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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

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Personally, I hate it when people assume something animated is for kids. I was watching Under the Red Hood with a friend, and with all the blood and violence in it I would not let a child sit through it.


We're living in an age known as the Animation Ghetto.


As for what grinds my gears, having to see tons and tons of ads whenever I go to the movies. This usually happens at the bigger theaters (i.e. AMC Loews), which makes all the more annoying. I payed 8-10 dollars to see a movie, not the ads I could see for free in my living room!




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  • 2 weeks later...

The local water parks closing down for the season so early anymore. Almost all the water parks close on Labor day. Just a few years ago most of the local water parks used to stay open 2 to 3 weekends after labor day, Sep is still a warm enough month for our area water parks to stay open a little longer like they used too.

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The local water parks closing down for the season so early anymore. Almost all the water parks close on Labor day. Just a few years ago most of the local water parks used to stay open 2 to 3 weekends after labor day, Sep is still a warm enough month for our area water parks to stay open a little longer like they used too.


Agreed, I remember the first night of Haunt last year it was in the 90s, more like waterpark weather than weather for a Halloween event. I know WWK used to be open until mid September maybe 2 or 3 years ago, the problem was it was all buyouts so it didn't matter.


I guess after Labor Day, summer and waterparks are out of people's minds until next year even though it is still technically summer.

Edited by Yoshi
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Agreed, I remember the first night of Haunt last year it was in the 90s, more like waterpark weather than weather for a Halloween event. I know WWK used to be open until mid September maybe 2 or 3 years ago, the problem was it was all buyouts so it didn't matter.


I guess after Labor Day, summer and waterparks are out of people's minds until next year even though it is still technically summer.


I think part of it is how they push holidays so early anymore, and since Halloween is big money for parks they just want to focus people on that as soon as possible. I can remember going to WWK in mid Sep, then head over to the dry part afterwards and see Haloweekends props already up. It's like how they push Christmas while it's still Halloween and pretty much forget Thanksgiving except for the parades. Then while it's still Christmas they push Valentines day.

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Rather than describe them as a whole, here's some of the more notorious fanbases that can be found all over the internet.


Sonic Fanboys

As you can probably tell by my username, I love the Sonic the Hedgehog series of games. I really wish I could say the same about the fanbase. Granted there is that minority of Sonic fans (such as myself) that enjoy the good games and dislike the bad games. But then again, there's that overwhelming majority. Just read this Urban Dictionary description of Sonic fanboys:



Studio Ghibli Fanboys

Usually when it comes to calling out fanboys, anime fanboys are always the first ones listed. But these guys are in a league much worse than those losers. While I love the films of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, the fans are really arrogant and think that Ghibli's films are better than every film ever made and will thrash American cinema and animation nonstop, from Charlie Chaplin's The Kid to The Lion King. Usually these guys are mostly weeaboos that will orgasm to anything from the land of the rising sun (or in this case, Studio Ghibli). The best weapon against these weeaboos is to point out the obvious fact that there are films (animation or otherwise) that are as good if not better some of Ghibli's films (i.e. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Mel Brooks films, Tim Burton's Ed Wood, The Lion King, Aladdin). Just take a look a this blog by this Minnesota weeaboo. Now I know why the Onion calls the state "The Land of 10,000 Retards":



Nintendo/Sony/Xbox Fanboys

No comment.

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Studio Ghibli Fanboys

Usually when it comes to calling out fanboys, anime fanboys are always the first ones listed. But these guys are in a league much worse than those losers. While I love the films of Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli, the fans are really arrogant and think that Ghibli's films are better than every film ever made and will thrash American cinema and animation nonstop, from Charlie Chaplin's The Kid to The Lion King. Usually these guys are mostly weeaboos that will orgasm to anything from the land of the rising sun (or in this case, Studio Ghibli). The best weapon against these weeaboos is to point out the obvious fact that there are films (animation or otherwise) that are as good if not better some of Ghibli's films (i.e. Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Mel Brooks films, Ed Wood, The Lion King, Aladdin). Just take a look a this blog by this Minnesota weeaboo. Now I know why the Onion calls the state "The Land of 10,000 Retards":





I'd like to add weeaboos in general to that one. Animation is great, but why should the country of origin be an indicator of quality? And why do they try to justify crap like Love Hina and Lucky Star when there are much better American works like the DCAU and Pixar's Up?

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I have to add the Star Wars fanbase as well. You have these Idiots bitiching about the new blu-ray set and boycotting it because they don't include the OE versions of the OT films. Why whould they even think they would come with the OE versions let alone expect them too? Jeez they are like spoiled kids. Plus you hear all the bitiching about the new little changes which aren't bad, but so many fans are so petty anymore they have to bitch about anything Lucas does. If he ever does release the OE versions fully restored on blu-ray, the fans will still find something to bitch about. I don't think most Star Wars fan are that way, but it is a very vocal, bitter, and angry minority of fans who are too obsessed with the films who are doing most of the complaining since they don't have a life or anything else better to do.



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I have to add the Star Wars fanbase as well. You have these Idiots bitiching about the new blu-ray set and boycotting it because they don't include the OE versions of the OT films. Why whould they even think they would come with the OE versions let alone expect them too? Jeez they are like spoiled kids. Plus you hear all the bitiching about the new little changes which aren't bad, but so many fans are so petty anymore they have to bitch about anything Lucas does. If he ever does release the OE versions fully restored on blu-ray, the fans will still find something to bitch about. I don't think most Star Wars fan are that way, but it is a very vocal, bitter, and angry minority of fans who are too obsessed with the films who are doinfg most of the complaining since they don't have a life or anything else better to do.




Your description reminds me of how the majority of the Sonic fanbase bitched about Sonic 4 when it was announced. Some even went as far as to boycott the game..................by purchasing Sonic 1 on Sonic 4's release date(s).

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I have to say I'm a bit disappointed with my Rutgers exam schedule. I had an exam today (Sunday) which is bad enough, and I'll be having one on Thursday from 9:40 to 12:00 right after my class ends at 9:20. Talk about a workload, I probably won't be home until about 1 in the morning on Thursday. To top it all off, I have a morning class on Friday. :wreck:

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Not really the singer herself (she's pretty decent for a modern artist), but all the hype and pathetic fanboys that she has spawned. Everytime I make a critique on how most modern artists are crap on Facebook, there's always that guy who obsesses over Adele that will give me a lecture about her success. NEWS FLASH!!!!!! She's not that great of a singer. Sure she's one of the few gems buried in the crap that is modern music, but she's not the 2nd Coming of Christ that so many people make her out to be. Similar to the Ghibli tards, the best weapon against these fanboys is to state the obvious fact that there are artists that are as good, if not better, than Adele.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It honstly annoys me how staff gave up on the chiller so easily. Sure it had a LOT of problems and it woulda taken alot of money and time to fix it, but it seems a waste for all of the partial repairs which cost a lot of money in the long term. They tried to fix it many times and instead of closing it for a few years and fixing it, they just dumped all of the previoulsy spent money. Some of you may think this isnt really annoying, but it just grinds my gears a lot.


But, off the topic of rides, the one single handed thing that pisses me off the most is the song moves like jagger. The tune, the words and name, and the fact that maroon 5 sings it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My senior trip is going to be Washington D.C/Busch Gardens. Yet everyone is bitching and whining about the trip. They should be grateful that the school didn't drop the ball and have us go to the movies for our senior trip. But then again, those same people had extremely unrealistic expectations (i.e. a trip to Hollywood/Miami)

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My senior trip is going to be Washington D.C/Busch Gardens. Yet everyone is bitching and whining about the trip. They should be grateful that the school didn't drop the ball and have us go to the movies for our senior trip. But then again, those same people had extremely unrealistic expectations (i.e. a trip to Hollywood/Miami)


That would annoy me too! I didn't even have a senior trip.


It honstly annoys me how staff gave up on the chiller so easily. Sure it had a LOT of problems and it woulda taken alot of money and time to fix it, but it seems a waste for all of the partial repairs which cost a lot of money in the long term. They tried to fix it many times and instead of closing it for a few years and fixing it, they just dumped all of the previoulsy spent money.


I can't say I'm not disappointed with that decision, and a lot of people are. It's a shame to see it laying in pieces when so many enjoyed it.

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My senior trip is going to be Washington D.C/Busch Gardens. Yet everyone is bitching and whining about the trip. They should be grateful that the school didn't drop the ball and have us go to the movies for our senior trip. But then again, those same people had extremely unrealistic expectations (i.e. a trip to Hollywood/Miami)


I just graduated this year and we went to Disney, Universal, and Sea World. You would think it would be amazing but in 4 days its impossible to do everything... I didn't get to go to Disney Studios or the water parks, I lost my phone in Universal, and we only went to Sea World for a luau. i was practically begging my teacher to let me go on manta at least once... so yeah it was fun but it wasn't the usual FL experience you have with your family.


My Senior Class Trip really grinded my gears!!!!! I hope you have fun. At least Busch Gardens you can do everything in one or two days.

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AP students


Well, maybe not all of them, but those AP students that think they're better than everybody else just because they have AP classes. Y'know, the preppy kids with an ego the size and circumference of Rosie O'Donnell. News flash: YOU'RE NOT THE ACADEMIC JESUS OF THE WORLD!!!! Get over yourself and accept the fact that AP doesn't put you on the top of the food chain. Theses kids are in desperate need of a reality check.

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