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Everything posted by Lemur

  1. True, but once you get past Mid County and head west for Gettysburg, you can rock it out.
  2. You'd be surprised, I knew some Danger Rangers out at Gettysburg who did stints in Philadelphia. They'd run between the two parks just for fun. They also used to screw with the ghost hunters at on the battlefields with the spots.
  3. Yeah, depending how they're oriented, how many panels they can get in what configuration, etc. etc. etc., it may not be cost effective. Much cheaper and easier to just put up a solar farm and panels over the parking lot.
  4. It would also be a welcome respite after getting sunburned as hell lying in the lazy river.
  5. Wanna trade? I'm stuck with all of the NY teams and refuse to buy Center Ice just to watch the Flyers. Back when I had Cabalvision (I have no idea what they're calling that now, BTW? Altice? Alice? Patrice?), I could at least get both the NY and Phila. news stations, which was always great for watching SEPTA buses slide down City Line Avenue during a snow storm.
  6. And I'm anti-CityWalk. You can do half that crap at any other tourist trap in the US, and some of it in your local mall. Margarettaville? There's one in every cruise port. Bubba Gump's? There's one in Times Square and I avoid it like the plague. I'd go out and hit the Fun Spot off of I-Drive and ride White Lightning or to the one in Kissimmee and hit up Mine Blower. You could probably do both, if you're ambitious.
  7. It's be a helluva lot easier if people just admitted it was racist, but instead they go through all kinds of mental gymnastics and claim it as their heritage. I love me some Looney Tunes, but yeah, there are some pretty racist episodes that are best viewed in the context of Jim Crowe or World War II propaganda. That's the biggest issue, is that we're so lacking in proper historical education that the context of so many of these pieces is lost. Also, when you actually know the context, they're really not all that funny anymore. Because Buckwheat is an incredibly racist caricature? Yep.
  8. I think they put it there so there's a band of family-friendly rides (galleon-Swashbuckler, bumper cars, scrambler) before getting into the kiddie area and the coasters. Also, it's one of those rides that people expect in a park, so putting it near the Ferris Wheel makes sense. They did the same thing with the carousel-tea cups combo. (Seriously though, thinking about this really points out how lacking in flat rides the park is. At least it's got a great safari.)
  9. I'm well aware that manager competency is an issue in all lines and levels of business. I'm also very aware that high school and college kids, with limited exceptions, far more interested in hanging out with their friends or having fun than working and thus have a tendency to "no call no show" or take a job and quit halfway through the summer when their vacation request gets turned down or a more interesting offer comes along. I spent a summer working at a beach - an incredibly boring, low stakes job that could be done while drunk and/or hung over with little to no consequences - and by the end of August, our original crew of about 100 was down to 20 original kids. The attrition rate with that age group is extremely high due to low pay, more enticing offers (a bar back gets paid way more), more interesting offers (wait tables/cut grass with your friends), a lack of desire to do the job (mommy and daddy will subsidize lifestyle). I tend not to hold that against management, as it's pretty much a universal truth when dealing with kids that age. Now, high attrition rates among adult workers is something else entirely.
  10. Or, you know, employing high school and college aged kids.
  11. The "problem" with the Looney Tunes IP right now is that it's a bit stagnant. Many of the old cartoons don't get air time anymore for a host of reasons (newer generations prefer newer animation styles and characters, the inherent violence of LT cartoons, the fact that they aren't in heavy syndication the way they were in the 1980s, their last real forray into recognition was Space Jam in the 1990s), so the character recognition on them is slipping. Unless Warner Brothers breathes new life into that IP, I can see SF phasing out the Looney Tunes theming entirely in favor of more Animaniacs should that reboot on Hulu prove popular (which I hope it does, as I loved me some Animaniacs). DC's IP right now is probably more paramount. DC has a stellar cartoon lineup, but their movies are ... well ... objectively speaking they make more than they cost to produce but they aren't nearly as beloved as Marvel's movies. (In all honesty, I despise the DCEU movies with the exception of Wonder Woman and quite frankly, even that one suffers mightily from the DC house style - the dark and gritty color palette combined with the dated "bullet-time" SFX nearly ruined a really great movie. But that's another rant for another time.) As long as the DCEU exists, that IP will be prominent. That said, which is more important? Neither. They're skewed toward two separate audiences. You need a kid-friendly IP for your family areas and adult-leaning IP for the thrill rides. They don't have to compete.
  12. Hopefully he can get the Notifications part of the app actually working ...
  13. I can just imagine what his homeowners insure rider looks like now ...
  14. True. I budget it as "entertainment" (aka "booze").
  15. Happy sailing! (I've never done a Disney Cruise. No casino.)
  16. It was crazy crowded on Saturday and as the sun went down it only got more crowded. The weather was pretty perfect for it, not too cold but chill enough to enjoy the fire pits and hot chocolate. It was almost Fright Fest crowded with a more family-centric crowd. Lots of multi-generational families.
  17. Very true, as my model rail roader friends can attest.
  18. Oooooh, is this where the Airing of Grievances happens?
  19. Why do miniatures when you can do a 3D VR tour on our phone? Sadly, this stuff is dying out. I appreciate the craftsmanship that went into these.
  20. They'd have to go to Jackson now (as in like tomorrow) for approval so they can start machining the parts and laying the foundations. Which, they very well may have in the works. It looks like it requires a relatively small footprint and wouldn't require anything extraordinary like an environmental impact study. Heh. Who knows? Looks like fun.
  21. I can't speak for how Jackson's ZBA works, but I know from working with another ZBA, that they can start pouring the footings once the resolution of approval has been draft, signed and delivered, faster even if they have a good relationship with the municipality and the Zoning officer is down with it.
  22. I honestly think the shows thing has less to do with gender and more to do with age.
  23. It's possible, if they like either (or both) designs they can roll them out across multiple parks a la The Joker.
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