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Everything posted by FlumeOp1974

  1. Would love to see it totally restored to 1974 level. And Im hoping all thats been removed is stored inside some where wrapped and protected..
  2. I agree there is room for all of it. But youve got to remember. They have reached the point of remove a tree plant a tree. Part of the agreement with the state EPA is forestery control. Thats been in place all the way back to day one. even thou the park owns the lake it is portected waterway.
  3. If I was a betting man Id say your right. And after doing some web serching it seams theres a lot of managment movement in the whole company. Just as long at it doesnt get top heavy again.
  4. Sure do! it used to be Dark at night then youd hear the speakers under the roof over give a clap of lightning and the bolt would light up top to bottom then the sound of thunder as the it rolled from left to right lighting the letters. And then it would all flash a few times. Hold. Then go black again. Kinda cool! Also to the cars had clackers under them so it to sounded like thunder as it trains ran the course.
  5. Thias is simple. For me at least...."The Enchanted Forrest" Safari and Entertainment Complex..Created and Designed by Warner Le Roy
  6. As a former cast member I call it Great Adventure...To me Six Flags may own the park but its proper name is Great Adventure. I remember the transition to Six Flags both TV and in park. And even thou the Isx Flags logo was there it was on TV as Great Adventure..And in Park as Great Adventure presented by Six Flags.
  7. Well at the top of that curve is a back wash area which used to hit the log almost head on and slow down its approch to the shoot. and the allow the log to pick speed as i moved along the streight away to spill way giving th log enough motion to allow it to climb up. The other side before final approch turns to lift 2. Now according to the spot light the guest count per hour is 1250. Thank you 29yrs
  8. YOur correct not enough water in the flume. The water level on the attraction should be during operation to the bottom of the rocks in the man made lagoon ...thus allowing the log to float out of the turntable...and the should be enough water in the flume it self to float the logs along without bottom scrapping. As a former log flume ops cast member Ive said it before we had more water in it then and the pumps ran faster...giving the ride a total of 2000 guest per hour. If you look at early vidios of it youll see the spped and number of logs on it.
  9. By all means do. This is one of my favorite tradional amusment parks. Notice I didnt say theme park. Its always fun. And the prices off food are real family friendly. I always tell people go during the week and get the ride pass. or if you can get there some evening around 5pm its even a better deal. What makes the Phoneix a great coaster is that its a true vintage coaster. rough shakey and just a blast to ride. Unlike Boulder Dassh and El Toro which are newer and and smoother and really dont allow for that air time outta the seat lap bar slamming throw you down ride. AKA rough. Which it was ACE members look for. Nothing hybrd about it just timber rails and goodol Philly tobbogan compay cars. Sigh the coaster nut up anyday. But over all a great trip report.
  10. Pup once they fill in the pool area they have lots of room. And the structure was rehabed not long ago. I agree the fronts looking a lot tired. But it still is functional as a venue. And all the needed elements are there For lighting and sound.
  11. Railer I said that days ago here. Im seeing the smaller 6 element S&S. And the Aqua Steadium filled in more bleachers and a stage area in front of that. Gives them lots of sitting it sits 3000 as it is. ANd a stage with a motorized roof to allow for lake viewing of the fire works. And a stage fior smaller shows live and local types
  12. I like this idea. Zierer produces a a Four Man Bob Roller Coaster. Very much in the vain of Jumbo Jet., Jet Star.
  13. Heres another one for you think about. Going back to the orginal plans. They call for a Lakeside Theater, For Musical Acts, Pagents, Fireworks, Etc. Thus heres a thought kill the Great Arena. opening that are for a new attraction. Expand the Aqua to take the whole area. Have admisssion gates. For Concerts. Shops food stands etc around the front. Now take your Polterguest and drop it into the Great Arena area. The areas locked in anyway. Theme it to Off Road or Best of the West. Just saying. It kills one show venue. Also allows for the removel of Show Case, Stunt Show Arena.Openning space in Movie Town for some much need expansion.
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