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El Toro/KK loose article policy


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I thought up until this policy change, they were allowed on all rides as long as they didn't interfere with the restraint (except El Toro where they were always not allowed). Now, I think it's more of an issue of people taking out phones on the ride even if they are in the pack.

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Even if I wanted to pull out my cell phone during a coaster ride, most of the restraint systems make it impossible to reach into my pocket and grab a phone. To think of something like a cell phone coming loose at a very high rate of speed makes me cringe at what kind of damage it could do.

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I did notice at CP when ever a coaster train was dispatched as it left the station the ride op in the both and all the workers in the station paid very close attention to what people had in their hands as they rolled away. If they noticed something they stopped the ride and checked it out.

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I did notice at CP when ever a coaster train was dispatched as it left the station the ride op in the both and all the workers in the station paid very close attention to what people had in their hands as they rolled away. If they noticed something they stopped the ride and checked it out.


Ride employees at SF parks do the same thing. Usually it's hard to catch, riders hide it until after the station, and when confronted, guests often don't comply.

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They would stop the lift on Nitro if someone was caught filming on it in 2015. I don't know if they still do it.


I saw Nitro stopped for someone pulling out a phone as late as late last season. I don't think it was this year.

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All it takes is one person who doesn't follow the park policy to ruin t for everyone. In this case multiple people disobey the policy of no loose articles and bring things on and/or film on the rides and it has ruined it for everyone. Any time people complain about this I just have to remind them that those are the rules and the park is private property. Don't like it, stop going. 

I personally hate those policies. I have a camera that securely fits in my pocket. I am not taking it out while I'm on the ride. I also understand that the park's policy is there for a reason and I just throw my stuff in a locker or give it to someone else to hold while I ride. Because of policies like this I don't ride the rides where I have to empty my pockets as much because it's so annoying. 

I still remember the first parks to really get strict about this were the Busch parks and I remember many years ago being furious when I went to ride Montu and they wouldn't dispatch the ride because someone saw me put my camera in my pocket (I had taken pictures in the queue). They insisted that I had to leave the camera in the station or I couldn't ride (and it was a new, expensive camera!). I was pissed, but they had good reason because so many people kept taking photos on ride (it was pre-digital/cell phones, but people would still take pictures).  

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1 hour ago, owtoty said:

They really need to make the lockers free like at Hershey. The line for a locker will be way shorter if you don't have to pay. If they're free then I feel like way more people will get lockers. 

This is the kind of reason why the popularity of Dragon Challenge declined. The hassle of being forced to pay for a locker discouraged some that were just too lazy to do so. The policy also seems to have reduced the lines for El Toro but not so much on Kingda Ka. Last year El Toro would sometimes get an hour wait during the week but nowadays, the line never gets longer than 15 minutes during the week; the longest line I've seen for El Toro this season was 35 minutes.

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The problem is that Six Flags contracts out for the lockers rather than running them in house. The company that runs the lockers wants to make money so they charge. It's not unreasonable to ask you to put things in a locker or to charge you a dollar to do it. It's a fact of life for theme parks which are businesses, not charities. 

While I get that some people have zipper pockets they keep their stuff in, the park knows that many who use those are also the ones who pull the phone out on the ride.  

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I never bring my phone in but I just leave my keys in a pocket that either zippers or is buttoned shut. I understand not letting phones on the ride because of the risk of people taking it out and trying to take videos and whatnot, but when you add a wallet and keys to that list is when it gets dumb. Those are essential things everyone (or almost everyone) is going to have to bring in with them, and it is stupid to punish people for doing that.  

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I'm fine with cubbies honestly. When going to other parks I've never had/witnessed issues with people having their personal belongings stolen. It wouldn't even be the parks responsibility if anything were to be stolen, since people are putting their belongings in willingly. 


The whole locker issue has gotten to the point where it's hard for me to be in any convenient situation when going to GAdv. Paying for lockers isn't worth it, and often times most people either don't have enough money or don't have exact change. It's appalling that in either of those situations there is no other option but have someone hold onto your belongings while riding.


With all this being said, I've had my wallet and phone in loose pockets on Ka and El Toro and have never been confronted by ride ops or have had them fly out. In my opinion I hope Six Flags makes some sort of change that can make spending a day at the park more convenient while keeping guests safe.


[edited my original post because alot of the information was incorrect]

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I agree that it isn't the parks responsibility for stolen items if people use storage bins or cubbies in the stations but theft does happen and many people blame the park. If you go to a park review site like TripAdvisor and look at 1 star reviews for parks, some of them are about having their $500+ phone stolen from a ride station (at parks that still have them) and souvenir cups get stolen a lot.

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Ah I remember the days when loose articles weren't much of a problem because flip phones didn't really record videos like they do now.  On the plus side, operations have been sped up tremendously since you no longer have to wait for people to put their stuff down.

Edited by truepolak90
@GAcoaster pretty much said the same thing, meant to delete.
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I was worried about our drink bottles getting stolen, but so far it hasn't happened.  I wrote our names on them with a sharpie, but I'm not sure if that is a deterrent or not.  I also typically place a hat over the bottles when I place them in the shelf or on the floor during a ride.


It definitely happens, as my daughter got calls from several angry patrons when she worked at customer relations a couple years ago.

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