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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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Green Lantern doesn't hurt and although I do prefer airtime, there is a spot for rides with inversions. I mean the park does already have El Toro and Nitro which offer two distinct kinds of airtime. While I'd prefer other rides, the bigger version of the free fly would fit and be unique.

Edited by mkj3322
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^^ Pretty much what I was trying to say before. SF isn't going to spend the money on a coaster the caliber of Toro or Nitro right now so I'll gladly take a free spin as a new coaster if it's what we're able to get.


I think my previous post was taken out of context, all I said was that the free spin looks fun and unique, I never said anything about preferring inversions to airtime.

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After letting the idea sink in for a little while now, i think i would welcome the "10 element" S&S. The theme, no matter what name they choose for it sound's really good (more fitting that Batman) And i do think it will go in the Lakefront/Fantasy Forest area, and be listed in the "Fantasy Forest" area on the maps. A "trippy" sort of "high-tech" Funhouse theme with really colorful lighting effects and paint scheme would be a perfect match for the "Fantasy Forest", and it gives balance by adding a "high-thrill" ride in that area of the Park. On the "spec sheet" on S&S's site they have a picture one of the cars with a diff color scheme and detail's then the "Batman" train's paint, and it look's way better. And it will bring our coaster collection somewhat "up to date". With all these newer rides with "outward banking turns", beyond verticle drops", and all these new element's, our coaster collection does seem somewhat dated now.

Edited by Railer
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Ill go with Itmann Spin Coaster...And my bets are placement in Old Country. I belive the Aqua Stedium will remain. But either as a reguler show venue. Local band type of thing. Or the Otters.....Show. Temple will be converted in to a small animal viewing area.

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^^ I wish the Aqua Stadium was going to be around for a long time to come, venue's like that are what have made our Park special. But with everything going on around it now, it really look's to be going, and it is in bad shape. The small above ground Pool behind the stadium has already been drained, the main pool's in the Stadium are almost completely drained now. They moved the large male Sea Lion to Discovery Kingdom a couple week's ago, and he was the only resident still living in there. The smaller ones (i've heard we have 2, and i've heard we have 4, i've only seen 2 at a time in the pool at Seafari) have enough room in the "Seafari Theater" to live happily. From what has been going on throughout the Park, i think next year will be the 4D Free-Spin, in the "new" Lakefront, and 2017 will be conversion of "Movietown" and the "Old Country" to "Gotham City". The fence that they put up lining the path in the "Old Country" seem's to be built to be around for a couple year's. The cut the concrete, and cemented the Fence Post's in lining that path, i think they did that so it will last a couple year's. It's not at all one of their temporary fences that they normally put up to close area's off.

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To end the sealion discussion and put it all rest, one sealion has moved. Which was the male,Kenobi. He moved to an a place in New York, however he is still 'ours'. The other 4, anoki, dichali, Ella, and the baby kona, are all at safari discoveries. Screamscape has it all wrong and is totally inaccurate.

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The only thing i wasn't sure of was how many we still had, 2 or 4. And one of the Trainer's told me that Kenobi was driven to NY, for the flight to California the day i grabbed the pics of him leaving. But i don't understand why he would still be in NY, if he won't have a "home" to come back to at the park?

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Could be a new trainer or intern, or some miscommunication somewhere down the line because I heard from someone high up in safari say he is somewhere in ny(forget the location but listed surrounding animal areas) however the park still 'owns him' (for lack of words) and our park calls the shots for him even though he is no longer there, he is still our sealion.


Keep in mind zoological places usually are part of a program which they can trade or loan animals for whatever purpose.

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^^ Just curious. I know alot of local area Zoos, and Animal Refuge places have always worked with the Park and Safari to shelter Animal's if the need ever arises. It's just usually always the other way around, and the Park will take the Animal's in. I used to live right across the street from "Animal Kingdom" zoo when the Park took some Giraffe's in from an "accidental" barn fire. My sis-in-law is a Vet-Tech that studied for large Animal's and tried to come work full-time in the Safari as one, but no open spot's were there, and she wasn't taking a "lesser" spot with all the School she did. Now she runs a "Pet-Smart's" Vet services. But having the Safari, and a place that can handle most species of large animal's has always been a great benefit to the area.

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Somebody was saying "Our" (quotation marks because there has been 0 proof that we're getting an S&S) Freespin will be taller and will have constantly moving cars.....That would be an insane safety hazard, because it's not a wild mouse, it's an intense ride that has multiple inversions and beyond vertical drops, if the harness didn't go on 100% correctly, it could result in a death. With The Dark Knight and it's moving cars, if a bar didn't go down 100% correctly, I don't think anything would happen because it's not a super intense ride, and has like a 20 foot drop. I don't know who made up the constant moving cars, but I REALLY don't think that's happening. AND, it would just result in them having to stop the cars from moving, whenever somebody couldn't get the harness on, which would be the same as if the cars weren't constantly moving.

Edited by YoungPup
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^There are quite a few big coasters that have constantly moving cars. Hollywood Rip Rid Rocket uses this. New Texas Giant used this system for a couple months. It is perfectly safe. All restraints are checked whether the train is slowly moving or completely stopped. I have never seen cars on TDK dispatched without being checked,

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^There are quite a few big coasters that have constantly moving cars. Hollywood Rip Rid Rocket uses this. New Texas Giant used this system for a couple months. It is perfectly safe. All restraints are checked whether the train is slowly moving or completely stopped. I have never seen cars on TDK dispatched without being checked,


Yeah, TDK's ride system won't allow the car to dispatch from the station if all lap bars are not past a certain point.

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Last weekend they had all the Cars stopped in the Station before dispatch's, and were only moving up 1 spot when a car left for the lift hill. They were not constantly moving like they normally do.

Which is exactly what would happen if a FreeSpin had that, except it would happen more often than not.

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New Texas Giant used this system for a couple months. It is perfectly safe. All restraints are checked whether the train is slowly moving or completely stopped. I have never seen cars on TDK dispatched without being checked,

"Used" exactly, not anymore. TDK stops before you go up the lift hill, so it's not constantly moving at all, really.

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I personally love the constant moving loading platform set up that TDK and Log flume have. It definitely keeps things constantly moving and is set up to stop when needed for whatever reason. IMO it makes guests also move a bit faster because they don't want to miss their train lol.

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I just took the new attraction survey and its pretty clear what they what to get and its not a rocky mountain.

You're also assuming that is the only survey out there. Quite often they send out different concepts to different people. Also (once again) lot's of things get planned but never built. I have a whole list of attractions the park was scheduled to get but never did...


Until any ride is actually assembled and open, don't just assume it's happening. ;)

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