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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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The real issue is the short-term, Wall Street mindset with which the company (like most larger, public operations these days) is run. While theming, without a doubt, builds guest affinity and bolsters business in the long run (look at Disney if you don't believe that), there's no easy way to measure the financial impact of theme elements -- even though there are, of course, hard costs attached to the construction and maintenance of those theme elements.


To his credit, Mark Shapiro realized that theme could add value, but when he tried to invest in some, they failed because of his team's lack of theme park experience. Now, theme is being lightly invested in around new attractions, but by and large the current management team is taking the parks in a direction of a mall or sporting event, with nondescript decor and ads yelling at you from every direction.



^ Ooh, Railer, that's exciting. Can you point the rest of us towards these pictures?

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I think the theming GAdv has right now is fine and that they should keep it up. It's like when people think "theming" they think of Disney level stuff, but simply having a Spanish flare to the Spanish themed area or a western vibe to the western themed area is good enough. It's a lot nicer than the random rides in random areas thing that Cedar Fair parks have going on.

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To his credit, Mark Shapiro realized that theme could add value, but when he tried to invest in some, they failed because of his team's lack of theme park experience. Now, theme is being lightly invested in around new attractions, but by and large the current management team is taking the parks in a direction of a mall or sporting event, with nondescript decor and ads yelling at you from every direction.


If you recall, it was the Shapiro era that started turning the park in to a mall with excessive advertising, temporary carts and promotional stands every 100 feet, chain-like concessions including Johnny Rockets, Papa Johns and Cold Stone, ugly billboards like the Geico water tower ad, etc. Not to mention that this was all done at the expense of any substantial additions and the removal of so many of the park's most liked family rides.

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You are, obviously, incorrect. I have met John Fitzgerald who worked at Great Adventure during the same time that I did in the 1970's that I did. Running parks in Germany is NOT the same as running a park in the U.S. Theme parks are a uniquely American concept. And, you really need to understand why they came to be and why large scale amusement parks ultimately failed. Maintenance, carnival-like atmosphere, and the resulting lower attendance levels are the bottom line. A basic understanding of economics and math tells you that Great Adventure may be the biggest of any park in the country, but I also see a corporation that doesn't back-up it's supposed strength by showing its strong attendance and profitability. Like it or not, Great Adventure has drawn significantly higher attendance in the 70s, 80s, and 90s and was, at one-point, the company's "cash cow." It held those titles by drawing a significantly broader demographic than it does now.


Not sure why, but this reply is directed at the individual who stated that "I obviously don't know John Fitzgerald." My phone is not allowing me to display the quote with my reply.

Edited by Daved Thomson
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CONFIRMED!!!! The "Great lake Grandstand", "Fort Independence" & the "Live n Local" Stage are being removed this season. The crews working told me, and a member of Management. I was told that the lower level of the Pool is beyond repair, and that NO level of maintinance could have saved a 40+ yr old Cement Pool.

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^ I really don't think we are getting a Giga anytime soon, but eventually i don't see how the park can't and expect to "keep up". A few places a Giga could go really. There is enough space, and enough solid, above water (easier for maintinance) ground for a Giga to go around the lake. If you look at aerial shot's and compare the size of Nitro (stretch it out, and change the layout) and the size of the good ground around the Lake, they could easily design something to fit and be in that category. They could put one on the Safari side of the park where the gate right next to the lift of "El Toro" is before you go over the Bridge. Make a path between the lift hill, and the Creek for a station area, and have it out around the old safari entrance, and that access road that comes up behind "Bizarro". Alot of open and now unused space. They could easily just fence off any coaster area's to keep any grazing Safari animal's away if it needed any of that land, and the "Off-Road" tour really don't go over that far.

Edited by Railer
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Since space will be a minor issue, and it would have to fit in a rather tight space, hypothetically they would go with an Intimiadator 305/Skyrush style lift support structure to minimize the amount of space the supports take. Plus, they could use the space between the two support points to build something like a path.

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If you look at an aerial view of the park from maps it actually shows that the space they will have from removing both stadiums is almost the same thats still behind Blackbeard and Skull Mountain. Not saying they should construct behind these rides. I Still feel like Movietown should be the main area of focus next year. This is just postponing giving that area any TLC.. Yet again.

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The thing with constructing in movie town is- the other dead space in the park. The park president has stated he wants to fill in the empty spots in the park before opening a new section. It makes sense as much as we'd all like to see old country open.

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I would imagine developing old country would be cheaper because there's already facilities and paths. I have a feeling that another ride like chiller would go there because of the small foot print and that ride fit nicely there..

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If I had to go out on a limb right now, I would say we will either see a clone of or a slightly larger version of the new BTR they built at SFFT replacing the stadiums. It's a long, thin strip of land and the ride is getting lots of press and lots of good reviews from riders. Either that or a clone of the Premier shuttle they installed at SFDK but with the third car for added capacity like BGW just installed. Either one would fit that area. I don't see them going beyond that space and spending any more money since demolition of those two structures will cost a fortune.

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If they are putting a ride there I think it definitely is going to be a clone of batman at SFFT. It would fit perfectly in that spot. a clone of superman at SFDK is possible but is much smaller than the land that they are clearing for it, and six flags hasn't used premier rides since full throttle two years ago.

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I'm starting to lean on no coaster this year in that area at all. And the only part of a Coaster anywhere on that side of the lake i would want, would be a Station in Aqua Stadium's spot, with a steep lift going back the Mansion driveway. For all that space that will be opened up now, it's more than just a ride that need's to be there, this will be a whole new area of the Park. I don't see them blocking the view's that will be opened up, and we still need it for fireworks. And yes, it is costing a fortune to remove them, especially the Pool and Stadium. I'm leaning on a "Justice League" now, and a "new" Lakefront with a "Cove" like area, with another new Bar/Resteraunt along the water. Then in 2017 we get a monster going back the Mansion Driveway with a station close to "Blackbeard's" in the new area, or even in the "Old Country". But we need a new "big" Coaster, not something with more limited capacity. I'd rather them spend and fix all this "infastructure" stuff first, then 2017 spend alot on 1 big thing.


And i want to add that with how "permanent" they made the temporary Fence going thru the "Old Country", but just the fact that they spent the $$$ to put one in, tells me that they realize the importance of having that section back, but it's not this year. And they won't leave a part of the Park looking like that for long. That's why this year will be all "Lakefront", and next year all "Old Country". But either way, right after the Firework's that whole back Part of the park will be closed off. That's why they did all the Surveying now (this week will be the last prep work that can done now) full time Park operation's start this Thurs. Nothing will happen for a month or so besides some eqipment start to show up behind the Stadium and the road that runs along that back stretch of the Park all the way out behind Skull Mountain and beyond. But my guess is Sunday July 5th will be last day to walk thru the "Lakefront" as it's been for 40+yrs. Monday, July 6th, a fence will go up. That's the only reason they would have done all the marking's and other work so soon.

Edited by Railer
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I definitley know that we will be getting something bigger will come in 2016 because they said that at Winter Adventure and Kristin told me that they are trying to go bigger next year. Also, I wouldnt mind a JL Dark Ride at all, but then there is the selfish people that will say ( Its been 11 years, do something). People dont even count GL or Dark Knight. All we have to do is wait, 2016 or 2017 will be our year, i can feel it.

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Apparently, the space from the whole grandstand to the stadium is 800+Ft, while B:TR is only 280ft. So, while that is still what I'd bet my money on, it is a big enough land to fit something larger, especially if it crosses over the peninsula or behind Skull Mountain.

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