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For anyone wondering, Kingda Ka reopened about an hour before closing last night. Joker was closed for "maintenance" as I was told.


Also, the log flume was shut down around 7:30 due to one log flume being dislodged and stuck underneath another log. This was right at the end of the turntable when the logs are released into the trough... Not sure how it happened but they looked stuck pretty good.


Edit: http://s1074.photobucket.com/user/joeyc98/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image.jpeg.html




YOur correct not enough water in the flume. The water level on the attraction should be during operation to the bottom of the rocks in the man made lagoon ...thus allowing the log to float out of the turntable...and the should be enough water in the flume it self to float the logs along without bottom scrapping. As a former log flume ops cast member Ive said it before we had more water in it then and the pumps ran faster...giving the ride a total of 2000 guest per hour. If you look at early vidios of it youll see the spped and number of logs on it.

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Well at the top of that curve is a back wash area which used to hit the log almost head on and slow down its approch to the shoot. and the allow the log to pick speed as i moved along the streight away to spill way giving th log enough motion to allow it to climb up. The other side before final approch turns to lift 2. Now according to the spot light the guest count per hour is 1250. Thank you 29yrs

Edited by FlumeOp1974
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Last night I was talking to 2 people while roasting on Nitro's break run. It was their first time at GAdv and I commented on how lucky there were that the park was not crowded. They mentioned that they tried to get flashpass when they first got to the park and they wouldn't even sell it to them and tld them it wasn't needed. I was very happy to hear this...two thumbs up to GAdv for not stealing peoples money!!

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^That's classy but frankly silly. If the system is open for the day, they shouldn't turn down business from people -- even if they're stupid or uninformed enough to want to buy it on an empty day.

Doing things like this is better for business in the long run though. Those people will be more inclined to come back another day and tell their friends and families about how great their experience was.

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Great Adventure is in the news again for telling someone they are dressed inappropriately




I guess the guard didn't like that he could see a hint of her bra through her shirt? Its hard to tell from the picture but I think her outfit would be tame compared to others I see in the park.


I think she should have been let back in no problem. I'm guessing the first time in she want passed some of the younger guards to the left side. When she reentered she was on the right side, near or in the bags free lane with the older guards.


I'm not sure why its a surprise to people that seeing a guys chest though his shirt but to see a woman's chest might get a rise out of some people. She could have just did what she did by switching tope then back again later but why make a big deal of it.


Fair or not, was she really that offended.

Edited by scott
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The only thing a metal detector can detect about a bra is the underwire. I agree her top was rather tame as I have women wearing much more skimpy tops in GADV including bikini tops. At the same time she is making a overly big deal about the incident just as the guards making an overly big deal of her attire. Just a case of two wrongs here.

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It actually took me a while to realize when I first discussed this story, but the top is see-through. It's not as apparent since they took the picture in the shade of the skyway, but that must be the reason for the guard turning them away. You can see her entire bra under the shirt and basically all of her cleavage, and it's probably much more apparent in sunlight. I'd say it's definitely against Six Flags' policy, so the guard was in the right for what he did. He even had a female guard come over to help with the situation, so the decision had a female's approval as well.


Whether the Six Flags policy is "correct" is a different story. I personally think aiming for a "family friendly" atmosphere and dress code is perfect, which does include proper coverage. The difficult part is the discretion involved since every person is different and every piece of clothing is different. It would also be great if security was more consistent in their discretion and better enforced dress codes around the park after the initial entry screen.

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Honestly I don't know what a bralette is when compared to a bra. Maybe I'm wrong and it doesn't cover much since the name to me sounds like a little bra. Maybe if she went for the sports bra she would not have had any trouble.

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Honestly I don't know what a bralette is when compared to a bra. Maybe I'm wrong and it doesn't cover much since the name to me sounds like a little bra. Maybe if she went for the sports bra she would not have had any trouble.


My girlfriend explained it to me. In the end, I think it's really still just a bra.

It has more (thicker I believe) material, but not really enough material to be worn without a shirt.

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And she did have a shirt but it was possibly somewhat see through (cant tell much from her photos). I wasn't suggesting she go without a shirt, I thought if she had a sports bra on under her shirt nobody would have thought twice about it.

I think her look is becoming more normal and she may have been on the more conservative side of it. She was covered and probably fine for the park. My opinion.

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The 90's Concert at the Park is now cancelled. That was about the best show they have had listed for the whole season, and they lost it. Want good act's in the Park, gotta' pay up. They would rather have reigious concert's for some "god" lol.

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The 90's Concert at the Park is now cancelled. That was about the best show they have had listed for the whole season, and they lost it. Want good act's in the Park, gotta' pay up. They would rather have reigious concert's for some "god" lol.

It was probably cancelled because people didn't buy tickets. Not sure what religion has to do with any of this. They just had Troye Sivan there, who pulled in a huge amount of people, including me. They've had like 1 or 2 religious concerts the entire year.

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Screamscape reported today that ANOTHER person was chastised for wearing an "inappropriate" shirt. Once you read it, you'll see how cringeworthy the situation was. Here's the full story: http://www.self.com/trending/2016/08/six-flags-said-this-womans-shirt-was-inappropriate-on-her-but-not-on-her-guy-friend/


EDIT: sorry, it's the same woman as yesterday. Screamscape only reported on it today. My bad!

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Screamscape reported today that ANOTHER person was chastised for wearing an "inappropriate" shirt. Once you read it, you'll see how cringeworthy the situation was. Here's the full story: http://www.self.com/trending/2016/08/six-flags-said-this-womans-shirt-was-inappropriate-on-her-but-not-on-her-guy-friend/


EDIT: sorry, it's the same woman as yesterday. Screamscape only reported on it today. My bad!


This is the same story we're talking about.

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Looking at the picture again you can see everything when with the shirt on her and you see nothing when its on him. I'm sure its the way the light hits it. Anyway. Everyone is making a big deal about it being OK for him but not for her. Like it or not there is a difference between a guy having a see through shirt on and a girl. Its the society we live in. In Europe nobody would have blinked an eye but right or wrong that is the way it is here.

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