says my name, Worlds Greatest Lead, Western Dumpster, Summer “77”.


Who knows what is on the right?



It’s a garbage can key. The original garbage cans came from the 64-65 World’s Fair (some still had stickers on them). They were replaced in 1977 and the new cans had a lock on the door needing a key. By the end of July, all the keys were lost, but all you had to do was reach in between the door and liner and pull the locking bar, which turned out to be faster anyway. I think this is the only key in existence.



Edited by grounds75
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On the left is my dog tag made by the wood carvers who had a stand in the Fort under the Runaway Train. It says my name, Worlds Greatest Lead, Western Dumpster, Summer “77”.


Who knows what is on the right?



It’s a garbage can key. The original garbage cans came from the 64-65 World’s Fair (some still had stickers on them). They were replaced in 1977 and the new cans had a lock on the door needing a key. By the end of July, all the keys were lost, but all you had to do was reach in between the door and liner and pull the locking bar, which turned out to be faster anyway. I think this is the only key in existence.




I love hearing stories like this! For some reason your photos didn't post. If you can send us the images we can add them.


The postcard below has those NYWF garbage cans in it!


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i just picked up 5 roaring rapids yoyos, they should be here any day, would you like one? also did you see my post about matchbook?gallery_154_472_3297825.jpg

Ooooooh! Could I have one??? I generally don't buy a whole lot of stuff from the park because it is rather pricey, I do collect the maps, though. Can I please have a yoyo? :D

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I would have to say that my most prized souvenir from Six Flags Great Adventure would be my membership that I bought this year, it is affordable and worth it. Other than that, I would have to say some ride photos that I have of myself and my best friends from previous visits.

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One of the things I have in my GA collection is a segment of cable from Kingda Ka. It is about 18" long. If any of you ever have the opportunity to own one, may I make this suggestion....


Never drop it on your foot! It rolled off a bookcase I have from a shelf about 5 feet off the ground onto my foot. I didn't have shoes on, and I doubt my sock did anything to lessen the impact, but I can tell you that hurt like a son of a #*)%@. Of course, it couldn't land flat but instead on end. Such are the dangers of being a G.A. fan! :P

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