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The Green Lantern


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^Theres a rough draft of the script floating around on the internet and I skimmed it briefly last night.


After reading wikipedia, the black Green Lantern is John Stewart and the white Green Lantern is Hal Jordan, who is the one the movie is about. John Stewart is the current Green Lantern or something like that. I don't know its confusing.

Edited by acq10uaz
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I have yet to meet one single person who knows who or what Bizarro is. If they want to build a superhero section in the park for people who like them, that's fine. My point is that making everything in the park superhero themed is very limiting and appeals to only one group of people, and it is not the majority of the population. They are continuing the mistakes of the past by marketing to only one demographic and alienating everyone else.

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While I had never heard of Bizarro before Great Adventure announced it, he really did exist. I looked him up to see if Six Flags had invented him for the park, and he is indeed in several of those TV cartoons. However, there's a ridiculously small percentage of the amusement-park-going population who hasn't heard of Green Lantern. I mean, come on. I'm not a comic book fiend, but I'd heard of him before. I don't know specific info about him, but I know he wears green.... and that'll be enough. He's a super hero, and he wears green. Hopefully the ride will tell some kind of story, but even if it doesn't I won't mind as long as we get some theming.

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While I had never heard of Bizarro before Great Adventure announced it, he really did exist. I looked him up to see if Six Flags had invented him for the park, and he is indeed in several of those TV cartoons. However, there's a ridiculously small percentage of the amusement-park-going population who hasn't heard of Green Lantern. I mean, come on. I'm not a comic book fiend, but I'd heard of him before. I don't know specific info about him, but I know he wears green.... and that'll be enough. He's a super hero, and he wears green. Hopefully the ride will tell some kind of story, but even if it doesn't I won't mind as long as we get some theming.



Just because everyone has heard of the Green Lantern doesn't mean they should theme a coaster after him. Everyone has heard of Osama Bin Laden but I wouldn't want to see a coaster themed to him. My pont is, if you are going to use superhero themes, make a superhero section in the park and put them all together. Use MovieTown, it's a stupid theme anyway and already has a superhero coaster in it. Just balance the park so that there is something for everyone, not just superhero fans.

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Green Lantern fits the Boardwalk/Airforce base theme already. Most of the movie takes place either in space, at an airforce base, or "Coast City" which is like LA/Venice beach/The Jersey shore except in DC comic world.


Can we wait until you see how they actually theme the coaster and its surroundings before we start complaining about it.

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I knew very little about Green Lantern and never heard of Bizarro before the park announced both of them. I was talking to a friend who is really into comic books last week about Green Lantern and Bizarro. Even he didn't know that much about Bizarro but knew a lot about Green Lantern.

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I've always liked "superhero" Movies for the most part. But Ryan Reynold's, who I like (funny in "Just Friends") looks really stupid in the poster for the movie. The comic book outfit's are starting to get to me, they are just "goofy". I look at shows and movies diffrent now, these days. I just hope the theme works out, that's all.

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^I think you're in for a surprise then. It's going to be a great movie and its set up to be like the newer Batman movies, where the first one is the origin, ect.


I can't tell from the pictures, but is the track the same exact color as Ka? Some pieces look darker than others so I can't really tell.


Just because it's set up like the new Batman movies doesn't mean it's going to be good. I think the fact that it's Green Lantern will make it good in many people's minds, but look at Catwoman. A super hero movie needs more than just a comic book reference, it needs good actors, good script, and a good plot, and especially a good director - that's why The Dark Knight was so successful. Joel Schumaccer (SP), not so much.


BTW, really excited about seeing the new tracks! Green coasters (like Riddler and Hulk) with loops look really cool ... I was always hoping the park would get one!

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The color of the track pieces looked identical to Hulk:




As for the movie, I feel like it really has a 50/50 shot. I think people are ready for a new franchise if they can deliver a good story (look at Iron Man- not a lot of main stream (non-geek) following, but it did well because it was a well done film). The biggest question mark to me is Ryan Reynolds. He has a L-O-N-G string of movies that have done crap at the box office.

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I love "The Incredible Hulk" coaster at Islands of Adventure. Too bad the rails look so rusty now. It's been almost 20 years since I've ridden a standup (not coincidently "Shockwave" at Great Adventure), and "The Green Lantern" looks like fun. Hopefully Six Flags will perform a total rehab on the rolling stock, replacing the hardware, wheels, harness and seat coverings.

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Honestly, a western theme wouldn't have come off as well as Bizarro did.


I don't think I agree -- Maverick at Cedar Point is a great example of a really well done western theme on a new coaster. Just my opinion, but I think it would be a little more interesting for Bizarro to have raced over water and through some kind of rocky canyon like that rather than sticking to the usual superhero theme. (That's all a bit off topic for the discussion at hand.) However, I would like to agree with the other guys and admit that I know only about 1 or 2 people that have any knowledge/interest of superheroes beyond the basics (Superman, Batman, and Spiderman).


Now there's an idea for a superhero themed ride! Spiderman. You know that feeling you get when you walk through a spiderweb and you get totally skeeved out? They can recreate that feeling by having the train roll really slowly through an area full of spiderwebs. Getting a web across the face would make me scream more than any roller coaster ever would. :D It's not too late to paint the Green Lantern tracks to be Spiderman colors...

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