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2017 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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If it is the Justice League ride, I will be happy. I have wanted a dark ride for years and I want to see more tamer rides added for when you want to take a break from the coasters in addition to the park visitors who don't ride anything thrilling.


If you go back to 1999, the park has gotten Bizarro, Nitro, Superman, Kingda Ka and El Toro for new major coasters. Add in The Dark Knight, Green Lantern (the fact it is relocated doesn't bother me but I know it matters to some people), Joker, Blackbeard's and Road Runner Railway that is 10 coasters in 17 years. Other than Magic Mountain I don't think there is a park around that has averaged a coaster every 1.7 years, 4 of which are B&M's and 2 record breaking Intamin coasters. Yeah it's always nice to see a new coaster but I feel like there are other ride types missing from the park when Great Adventure has arguably the 3rd best coaster collection in the US.

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I really wish it was for something else, but from what i was told, the large Archway pieces can be seen from Nitro's lift, that are not in any of the Pics. It is a huge building, bigger than any Station would be.

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I really wish it was for something else, but from what i was told, the large Archway pieces can be seen from Nitro's lift, that are not in any of the Pics. It is a huge building, bigger than any Station would be.

Archway pieces for a building or somthing else?

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So, there is still no REAL confirmation this is a JL dark ride, but everyone has already decided it's the WORST addition to GA EVER, and they are never coming back and never renewing their passes. I'm sure there will be plenty of park goers who disagree. All anyone has said for for as long as I can remember is "GA should get a dark ride!", "GA can't be a major theme park without a dark ride!", etc.


IF (and it's still a BIG if) this truly is the JL dark ride coming it will have wide appeal to families and (best of all) will very much fit the push of the park to be open nearly year round since weather won't effect it. It would after two seasons of coasters (and yes, I know El Diablo isn't a coaster, but to kids it is) be a solid family ride that families could enjoy together since it would only have a 42" requirement.

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Someone on the FB group (I was browsing, I'm not apart of that group) said that the JL ride is a Busch Gardens level ride


Don't compare the JL ride to Darkastle. Even from the outside, Darkastle is a beautiful ride, JL is a box with a front that looks like a building, just like Dark Knight. The animatronic in the beginning (that cyclops kind of guy) is pretty bad, he movies like a robot and his mouth is absolutely horrible, and the animation before you sit down in the car looks worse than any Nick Jr animated TV show.

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Also, for all the "I'm not renewing my pass" grumblings, the same people saying it now also said that about the park adding El Diablo and most of them DID renew their passes and ended up liking El Diablo...

Most of them did. To be fair, I never did.


As someone who visits Disney every year, I can ride much better dark rides that aren't just boxes. But hey I guess this is good for those with younger children?

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I really wish it was for something else, but from what i was told, the large Archway pieces can be seen from Nitro's lift, that are not in any of the Pics. It is a huge building, bigger than any Station would be.

Right? This just feels like a punch in the stomach. And the fact that a giant box is being put next to another box in the middle of nowhere shows that SF does not care for its guests. JL makes much more sense on the Boardwalk. Flats and coasters make sense in Old Country

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What did they just knock down on that site? A gigantic box that has been at the park since 1997. Only difference between this one and the one they leveled is this building serves a purpose unlike the abandoned station which sat there for ten years. I don't think anyone is going to say "I am not riding those two rides - they look like boxes."


I am sure if we do get a JL they will bring new theming and definitely more people to a rehabbed MovieTown.

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If we're getting it, I agree with Tom and the others who say it's a great addition. No, it's not Busch-quality, but it's a solid ride and will really help round out our lineup.


And the complaints about the location really don't make sense to me. They're revitalizing an area of the park that's been closed and neglected for years. They're adding a superhero ride in a thematically appropriate area, for once (not that the Boardwalk wouldn't have fit that bill as well).


And I'm not sure how this is more or less "greedy" than a Boardwalk location, because first of all, we have no idea what games or stores or whatever else they'll include leading to this ride, nor whether the other Ka path would have opened up even with JL in Boardwalk.

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If we're getting it, I agree with Tom and the others who say it's a great addition. No, it's not Busch-quality, but it's a solid ride and will really help round out our lineup.


And the complaints about the location really don't make sense to me. They're revitalizing an area of the park that's been closed and neglected for years. They're adding a superhero ride in a thematically appropriate area, for once (not that the Boardwalk wouldn't have fit that bill as well).


And I'm not sure how this is more or less "greedy" than a Boardwalk location, because first of all, we have no idea what games or stores or whatever else they'll include leading to this ride, nor whether the other Ka path would have opened up even with JL in Boardwalk.

I'm just upset that they're wasting that space on that ride, which could've been used for a coaster, and could've made that area Gotham City (because since HBO is gone, how exactly is it Movie town?).

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What did they just knock down on that site? A gigantic box that has been at the park since 1997. Only difference between this one and the one they leveled is this building serves a purpose unlike the abandoned station which sat there for ten years. I don't think anyone is going to say "I am not riding those two rides - they look like boxes."


I am sure if we do get a JL they will bring new theming and definitely more people to a rehabbed MovieTown.

That box is different than this box. They tore that box down since it was useless. Now let's say a coaster was there. The box (station) is being used for the coaster. Fine by me. With JL, you literally have a box. And judging by past trends it seems like aside from the front this box is just going to be a box.

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It's just that it all could of been alot better planned. Replacing a couple type's of Coaster's that we lost over the year's, with one Coaster that would of brought back a whole section with it, and a very cheap re-theme to "Gotham". All they really would have to do is change the "Movietown" letter's with "Gotham" basically, most of the Themeing is already there. And not even a "T-Rex" but any mid/large sized Coaster would do that is something different than we have. Even a "Dare Devil Dive" styled Coaster would fit in that spot along with Musik's pad, and be a great addition to the Park. 100ft Verticle lift/drop, innversion's, themed to another Villian. Then instead of leaving a building to rot, it would of breathed new life into it the following year, and been great marketing after another year of a "Villian" invading the Park, bringing the "Justice League" in to even thing's up, in a great central location in the Park for ride that has no other like it in the Park, and made them ALOT of money with it being in the Games section. The Games would basically be the Rides Exit Giftshop, and/or change up the Shop on Superman's exit to a "JL" shop. If half the Guest's leaving a "JL" on the Boardwalk, did the Games for a Souvineir, insted of walking over to the "JL" Giftshop on Superman's exit, it would make a ton more money than just a Giftshop on "JL's" exit. They wouldn't even need to make a new Shop and save money by it. Then with all that new traffic on the Boardwalk, they could open up the old Kingdom Pathway again, and end alot of the new Guest confusion by finally connecting the 2 Kingdom's again, and give the long time Guest's more time on Rides, and less time walking taking the long way around to get anywhere on that side of the Park. Then even after a couple years they could close the Gates off again when Traffic dies down some. And you could say that the Park putting one in the "Boardwalk" is actually the greedy thing to do with how much Money it would make the Park with all those "impulse" play's it would generate. And i'm sure they had to have thought of putting in Sim Building one time or another, and had to have thought about the Money it would of made there, but by them putting it in Movietown, it says they don't care to fix some of the problem's the Park has now, and are content with forcing us to spend, instead of striving to make us want to spend by good planning with good attraction's like a "JL" in the Sim Building would do. I can even picture the Park Map with the Central DC Superhero Section, a new Coaster on the Map in "Gotham City", and the Villian's in the back of the Park. That is a well planned Park, with the newest attraction's each pulling into their respected section's, spead out throught the Park. That image of a Park Map to me look's alot better than one with a "JL" in Movietown, that will be the giant Lunchbox Section of the Park now.


But who know's, all we have seen so far is what are most likely Part's of a Building, maybe they can still surprise us and it's something else in that big Box that's coming. I mean they still have only done 2 installation's a Year, and MM and SFOG both are very strong contender's, and both have shown that sign's that a "JL" may be coming. So until we get some more pics, or info, i'm holding on to a little hope.

Edited by Railer
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If we're getting it, I agree with Tom and the others who say it's a great addition. No, it's not Busch-quality, but it's a solid ride and will really help round out our lineup.


And the complaints about the location really don't make sense to me. They're revitalizing an area of the park that's been closed and neglected for years. They're adding a superhero ride in a thematically appropriate area, for once (not that the Boardwalk wouldn't have fit that bill as well).


And I'm not sure how this is more or less "greedy" than a Boardwalk location, because first of all, we have no idea what games or stores or whatever else they'll include leading to this ride, nor whether the other Ka path would have opened up even with JL in Boardwalk.

My issue with the location is it really limits the space for another coaster on that side of the park. The other side has KK/Toro/S:UF/GL/Safari/Zumanjaro/El Diablo...all newer than Nitro, Batman or Skull Mountain. Throw in Bizarro and RMT as well. With JL now likely going into Chiller's spot, there is little to no room for a major Movietown coaster unless some major attraction moving/removing occurs. And it also kills the Boardwalk's ability to add something major as the only thing you could really fit was a JL ride in the sim building location.


That leaves the only spot for coaster expansion near RT's old footprint, which is an already congested area of the park.

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Hate to use an IP from a Six Flags competitor but......




Just to give Railer a little hope, there is a very small chance the painted metal pieces could be for a lift structure similar to Goliath's...




We gotta keep this thread going for at least another 1.5 months before we start talking about 2018 afterall!

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The front of JL is also decently nice and not nearly as box-like as TDK.


*I looked for a pic, but I need to leave now, so unfortunately you don't get a pic*

Not my video, but it gives a good view of Justice League at SFGam. https://youtu.be/1v9pPbBxNxg?t=48s

It is a nice looking building and should fit the area well. Add a flat package in 2018 and this area of the park will be in good shape.

Edited by Medusa42
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Hey, everyone else always tell's me "until it's confirmed by the Park" when i say something is coming, i can have a little hope lol. I don't think it will be some kind of huge new Coaster Station, but they could really stick anything in a big building. I did hear rumbling's a ways back back about a giant new retail Shop somewhere in the Park. But it just don't make sence. Either now the Sim Building will sit for another decade until the next Six Flag's Dark Ride Idea comes along, of it will be leveled for something that will prob fit the area (theming and size), but not as good as "JL" Dark Ride would have for the space available, and being next to "Superman" and "Green Lantern" Coaster's that are decently Themed You can't deny that a Park Layout like i described is a very well balanced Park, with Guest's distributed evenly thoughout the park. With how big we are, and how many Guest's we have, we need that now, and for the future.


And i never bashed "El Diablo", i was at the Media Day, shared pics, and was one of the first rider's, and the last of that morning. The next cycle after mine during the event it shut down for the morning due to the restraint's malfunctioning. and never said i wasn't getting Passes that year. I just said this year i wasn't, and didn't. And that next year prob won't now. But that is really up to my Kids anyway now lol.

Edited by Railer
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