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Misc GA Mumblings


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If anyone want's to see Collins Key the magician in Showcase next weekend, they are reserved seating (free & meet and greet) you MUST go on Ticketfly to get ticket's to Showcase (again,free) you will not be able to go to the show's without reserving a seat. It's already up to the Sunday 7pm show, i just got 4 tickets. You can print them, or get ticket's on Mobile. Link's are under the "events" tab on the park's site.


Correction : 30mins prior to the show anyone that reserved a seat and is not seated yet, will lose the reserved seat. Meaning if you have reserved a ticket, and are NOT more than a half hr early, your seat will be open to any Guest without a ticket. And if everyone that reserved a seat shows up on time, no Guest's without a ticket will get in.

Edited by Railer
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I just read on a FB page that El Diablo's train is off (sitting next to the loop), and that Ka is having work done and is closed for a few days.

Any info on that? Just curious if there was a problem, if it's the weather, or just routine maintenance.

I'm living vicariously through here as I broke my ankle and won't be at the park for another 5 weeks. Sigh.

Edited by hollyferry
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Ka's cable has indeed snapped, and I'm hearing that they covered up some of the track with tarp. I think this is a major malfunction, as they will have to wait for parts from Switzerland to make the repair. My guess is about a month of downtime.

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OH NO!! Major disappointment for coaster con if Kingda Ka is down. I will be attending Coaster Con and was wondering if i was to park in the main lot, go into park, then go over to Hurricane Harbor, I can take the shuttle, but how would re-entry work? I assume i can use my season pass to get into Hurricane Harbor but i thought season passes could not be used for re-entry. That you need a wrist stamp. Wouldn't the wrist stamp wash off in the water? I have never done this before.

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OH NO!! Major disappointment for coaster con if Kingda Ka is down. I will be attending Coaster Con and was wondering if i was to park in the main lot, go into park, then go over to Hurricane Harbor, I can take the shuttle, but how would re-entry work? I assume i can use my season pass to get into Hurricane Harbor but i thought season passes could not be used for re-entry. That you need a wrist stamp. Wouldn't the wrist stamp wash off in the water? I have never done this before.

On ROTB event last year we went to Gadv 1st, took the shuttle over to HH for a few hours and then then took the shuttle back to Gadv later that day. We have done this several time before also; had our hands stamped and never had a problem re-entering the park. Even though you can not hardly see the stamp, the light they use to look for it picks it up fairly well.

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^ Just don't use ANY kind of sunscreen on your rt hand with the stamp. It will wash the stamp off, or cover it so the blacklight does not see it. They tell you that sometimes when you get stamped, depends on who is working that day.

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Just saw a very cool new commercial for "El Diablo" in the Philly market. "Go eye to eye with your worst fears" with a very cool "Eye od Sauron" looking red eye, and a "fiery" font on ther lettering. 1st time i have seen it. They always run commercials during "Big bang Theory" on PHL 17.

Edited by Railer
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Looks like it is El Toro's turn for some major maintenance. There was a very large cranes nearby.

They were getting ready to replace the upper pulley. There were also some rather large weights on flat bed trucks.

I'd say expect it to be down for a bit.





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The park is really letting the poison ivy take over. It is really bad in GK, now with large batches of poison ivy over growing the landscaping right up to the walkway pavement. Even KK'S queue had poison ivy growing between the fence and walkway, where people who are not looking can brush against it and get rashes. I have not seen other parks let poison ivy take over so much like GADV has, the park needs to spray it back. Stay on the lookout for it when you visit the park.

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Thats ironic you mention poison ivy now. The other day me the group i was with decided to walk back up to the pick-up area, rather than take the shuttle bus since it had easily a 3 bus wait. On the way back, my ankles almost got destroyed by poison ivy. Luckily i figured out what it was and avoided it. I guess my two years in boy scouts was good for one thing lol.

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shouldn't that type of work on el toro been done before the park opened? I would think something that could cause that large of an item to be replaced should/could have been notice on the inspections of the rides pre park opening.

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Well since they're replacing the upper pulley and probably other cable lift mechanisms, maybe they won't have to slow the cable lift at the top anymore! It would be insane speeding around the curve and being dragged down the drop :D

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I believe they slowed it down because it was doing some bad things to El Toro's first drop structure.

I doubt you will see it come back and obviously makes little difference to quality the rest of the ride.

Be glad they scheduled major maintenance instead of waiting for something to break.

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