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2016 and Beyond Speculation at SFGA

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If you name anything after Batman I'm fine with it lol but that's just my nerd side talking. If they were ever to (knock on wood) remove or retheme batman the ride.. I could definitely see a new wingrider being themed Batwing or something.. Has anyone ever gone on Batwing in SFA?? Now THAT was an amazing ride.


I rode Batwing last year for the first time and I loved it. Reminds me of Firehawk at Kings Island.

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I've ridden Batwing many times as SFA is my home park. I enjoy the ride, I think it's good , but I always find myself wandering towards Superman:ROS when I have time for re rides. Maybe it is the constant one train operations and horrid capacity, but it isnt anything all that special for me, at least. I actually slightly prefer Superman at Gadv for the pretzel loop, but only by a little bit.

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My wife was terrified on Firehawk! I got the picture from the ride and the look on her face is "i'm gonna die". I went on Superman Ride of Steel at Six flags America and I wasn't impressed at all. New Englands version is so much better. I went on early so there wasn't a wait.

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^^I agree on Superman being a terribly lame hyper. Of the six hypers I've ridden (including both Intamin Gigas, Magnum at CP, Nitro and Apollos Chariot), Superman is my least favorite. However, after around 2 dozen rides, Batwing just doesn't seem all that special to me. The pacing is slow and the intensity is lacking for my taste (given, Superman at Gadv's pretzel loop is the only truly "intense" part). I've had some decent rides on Superman at SFA in the dead of summer that with extreme heat have produced some considerable airtime. Though not comparable to the airtime on Millennium Force or Bizarro SFNE, as I've heard.

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^According to most people, the airtime hills on MF don't heally have that much airtime. Also, those were intamin noob mega coasters. They have gotten better at making them over time. this is proven by Bizarro at sfne a year later. B&M, on the other hand did a great job with it's first hyper coasters, and is consistent in making them. Intamin has caught up, and even surpassed them, (in my opinion) by building Skyrush, which I can tell you is more intense than 10 B&M hypers put together. Also, the newer B&M hypers are a lot better than the older models (excluding nitro, which continues to defy time). All coaster manufactures evolve and the Darien Lake and SFA superman coasters were just the beginning. Honestly though, that ride has WAY too many long, forceless helices, (Proof can be found in the fact that intamin used only 2 rails on the helixes, which is typically reserved for less stressful sections) along with the pointless straightways, and not enough airtime!

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You know what else would be cool? An intamin blitz similar to desert race, but longer, faster, and bigger, and going through the forest. That launch would be awesome at night! And plus, Six flags would have 2 launched coasters!

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I've been on 106 coasters and Skyrush is the most intense i have ever been on. I always keep my arms up and this was the first coaster that i HAD to hold on. They take your picture at the bottom of the drop when it turns. Because i had my arms up, i was hanging off to the side and you couldnt really see me! hahaha. We could use a ride like that. It's surprisingly compact too!

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I have been on I-305 and it was an awesome ride.It would be awesome for the park to get a ride like that. Skyrush is the most painful coaster I have ever been on. All three times I have been on it it crushed my legs so bad I couldn't enjoy the ride.

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^According to most people, the airtime hills on MF don't heally have that much airtime. Also, those were intamin noob mega coasters. They have gotten better at making them over time. this is proven by Bizarro at sfne a year later. B&M, on the other hand did a great job with it's first hyper coasters, and is consistent in making them. Intamin has caught up, and even surpassed them, (in my opinion) by building Skyrush, which I can tell you is more intense than 10 B&M hypers put together. Also, the newer B&M hypers are a lot better than the older models (excluding nitro, which continues to defy time). All coaster manufactures evolve and the Darien Lake and SFA superman coasters were just the beginning. Honestly though, that ride has WAY too many long, forceless helices, (Proof can be found in the fact that intamin used only 2 rails on the helixes, which is typically reserved for less stressful sections) along with the pointless straightways, and not enough airtime!

I agree with most of what you said, but my point still stands. Superman at SFA is not a very good hyper, let alone Intamin hyper, but it is still a decnt ride that is better than most coasters (possibly Batwing as well) at SFA.


However, you are aware that Bizarro (SFNE) actually opened a week before Superman (SFA) did? Both opened in 2000. Yes, Superman was designed as the Darien Lake version opening in 1999, but Intamin did not improve their hypercoaster concept that much in just one year. I'm sure Bizarro (then Superman) was well into planning stages before its Darien Lake counterpart even opened.

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^Im also surprised. We better get namtaB!


^^^Yes, Skyrush's restraints were painful, but I feel they are getting closer to perfecting it. I went recently after they changed the padding to make it more comfortable, and it was a lot better. Still a little painful, but a lot better. It feels a lot like the B&M hyper restraints IMO. It didn't really take away from the experience for me. I wish we got one like I-305, but with even higher Skyrush intensity! Wouldn't that be awesome?! But unfortunately, just about every amusement park company has given them the cold shoulder except Hershey park, and since they got a lot more than they bargained for with Skyrush, they might not go to them as much. Lately a lot of people have been going to Mack, as they are the closest thing to Intamin. Not nearly as intense or exhilarating, but still ridiculously fun, a little more reliable, and they even have Intamin's signature track style! But i'd much rather see an Intamin.

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It's kinda early to speculate, but I think 2016 will certainly be a coaster year. A. The last NEW coaster we got was El Toro, 10 YEARS ago. B. They went with a low cost attraction this year. C. They have the space to do it, why not?

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The last NEW coaster we got was El Toro, 10 YEARS ago.


I don't understand why some people have a hangup with Green Lantern being relocated and not considering it a NEW coaster. It was NEW to Great Adventue and that is what counts.


If you aren't going to count Green Lantern than you can also leave out the SkyRide, Parachutes, Carousel, Giant Wheel, Swashbuckler, Deja Vu, Safari Off Road Adventure trucks, and bunch of kiddie rides too because they were all also used when they were installed at Great Adventure.


New means new to us.

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Yes but most of those were rides put in during the early years of the park except for Deja Vu which the park made the effort to make our own and not seem like a relocated ride. Now that the park is a big money maker for the chain we should see additions that reflect that. A package of 4 rides in one year reflects that, so does the world's tallest drop tower. GL is a relocated ride that wasn't really designed to fit our park like Nitro and Toro were, it's just a relocated '90s outdated ride that pretty much everyone says is painful. To have that be our only big coaster since toro is bad for what's supposed to be the biggest money maker of the chain.


For a while the excuse was that we had other needs to cover which was true but it's time we get a coaster now.

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What if they added a new B&M that look exactly like Green Lantern - that would be ok? I think you guys are hung up on someone having it before us. If they announced we were getting a new 4200 ft long multi loop coaster (the same stats for GL) next year no one would have a problem with it. And as for custom designed, GL fits that spot just as good as GASM did if not better.


And as for needs, my opinion is that we still don't need another coaster. There are other gaps to fill or types of rides to beef up before adding another coaster.

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Idk.. Green Lantern just isn't fun. I loved Scream Machine but that's because it was classic. There's nothing about GL that draws me in anymore since its been at the park for almost 4 years now. If it was constructed as a brand new ride not just a relocated one than it probably would have ended up smoother, or tbh they probably wouldn't have made it a stand up coaster bc they all have a tendency to be rough. If GL doesn't get turned into a floorless coaster I can see it going next. Shockwave only lasted 2 years, and as years goes by and more thrills get built you will see GL's ride lines slowly diminish until it is exactly like GASM where you can pretty much walk on it.

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I also don't understand why people don't count Green Lantern as a new coaster. I am sure that 99.9% of the people that when to six flags the first year GL was there had never been on it when it was in Kentucky. If it was a ride coming for Hershey or Dorney or somewhere close, then maybe you have somewhat an argument of it not being new.


Before a new coaster the park needs either a water ride or a dark ride along with a couple more flats. After they do that they should get a coaster.

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Well it was built 10+ years ago and you can feel the age in how rough it is (at least in the back). I must agree with Andrew, if it was custom it would be much smoother. It does fit properly in GASM's old spot, but if they got sitdown trains I would be content. It is a really great coaster in terms of track, but the trains make it a nightmare, at least for me. Imagine that 1st drop in sitdown trains!

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I know everyone here seems to be hoping for the next big thing. Something to wow the world. I for one would be happy with something of an in between. A stepping stone if you will. A normal sit down coaster but with loops. Laughing would be a great plus. It doesn't have to be a record breaker but something fun to ride. Think Nitro with a launch and a few loops. Something fun for people to get on and enjoy. We have many rides to scare people in many ways. We need something to step younger kids from RMT to the larger scary rides.


It would help keep lines lower for the other rides and bring in more families with children that are too scared to try the big dogs. I have a younger daughter that the big ones scare her too much to try but she loves the smaller ones. If there was that in between ride it may build the love in coasters and step her up to the bigger ones. Not all the rides should be totally scary some just need to be fun. Doing something like this could build the fan base and that would lead to even more rides down the road.

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