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The Green Lantern


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Actually the trains apparently didn't get rehabbed yet. The green and black train was definitely from Riddler's Revenge (I saw the "hood" the other day) and the train is now being rehabbed in the Maintenance shop. It just looked shiny and new on the truck, but then again it was after dark... :D

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Still, I'm glad the ride is getting themeing, but it should be better than Bizzaro-


1.The ride should have a in line preshow, like Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin, and not just have in-line cominc panels.

2.The line should be enclosed and themed to green Lantern headquarters

3.The lift should feature glowing, misting, o-rings, like Bizzaro has sheilds.

4.The ride should have GOOD on-board audio

5.The ride should actually have the tunne;s and other theming

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Back when the park had Shockwave, I was a tad shorter than my present 6'-6" height, and I was able to fit on the train. Does anyone know if the trains are any different than those used on Shockwave ? I only hope I am still able to ride this coaster, even if I have to bend my knees slightly. I wonder what the official height allowance is ?

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Phil, I think you should be OK. Officially there is only a minimum of 54" without a max, but I believe you do need to be standing up straight. I know when I rode it (Chang at SFKK) I pushed the restraint as high as it could go and then had to lower it because it was too high. I am in the 6'4" range with shoes, so I think you should make out just fine.



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The other 2 we would be missing are the regular sitdown trains and the new 4D coaster. I know a sitdown is never going to happen since that is so similar to floorless.


i was hoping to see some track set by the end of the season, dont think thats gonna happen though


I was thinking last night how opening day is hopefully just over 6 months away and I thought part of the reason they closed GASM so early was to get the new coaster open as early in the season as possible and by now I would have thought the land would be completely cleared and ready for footers to be poured. Hopefully the coaster will go vertical sometime during Frightfest.

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They have too many super hero coasters all over the park! What's the point of MovieTown now that it's only Batman themed? Nitro doesn't even have a theme. Now I'm all for a new coaster, but there are a million other themes that SF could choose from! At least it's near Superman, that will make it seem less random at the "boardwalk".


To be fair, Batman: The Ride and The Dark Knight are both based on specific movies. While The Green Lantern is coming out to coincide with a movie, for all we know it's theme will not be specific to the movie. Superman: Ultimate Flight and Bizarro both aren't linked to any particular movie. That's why they aren't in Movietown.



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To be fair, Batman: The Ride and The Dark Knight are both based on specific movies. While The Green Lantern is coming out to coincide with a movie, for all we know it's theme will not be specific to the movie. Superman: Ultimate Flight and Bizarro both aren't linked to any particular movie. That's why they aren't in Movietown.


Bizarro is not in Movietown because it is not themed to a specific movie, but it IS themed to the old west?

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^The cows, the horses, and the wagons are enough to make it work. WHen the ray hit GAdv it transformed that little section of Frontier Adventures got ripped out, per se, and its now Bizarro's world. Didn't you read the story boards? And anyways, when you walk under that entrance portal your not on Earth anymore, thats Htrae. So yes, in my minds Bizarro's theme does work. Sure its a stretch, but its less of a stretch than Medusa.

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^A stretch is putting it mildly. It's rediculous. Anyone who doesn't ride the ride and read the storyboards would have no idea they even tried that silly explanation. They would just see a huge, out-of-place coaster in an old west section. But as usual the park is only concerned with the people who ride the coasters, and even most of them think it was a poor choice of themes for a ride in Frontier Adventures. There are a million things they could have done with the ride to make it exciting and fit the theme. Every ride in the park does not have to be themed to a comic book character. They're limiting themselves to one small demographic of people and alienating everyone else.

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^A stretch is putting it mildly. It's rediculous. Anyone who doesn't ride the ride and read the storyboards would have no idea they even tried that silly explanation. They would just see a huge, out-of-place coaster in an old west section. But as usual the park is only concerned with the people who ride the coasters, and even most of them think it was a poor choice of themes for a ride in Frontier Adventures. There are a million things they could have done with the ride to make it exciting and fit the theme. Every ride in the park does not have to be themed to a comic book character. They're limiting themselves to one small demographic of people and alienating everyone else.


I disagree. The demographic of super hero-lovers is definitely not small, and it makes the park that much more iconic. Everyone likes super heroes - how could you not? Disney names its rides after well-known movies and characters, why can't Six Flags?


A lot of people are complaining about the amount of super heroes in the park - what's wrong with that? The Green Lantern is a great name for a roller coaster in my opinion, and I think Bizarro is a great name as well. It's always been my opinion that Bizarro's theme is a bit of a stretch, but it works for me too. The only thing I would change would be to completely take down the Medusa theming, make Bizarro's station indoors, and give it more of a sci-fi bunker feel. The Bizarro ray hit Medusa, that's why he's in the middle of Frontier Adventures.


Honestly, a western theme wouldn't have come off as well as Bizarro did.

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You hadn't heard of Green Lantern? He's one of the more popular DC characters even though he never got any movies. I think his powers are pretty awesome.


The main villain in the movie is Parallax, I thought it would have been Sinestro but it looks like thats for a second movie. I don't know how they're going to theme it though... I think it will be themed to Green Lantern's first flight to the plantet Oa after he gets the ring, I did some research. Planet Oa looks like Emerald City.

Edited by acq10uaz
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