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Everything posted by RobertDavid

  1. Super Teepee, Garden of Marvels, but most of all - THE TREES!!!!!
  2. They're marketing this as a "family attraction". It seems like a hard sell to a family that already had to pay admission to the park. I think season passholders will be the only takers. I think it will also further detract from the atmosphere of the park to have helicopters taking off and landing in it. I would much rather see a balloon ride.
  3. Great photo with the "Moon Flume" in the background. Strange stroller sticking out in the bottom, looks like it's parked on the grass hill.
  4. The tower completely overpowers the parachutes, and practically everything else in the park. The whole focal point of the park is a giant metal pole, and the lime green completely clashes with it.
  5. I must say I'm happy to see ELP coming back to the Magic Kingdom. My first job at Disney was a performer in ELP's "Final Season". Then I opened SpectroMagic. I always liked ELP better. It was just more fun. Spectro was far more technologically advanced, but it was dark and gloomy. It was not as much fun to watch, and not as much fun to do.
  6. Disneyland has to be better because it is not the tourist destination that Walt Disney World is. It has to offer more to get the people to come.
  7. I know they weren't really cardboard, it was just a figure of speach.
  8. Splash Mountain is one of the most popular rides in the Magic Kingdom, because it is a great ride. The ride and it's theming are very well done and people don't really care that they do not know the story in advance. They feel as if the ride is the basis for the characters, not the movie they actually came from. Also, Zip A Dee Doo Da is a popular Disney song, because it is fun, not because people remember it from the movie. The movie is a shameful part of Disney's past. Maybe someday it will be released for historical purposes, but I doubt it. The ride stands on it's own without a need to be tied to a movie. Mr Toad's Wild Ride was not a great ride. It was a boring flat ride past cardboard cut outs that could not interest people without a movie tie-in. Only hard-core Disney entusiasts cared about the ride, because of sentimentality. Even they knew the ride was not good.
  9. I can't argue that the theming is original, if only they would start using "cohesive" themes. It's between Johnny Rockets and Deja Vu and it's called Mr. Six's Dance Coaster? What is the park's theming, acid trip?
  10. I'm very excited about the park opening again. I just bought a house and moved to Polk County, just a few miles from the park, a month after it closed. I have serious doubts, however, that anyone can make it work due to it's space limitations, location, and competition. I'll keep my fingers crossed.
  11. I'm kinda glad that never happened ( I'm sure this is no surprise to anyone ). I like the idea of walking into the forrest to get to the front gate, instead of having it in the parking lot ( although they destroyed that by cutting all the trees down anyway ). I also would hate to see the fountain taken out, it's an original park icon. The globe thing has been overdone, and it's Universal's icon and they have one at their front gate. I would hate to see GA copying other park's icons. The arch kinda bothers me too. If it looked anything like the Bugs Bunny Land arch. Something that big made of piping and flags would look strange, like a cheap attempt at a large structure. Just my opinion.
  12. I stopped at Busch Saturday on my way to Florida. That was amazing! THAT'S how you do Christmas!
  13. I like that they went with an old New England style sign instead of the generic Six Flags sign, but that particular sign is not very good.
  14. It was amazing when it was a forest.
  15. I'd love to see them change the names back to Yum Yum Palace and Gingerbread Fancy.
  16. "As far as the future of GAdv it could go many different ways. One way I don't want to happen is that the number of stores, Johnny Rockets, cafes, and other fads outnumber rides inside of GAdv and it becoming a outdoor mall with a few rides, kind of like Opryland park." Thank God somebody else said that. "i would hope a re-theme to a superhero theme instead of The Western section of the park" Unfortunately somebody said that.
  17. Maybe they would not be in bankruptcy if they offered the things that the successful parks offer; themes that let you escape from the everyday and have a "great adventure", not the same advertizing and products they're bombarded with every day. In an attempt to make a quick buck from sponsors, they are hurting the bottom line in the long run.
  18. It doesn't take a huge budget to make a theme. They spent money re-theming Medusa, but didn't make the theme match. They could have spent the same amount of money on a theme that would match the area of the park the ride is in. They spend money on paint, but then choose colors that clash with everything around them. The same amount of money could be spent on colors that match.
  19. I'm not really sure what that means. Do you think they are going to change the theme of Frontier Adventures to match Bizarro. I certainly hope not.
  20. I've never been to Dorney, but I have been to real theme parks like Disney, Universal, and Busch. I do not believe my idea of theming is different from most, just different from yours. The benches and trash cans should not be themed to match the area they are in? That would not make you feel like you are in the wild west? But Bizarro does? I believe " most other human beings " would agree a theme in a theme park is more than just one ride's name. Would you call the State Fair a theme park because each ride has it's own theme? A " theme park " means the park itself is themed, not just each ride. This DOES include the restaurants, restrooms, benches, and yes, trash cans. Frontier Adventures is one of only two areas of the park that has a decent theme, because all the structures match the theme. ( except Bizarro )
  21. The 1970s logo was truly the only unique, original one. The 80s logo wasn't unatractive, but it wasn't very original, a rainbow. It looked kind of like the air fresheners you hang from the rear view mirror of a car, and the "Great Adventure" lettering is plain and boring. The 90s and 2000s logos are just plain boring and say nothing about the park. That was the best thing about the original logo, it represented aspects of the park itself.
  22. Bizarro is not a themed area, it's one ride. The area it's in is Frontier Adventures, and it doesn't fit that theme. There is a difference between a theme "park" and a themed "ride". Giving each ride a different, unrelated theme and placing them randomly between generic buildings does not make a theme park. A "theme park" actually themes the "park", not just the rides.
  23. A theme park is not a bunch of rides with different themes thrown haphazardly around. The park itself has a theme and the rides fit into it. Not just the rides, but the restaurants, stores, restrooms, benches, streetlights, trash cans, ect.. You become totally immersed in the theme. What theme does TDK fit into? Movie Town is not a theme. There have been movies made about everything imaginable. You could put anything in there and say it fits the theme. What is the theme of the area? The Boardwalk is another lame attempt at a theme. It doesn't even have BOARDS. It also has no beach, sand, ocean, seagulls, ANYTHING associated with a boardwalk. It's just a bunch of unrelated rides thrown in the parking lot. Granted a boardwalk is a lot of unrelated rides, but there is a BOARDWALK and all the other ocean related things. This area more resembles a parking lot carnival than a boardwalk. People in New Jersey know what boardwalks are, you can't give them that and tell them it's a boardwalk. The only areas with good theming are the Golden Kingdom and Frontier Adventures, and that has been ruined with the teepee removal and Bizarro. Six Flags parks used to have distinctive themed areas, but through the years they have been diluted by adding rides, restaurants, and shops that do not fit the themes. The explanation I have received is that they no longer wish to be thought of as theme parks, but rather as thrill parks. In my opinion, being immersed in a theme makes the park "thrilling" and you can have all the same rides while having them fit into a cohesive theme.
  24. I realize I'm probably in the minority on this, judging by the previous posts. I want to preface this by saying this is my opinion, so please do not jump down my throat. Here goes: I think the new paint job is hideous. Not only does it clash with everything around it, but with everything that can be seen from it, which is a lot. The ride is supposed to be about the parachutes, not the pole holding them up. Since the idea is to seem like you are parachuting, the cables and pole should be hiden as much as possible. The parachutes themselves should be bright colors, not the support structure. Whatever color they now make the parachutes, they will be overpowered by the pole. Do they have someone at corporate in charge of making these decisions that simply throws darts at a color wheel and goes with whatever they land on? I do not believe they are going for a new theme in the area. Six Flags gave up on theming a long time ago ( with the unexplainable exception of the Golden Kingdom ). They claim they are now "thrill parks" instead of "theme parks". Everything in the park clashing, however, is not thrilling, it's just ugly. Again, just my opinion. O.K. now, let me have it.
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