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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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Since the survey said they were showing 1 of several ideas, and since screamscape suggested one of them, did anyone get a survey of another option? Don't tell what it was but just let us know if you did.


It seems that if Six Flags only showed one example they should have known someone would say something (and maybe wanted it to leak out)... But if they showed different ones to different people then that's something different.

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Here is a link to the survey - HERE


Edit- I got a different name in the first part of the survey, instead of the one thats been getting thrown around. In the end of the survey though where they listed all names, the name that keeps going around popped up.

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I have not recieved any other Ride Survey's. And if you re-take the Survey it changes the name to one of the other suggestions. My initial one was "Gyrotron" then the 2nd time i opened it up it was one of the other names, and it the did the same for a 3rd time also. It seems this survey is more for help in picking the names for the Park's that are getting them, then the Coaster itself. And the e-mail's came from corporate, not Great Adventure. So i think it is still basically anything at this point that we may be getting, just that some Park's in the Chain are getting them, and we all kind of figured that anyway.

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Sadly, people cant keep a secret and the cat is already out of the bag. I was texting a friend, when he said "Oh by the way did you hear six flags is getting ______________". I acted dumb and was like "what do you mean" and "how did you find out". According to him, he saw a page on screamscape, and also on another site in some other language which auto-translated on chrome. Its sad that people cant keep secrets on this type of thing. Anyway, cant wait to see what comes next year.

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People always give news to Lance at Screamscape, it happens every year. It seems he must know people from every Park, everywhere. I started a G Adventure Fan Page on Facebook, and would never "break" any news that i learned from a Six Flags Survey, i take being a part of it as an honor. And it should be something earned, not just given to anyone. I'm sure some of the comment's they must get back on them are just moronic. But i've been giving other sites my pics from the Park for years now (and always will here) and "broke" some news over the year's. My pics back when Medusa was becoming Bizarro made it on to almost all the major Theme Park sites. But i figured it's about time i get a little credit with my own little "page" on FB.

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You always have those people who can't keep a secret. I personally don't see the name "Hyperdrive" being used if they are getting a Free spin. The survey's are just to get peoples opinion and anything can change at the very last minute as well as the name and theme and most importantly the ride. Hyperdrive just doesn't fit for a coaster name, especially one that would be along the lake if that is the case for next season according to speculation and rumors. At the end of the day what ever the park decides to build, i hope that it turns out to be a success for them and opens doors for more opportunity and new unique attractions to come.

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If the park gets a new coaster it needs to be unique, something that other parks don't have or that only a few have done already. SFGadv coasters are beginning to be outdated and none of them are really original, unique, or special anymore. Let's break it down a bit.


Nitro - multiple coasters at other parks share a very similar layout (Apollo's Chariot, Diamondback,), just to name a couple.

Superman - Multiple other parks have exact replicas

Batman - same as superman

Green Lantern - actually now that Mantis is floorless this one is actually quote unique.

Kingda Ka - nothing to say about this, it is unique and special

El Toro - this is the most unique and original coaster in the park as no other coasters have a layout like this

Bizarro - Scream is a mirror image of it, and TDK at SFNE is very similar.

TDK - other Six Flags park has a replica

El Diablo - multiple other parks received this type of coaster


Just trying to make a point that I would really like to see an original coaster at the park, one that hasn't been done anywhere else and doesn't copy the layout of another coaster.

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People always give news to Lance at Screamscape, it happens every year. It seems he must know people from every Park, everywhere. I started a G Adventure Fan Page on Facebook, and would never "break" any news that i learned from a Six Flags Survey, i take being a part of it as an honor. And it should be something earned, not just given to anyone. I'm sure some of the comment's they must get back on them are just moronic. But i've been giving other sites my pics from the Park for years now (and always will here) and "broke" some news over the year's. My pics back when Medusa was becoming Bizarro made it on to almost all the major Theme Park sites. But i figured it's about time i get a little credit with my own little "page" on FB.

Is there a place you can contact this lance guy? I was on the site before and he has inaccurate information about stuff that i would like to be corrected lol

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^I agree, not all of his stuff is accurate. Like how he said that only Gadv got the survey when in reality all parks got it. I believe you email him the info, but I've tried to no reply.

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He posted sort of a "correction" to clairify the survey going out to all of Six Flags Park's. He also mentions that he heard earlier in the week, what i assumed would be our version of the ride, the bigger "10 element" version of an S&S Free-Fly.

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I've been on over 100 coasters and see how similar a lot of them are. Some rides are almost exactly the same. I loved Apollo's Chariot at Busch Gardens VA. While on it, I told my wife, "this is nitro". Same type of trains too! There are small differences but it's basically the same. I feel the more unique rides, the more a park becomes a destination. Being a huge roller coaster enthusiast, I look for "one of a kind" rides and will go to those parks just for that. Like the Jack Rabbit at Kennywood. Small park, not a lot of coasters, but they're all unique.

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Ok, I just did the survey and got a different name for that 4D ride as well, and when I looked at the Screamscape pic, I thought it was an X2 kind of 4D ride. I DO NOT WANT THIS RIDE AT ALL, and I really hope we don't get it. It doesn't look fun at all, it looks painful and stupid. Also, I was looking at the fright fest page, and I don't see them talking about charging extra for the attractions anymore, also, there's no longer a coupon that gives you a free attraction....Could they be making all the attractions free??? Don't know if you guys remember or not, but I started a petition awhile ago about a bunch of things in the park, and I got a bunch of sigs, and then sent in the signatures with a letter to six flags. And so far, all the things I asked for are coming true, will this free Fright Fest attractions be next? (I mentioned how Busch Gardens doesn't charge anything for their attractions)

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^ I agree, to me the free spin actually looks really fun, and it would be even more so if we got the bigger 10 inversion model. It would also be a completely new experience for the park and it has a 48 inch height requirement, giving another thrill ride for those not tall enough for B&Ms.

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If it's on every park's survey, it's not really much of a "secret addition"


Screamscape has always been a "rumors" site. They listed us as getting a Dive Machine for literally YEARS, and guess what, no Dive Machine.


Capacity is also not a good reason to dismiss a ride. El Diablo, Zumanjaro, and Skyscreamer are not the best capacity wise but we still got them.



I just want to see Six Flags invest in a MAJOR addition to the park, the way they did with Kingda Ka and Batman. Don't just plop down a ride, create a whole land for it to exist in. Put the theme back in theme park...

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^ SkyScreamer never has a big line, Zumanjaro usually has a 20-25 minute wait and El Diablo's wait time is only high because its new. Capacity doesnt matter though I agree. And if you havent heard, the Free Fly was being seriously talked about for the park BEFORE the survey. Also, we would get the one that has continously moving trains, 10 inversions, 20 feet higher than B:TR, etc. Source: ScreamScape)

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Capacity doesnt matter though I agree. And if you havent heard, the Free Fly was being seriously talked about for the park BEFORE the survey. Also, we would get the one that has continously moving trains, 10 inversions, 20 feet higher than B:TR, etc. Source: ScreamScape)


to me the free spin actually looks really fun, and it would be even more so if we got the bigger 10 inversion model. It would also be a completely new experience for the park and it has a 48 inch height requirement, giving another thrill ride for those not tall enough for B&Ms.

Not sure if I'm alone on this, but I don't go on roller coasters to just flip and flip and flip, if I wanted to do that, I'd go do gymnastics. I go on coasters for the drop and and airtime mostly, and this ride just looks like a ride for people who, for some reason, think it's fun to go upside down. Inversions do absolutely nothing for me, or anybody I know. Also, I've seen videos of people on the ride, and I've seen their necks, so I really don't care what some people are saying. I'm sure a bunch of people also think Green Lantern doesn't hurt and it's "The best ride ever", doesn't mean it's true.

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I go on coasters for the drop and and airtime mostly, and this ride just looks like a ride for people who, for some reason, think it's fun to go upside down. Inversions do absolutely nothing for me, or anybody I know.


Airtime>Inversions every time

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