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You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?

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The Boardwalk at Hershey Park, it is so poorly designed and way too small for the crowds Hershey gets. Their new wave pool has a queue you wait in and a group people are allowed in there for a timed period with a timer clock. Really it's a shame Hershey did build the Boardwalk since it mars a otherwise fine park.

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Generally I think the included waterpark concept is a bad idea, but especially when it's in the middle of the park. It's a big dead spot in the spring and fall, and in the middle of summer its so jammed with people it's just miserable. At one point Hershey planned a separate gate waterpark which was to have been called Cocoa Beach, but they opted for the all in one park instead.

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Generally I think the included waterpark concept is a bad idea, but especially when it's in the middle of the park. It's a big dead spot in the spring and fall, and in the middle of summer its so jammed with people it's just miserable. At one point Hershey planned a separate gate waterpark which was to have been called Cocoa Beach, but they opted for the all in one park instead.



They should have went with Cocoa beach, The Boardwalk is just too small and jammed in. I think it will probably end up like Adventure Rivers in 10 years. At least with SFA their water park is off to the side so it's not so jammed. Funny thing is Morey's waterparks are jammed in even more yet they are better designed and have better capacity than Hershey's Boardwalk. I still like Hershey but their Boardwalk was a bad idea.

Edited by The Master
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QUOTE(29yrswithaGApass @ Jun 17 2009, 10:22 AM) Super long prescription drug commercials that ramble on for several minutes only to practically tell you that if you take their drug there is a good chance you could be worse off than if you didn't take it.


Yes! And have you noticed that the volume of said commercials is generally marginally louder than that of the program you're watching? laugh.gif

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Those "controversial" Miley Cyrus pictures. It's not the pictures that grind my gears, but the fact that they make the headlining news on TV and the newspaper, while real news stories are reduced to 30 second bits and little articles.

Edited by MarioSonic94
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April showers, in June?!!??!?!



Jon and Kate plus 8 <_<



Those "controversial" Miley Cyrus pictures. It's not the pictures that grind my gears, but the fact that they make the headlining news on TV and the newspaper, while real news stories are reduced to 30 second bits and little articles.


D) All of the above!

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The fact that Disney is discontinuing the sale of most of the Walt Disney Treasures sets. It seems Disney is really pulling out all the stops to push their classic characters out of the public eye and keep cramming Hannah Monstrasa and the Jonas Queers in our faces.

Edited by MarioSonic94
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All it does is encourage people to create more waste by junking older cars that are still in good shape for new cars that hardly get any better MPGs. Anyway the program is already running out of money, but I am mad that my tax money has been wasted on such a nonsense program that destroys older cars for no good reason.

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They don't destroy older cars for no good reason. It gives people the opportunity to get rid of an old gas guzzling clunker and buy a new, fuel efficient car. It gives money directly to the consumer, but requires they spend it on a new car, helping the consumer, the economy and the environment. Only people that want to gid rid of their old clunkers need to participate, they are not coming to your home and stealing your old clunker and making you get a new one. It's a great option for those who want a better vehicle and the best stimulus yet.

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....but I am mad that my tax money has been wasted on such a nonsense program....


What about the countless other government programs that our money is being wasted on? This program at least gives you the opportunity, if you choose, to use that money.


I had a 10 year old truck that got about 17mpg, I traded it in for a car that gets 40+ mpg. Granted, my truck still ran decently and probably could have been resold, but had I traded it in, I would have only received maybe $500, but this incentive allowed me to get $4500. Without that, I would not have been able to afford the car I bought and would have wound up with another gas guzzler. I can feel satisfied that I am 'stimulating the economy,' using less fuel, polluting less, and the steel feel from my truck may be recycled into part of Great Adventure's next roller coaster.


They don't destroy older cars for no good reason. It gives people the opportunity to get rid of an old gas guzzling clunker and buy a new, fuel efficient car. It gives money directly to the consumer, but requires they spend it on a new car, helping the consumer, the economy and the environment. Only people that want to gid rid of their old clunkers need to participate, they are not coming to your home and stealing your old clunker and making you get a new one. It's a great option for those who want a better vehicle and the best stimulus yet.


I could not have said it better myself.

Edited by CablesEric
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If you wanted to be more green then you should have kept your old car. It is better for the environment to keep older cars on the road because most of the pollution created by a car is when it is first manufactured. Not even modern cars burn clean enough to make up for that. And here is what is going to happen to your old cars that you trade in to the program and it's not pretty. What this does is prevent people who still own older car to be able to get used replacement parts for their older cars. Last fall I swapped the V6 out of my 1986 Monte Carlo for a used V8 out of a SS model, still gets 24 MPGs in the real world, (EPA MPG ratings don't happen in real world driving). But with this program that will be alot harder to do in the future, swapping good used engines to keep older car alive. Unless you drive with a very light foot you will probably not see 40+ MPG in real world driving and it won't burn clean enough to undo the pollution to manufacture the new car. Also it is unfair to compare a truck's MPGs to a car's MPGs since there are differences between their weight, gearing, areodynamics, camshaft profile, tuning, etc, it's like comparing a mini to a semi. Since I don't want to start a fight over this I am not going to talk anymore about this subject after this post.

Edited by The Master
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^^I do have to make one quick point. I bought a diesel car, not a hybrid.


And for those who believe that hybrids produce more pollution than standard cars may want to take a look at these links.


Do Hybrid Cars Cause Pollution?




“Dust to Dust” Report Misleads the Media and Public with Bad Science


I agree with The Master and also consider this topic finished. I'm not here to make enemies, besides who else here will I talk to about 'Lost' next February!

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